I'm In Konoha, Sign In Sage Body

Chapter 41 Yagyu Is About To Start Getting Stronger Again (2)

Chapter 41

Inside Hokage's office.

Yagyu looked at the smiling Third Hokage in front of him:

"Old man, what is your expression? Don't be like this, I'm a little scared!"

Choked by Yagyu, the smile on Third Hokage's face froze.

After glancing at Yagyu angrily, he opened his mouth and said:

"How does it feel?"

Confused, Yagyu looked at Third Hokage:

"How does what feel?"

Take a drag on a cigarette.

The old god Third Hokage said in Zaizai:

"How else can it feel? The old man gave you free publicity about the fact that you fought against Uchiha Itachi and retreated unscathed! Now in the eyes of everyone in the village, you are already a super genius!"

Not to mention a hero.

After all, Yagyu fought Uchiha Itachi and escaped unscathed. It is not a big deal to save the village.

At most, add a little--

Firmly guard Anko as a teammate!

Just this will bring Yagyu a huge record, and the prestige that comes with it.

Yagyu isn't exactly Konoha's hero yet.

"It turned out that you did it, old man!"

Hearing Third Hokage's words, Yagyu suddenly realized:

"No wonder I found that the way everyone looked at me has changed, and they have become very respectful to me...that's how it is!"

Speaking of which.

A smile appeared on Yagyu's face, and continued:

"As for my feelings, I have some! But it's not too strong. I just did what I should do, and there is nothing worth promoting! But I am very strong, and it is good!"

I heard the words of Yagyu, the prince who sells melons and sells melons.

Third Hokage was both speechless and nodded in relief.

What Yagyu said just now——

It directly showed that he was not confused by the current achievements.

As expected, he is indeed the most perfect closed disciple who has completely withstood all his tests in the past six years!

"Keep this humble attitude, Sousuke!"

Looking at the somewhat narcissistic Yagyu, Third Hokage smoked and said:

"You still have a long way to go in the future, and it's not yet time for you to be proud!"

Swish Swish.

while speaking.

Third Hokage casually threw two scrolls to Yagyu.

After taking it, Yagyu was full of doubts:

"What is this? Is it a new mission?"

shook his head.

Third Hokage looked a little reminiscent, and said:

"These are two ninjutsu scrolls. One was developed by the deceased Fourth Hokage, and the other is Lightning Style ninjutsu. Using it with your sword technique will have a good effect!"

Heard the words of Third Hokage.

Yagyu's eyes lit up:

"Good stuff! You are so generous, old man, how embarrassing you are!"

while speaking.

Yagyu had already put the two scrolls into his pocket.

With that appearance, it is clear that it will not be returned to Third Hokage.

The corners of his eyes twitched, and looking at Yagyu, who had a duplicity in his face and a very quick strike, Third Hokage waved his hands casually.

Angrily chased people away and said:

"Get the scroll and get the hell out of here, you bastard!"

Hey hey smile.

Yagyu left Third Hokage's office happily carrying two ninjutsu scrolls.

Not long after I walked out of Third Hokage's office——

blah blah.

Yagyu, who was going downstairs, heard a dull footstep on the stairs at the corner.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a man he had been guarding against from the very beginning.

Holding a cane, a man with a bandage on one hand, a bandage on his head, and a blindfolded one eye, is going up the stairs.

Konoha's famous Nabekage——

Shimura Danzō.

"How did this old Yubi... come to the Hokage building?"

With some doubts and scrutiny in his eyes, Yagyu glanced at Danzo:

"Could it be because of my business?"

Although I was very puzzled.

But Yagyu is not stupid enough to ask.

He just took a look, then looked away, and left the Hokage building quickly, not intending to have any communication with Danzo at all.

This old dick-

Now no longer dormant all the time!

That is to say, no opportunity can be found, and there is still some lack of strength.

Otherwise, Yagyu must kill this old Yinbi.


back home.

Yagyu couldn't wait to take out two scrolls and read them.

After checking the contents of the two scrolls, he had the expected expression on his face:

"Sure enough, the ninjutsu developed by Fourth Hokage is Rasengan? This is the qualification for me to use the Rasengan series of ninjutsu in the future!"

After looking at Rasengan's scroll, Yagyu's eyes turned to another scroll.

for him--

The value of Lightning Style ninjutsu is even higher!

You must know that the Wind Style Chakra Mode, which he developed by himself to increase various speeds for himself, is also a type of ninjutsu.

Although the blessing of its own speed is also very fast, it pays more attention to cutting power.

Ninjutsu that is really suitable for enhancing one's own speed——

It has to be Lightning Style ninjutsu!

As for why not develop Lightning Style Chakra Mode?

That's because Wind Style Chakra Mode takes into account Yagyu's knife skills, and it took a lot of time to develop and master Wind Style Chakra Mode alone.

In addition, other practice also takes up a lot of Yagyu's time, and he has not yet developed Lightning Style ninjutsu.

Now Third Hokage has delivered a copy directly to your door, which is of course excellent.

"Combined with the super high speed of defense, and the cutting power of my Wind Style Chakra Mode!"

After watching the entire scroll, Yagyu had a satisfied smile on his face:

"In this way, I can even break through to the Kage-level level with sword skills, and it is extremely close to super Kage-level combat power, and stand at the top of the ninja world with sword skills!"

Plus Jōnin technique cultivation base.

A Sharingan that can continue to be developed.

And then there is Wood Style, which will definitely be awakened one day.

It is not too much to reach a super shadow level in the future!

Having obtained two brand new ninjutsu, Yagyu has made a decision——

Vacation is over.

Starting tomorrow, I will officially practice Lightning Style ninjutsu.

And it will be improved, and its own things will be integrated into it to make it its own.


The next day, early morning.

It is still the training ground that Yagyu often comes to.

Sitting under the tree, looking at Yagyu's Ino with a bewildered face, he didn't do any tasks today.

So it is rare that I have time to accompany Yagyu to practice here.

After getting along for six years, Ino also knows that Yagyu is not a romantic man, he is used to this kind of warm life.

Gradually, while getting used to Yagyu, Ino also got used to this kind of life.

So I don't feel bored, I just feel that the years are quiet and beautiful in my heart.

And in the open space next to it, Yagyu is constantly mobilizing his own huge Chakra, constantly transforming it into Lightning Style Chakra, stimulating the cells in his whole body.

Ninjutsu -

It is the process of the body adapting to various attributes of Chakra.

When the Wind Style Chakra Mode was first developed, Yagyu accepted the tearing force of Wind Style Chakra abruptly and fully adapted to it.

Thanks to this, his body is already quite strong.

So now when practicing Lightning Style Chakra Mode, it is faster than Yagyu imagined.

Of course.

Yagyu can clearly feel——

He got stronger again!

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