I'm In Konoha, Sign In Sage Body

Chapter 209 I Can Only Go Up

"It seems that I was the first one." Hyuga Xueying sneered, looking at the stick with red dots in his hand.

The first battle has been decided!

Hyuga Snow Eagle vs Yagyu!

"Just right, the winner of the Chūnin exam has not yet been decided, let's decide here!" Hyuga Xueying stepped forward, the meridian in the corner of the eye extended to the temple, and the white pupil was prominent. In this step, the white eye has been opened.

But everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, sighed, and each stepped aside to make room for the two people in the field.

However, judging by the way they spread out, it didn't seem like they were making room for the two of them, but rather that they were afraid that Yagyu would take the opportunity to escape and block all places where he could escape.

These guys...

Yagyu half-closed his eyes and looked at Hyuga Snow Eagle in front of him.

Rolling eyes? It’s hard to handle, although my Chakra in normal state has reached the quasi-Chūnin level, and I can differentiate Shadow Clone, so I won’t be seen by him because of the abnormal opening of the acupoints in Shengmen mode, but if I use Shadow Clone tactics to escape if.

These guys, as well as Hyuga Snow Eagle's white eyes, can be found immediately, and the Shadow Clone differentiated under Chakra at the quasi-Chūnin level cannot stop Hyuga Snow Eagle at all.

You can only fight for a few seconds, and if you run away from here within a few seconds, even if you open the wounded state, you will be powerless.



Yagyu glanced at Kakashi who was hiding in the dense forest, and knew in his heart that this seemingly vacant position, but actually preventing him from escaping, must be Kakashi's idea!

These guys are well prepared.

For this, Yagyu could only sigh. He originally wanted to leave a Shadow Clone to confuse them, and then escaped to the schist where medical ninjutsu was practiced. The place was hidden and they probably couldn't find it.

However, the current position of everyone has no blind spots in all directions, so it is difficult to escape secretly.

Moreover, these guys are ninjas with rich experience in actual combat. Although they are young, it is quite difficult to deceive them.

In particular, Hyuga Xueying in the field, Hatake Kakashi in the forest, and Shiga Taketake, the existence of these three people, Yagyu is not too optimistic.

We can only face the challenge... Let's solve it quickly! Save as much time as you can!

Thinking of this, Yagyu took a slight breath and stared at Hyuga Snow Eagle with both eyes.

Get serious!

Hyuga Xueying frowned slightly, his body was slightly heavy, one hand was tucked around his waist, and the other hand was stretched forward with a vertical palm slightly bent, and the Gentle Fist posture had been rolled out.

Don't be careless, he is no longer Taki Yagyu during the Chūnin exam. At that time, he had already caused me a lot of trouble, and now he is even more powerful than before.

Moreover, this guy can accurately infer that the invading ninjas will attack the Forbidden Technique room, and even predicted the attack on the hospital. His thoughts are bottomless, although he doesn't want to admit it

But this guy is indeed an astonishing genius, and I probably can't see through his behavior with my white eyes.

Can't believe my eyes too much!

Hyuga Xueying's white eyes are also fixed.


After that, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the two of them almost at the same time.

"Swipe, swipe!"

The sharp light flashed, and Yagyu flung out the hands that were retracted into the ninja bag behind his back, and the four kunai and the four school shurikens went straight towards Hyuga Xueying.

Gentle Fist method, still can't choose melee!

Yagyu formed a seal in his hand, and he had already determined the tactics in his heart.

this is?

The light in Hyuga Snow Eagle's eyes flashed, with the insight of the white eyes, although Yagyu's seal speed was as fast as turning out flowers, every seal was clearly seen by Hyuga Snow Eagle.

Shuriken Shadow Clone!

Hyuga Xueying's white eyes opened slightly, and the shurikens flying rapidly turned into eight, eight into sixteen, sixteen into thirty-two, overwhelming.

This is?

Hyuga Xueying narrowed his white eyes slightly, and the overwhelming shurikens had already struck!

Revolving Heaven!

A semicircular blue Chakra barrier swung out.

"Boom boom boom!"

The overwhelming shuriken hit the semicircular blue barrier and flew out in all directions. The Shadow Clone in his hand exploded, and white mist rose above the semicircular barrier.


Four shurikens and four kunai scattered and inserted into the ground in front of the semicircular barrier.

Does it block the view?

Hyuga Snow Eagle stopped spinning, looked at the white mist in front of him, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

In his vision, the white mist in front of him is useless, and he can clearly see the posture of Yagyu's seal.

Anyway, don't let him tie the seal! Close bunt!

Hyuga Xueying rushed out quickly, breaking through the white mist in front of him, thinking of Yagyu and rushing away, he is very aware of the power of Yagyu's ninjutsu and physical skills, and he is also very afraid, this (jfd) must use the Gentle Fist method Advantage.

In terms of melee combat, Jue Quan is the strongest!

And the next moment, Hyuga Xueying stared slightly, stopped suddenly, looked down slightly, but saw a kunai that was just blown away by Revolving Heaven stuck at his feet. And the piece of paper tied to the back of this Ku Wuwei has already ignited with a "chi" sound!


Too concerned about those seals of Shiragiri and Taki Yagyu!

Hyuga Snow Eagle's heart tightened, and he turned around this thought.


When the thought turned, there was a sudden explosion, and a ball of fire and smoke rose in front of Hyuga Snow Eagle, engulfing him instantly.

Sure enough, you can never be careless in fighting him!

The next second that the detonating symbol smoke engulfed Hyuga Snow Eagle, Hyuga Snow Eagle's figure was covered with a trace of smoke, and flew back from the fire smoke with his hands crossed to block.

While flying back, his line of sight moved down slightly.

Heart decapitation?

After thinking about it, Hyuga Snow Eagle had already landed on the ground. The moment his feet touched the ground, he jumped up suddenly, curled up like a tiger with one palm, and pushed it downward.

Eight Trigrams Air Palm!

And the moment he jumped up, a pair of hands broke through the ground, almost wiping his trousers and clenched into fists.


The air twisted and bumped into these two hands fiercely, and the ground exploded immediately, and the broken soil and grass flew out, and fell to the ground with a "slap".

But at this time, Hyuga Snow Eagle, who shot out his empty palm in the air, turned his head abruptly, spinning in the air, and a circular blue barrier spun out.

Revolving Heaven!


A soil cone came quickly and hit the circular blue barrier heavily. The moment of collision, the tip of the soil cone exploded violently, and as the soil cone pierced, the soil cone exploded inch by inch. Open, the field grains fly out.

Toulon gun?

The impact of the soil cone stopped, the entire soil cone stopped, and at the same time, every inch of the crack seemed to be about to collapse, and the momentum of Hyuga Snow Eagle's Revolving Heaven also stopped, and the person spun to a stop in the air, facing the direction of the soil cone.

Sure enough, it was such a combo attack!

Hyuga Snow Eagle rolls his eyes, and at this moment, Yagyu is rushing on the cracked soil cone!

Step on a piece of soil cone!

In an instant, it had already attacked his side.

I saw Yagyu stepped hard, the soil cone collapsed completely, and his figure also jumped up, stood up and clenched his fist, and punched Hyuga Snow Eagle straight away.

Hyuga Snow Eagle is in the air, there is no way to dodge it, Revolving Heaven stopped just now, and he released Revolving Heaven again, not to mention that he has no way to leverage in the air, even if he can rotate again, Yagyu's punch came too fast, it was too late !

The timing of Yagyu's punch was perfect and impeccable.

The decapitation technique in the heart is to force me into the air, and the earth-long gun is to cheat me of Revolving Heaven. I am in mid-air, so I can use the power of jumping up to perform a second Revolving Heaven... difficult To!

Even if it is done, it is too late to display it at this time!

Hyuga Snow Eagle's white eyes widened slightly, and at the same time, the white pupils moved up slightly. At this moment, above his head, there was another Yagyu, who was doing a split with his legs raised.

There was Yagyu punching in front, and Yagyu splitting in front, and he was in mid-air, Revolving Heaven couldn't come out again.

With this blow, the outcome will be decided! .

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