I'm In Konoha, Sign In Sage Body

Chapter 81 The Meaning Of Standing Position (3)

Chapter 81

There is no need to say more about the affairs of the three of Yagyu.

At this moment, the atmosphere among the three of Tsunade was extremely tense.

Look across at Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Orochimaru's expression didn't change much, his eyes were still cold:

"I didn't expect that when we met again, it would be in such a situation... Has it reached the point where life and death are facing each other?"

Heard the words of Orochimaru.

Jiraiya's eyes dimmed a little, then returned to normal and said:

"Orochimaru, what's the point of saying this now?"

Tsunade takes two steps forward.

While raising his hands to form a seal, he said with a cold face:

"Orochimaru, in the name of the Fifth Hokage of the village, today I must keep you, and die!"

Chakra surged.

Tsunade's face turned serious, and he shouted:

"Summoning Technique!"

See Tsunade in action.

"Two Four Seven" Yakushi Kabuto standing next to Orochimaru, endured the injury he was beaten by Yagyu.

Take Orochimaru's blood to replace Orochimaru's seal that cannot use hands at the moment:

"Summoning Technique!"

In Sannin, the last Jiraiya also dare not neglect, with cold sweat on her face:

"Must come out! Wentai! Summoning Technique!"

Bang bang bang.

Three groups of huge white smoke exploded out of thin air, covering the movement on the battlefield.

Wait until the white smoke dissipates.

Three creatures like hills appeared on the battlefield, presenting a triangular opposing posture.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the field became very depressed and solidified.

the other side.

Yagyu, who was watching the battle, saw these three behemoths and said:

"Is this Sannin's Summoning Beast, Sanji? Ten Thousand Snakes, Toad Bunta, and Katsuyu! This scene is really shocking..."

The boost that such three Summoning beasts bring in battle is quite terrifying.

In many cases, size is justice!

Sanji's size is a bit invincible.


Shizune nodded in agreement with Yagyu's words:

"This scene is indeed shocking!"

Instead, Naruto said with a normal expression on his face:

"Is that so? When I Summoned Boss Toad before, I felt that Boss Toad is very powerful, and I didn't have much feeling!"

Hear Naruto's words.

Yagyu and Shizune looked at him again—

That's entirely because you are too weak, you can't feel the envelope of this almost solidified strong man's aura!

The so-called those who don't know are fearless, that's it.

The appearance of Sanji kicked off the internal battle of Sannin, which is well-known in the ninja world, and it just started with such a great momentum.

Yagyu took Naruto and Shizune directly, and retreated a distance again.

Keeping a sufficient safe distance, we waited for this battle that would have no results at all to come to an end.

As Yagyu guessed——

About half an hour later, the duel between the anticlimactic Sannin ended with Orochimaru's rout.

Other than that, there are no substantive consequences.

Even Yakushi Kabuto was not injured after being hit hard by Yagyu at the beginning.

Therefore, Yagyu has only one evaluation for this battle——


If you really want to kill Orochimaru, it is not impossible for Tsunade and Jiraiya to join forces.

But it's a pity that neither of them can make a real death move!


Location at the gate of Konoha Village.

Many free villagers, as well as free ninjas gathered here one by one.

Because today is a rather special day——

One of the Sannin in the Konoha legend, Katsuyu Princess Tsunade, finished her travels outside and returned to the village to succeed the Fifth Hokage in the village.

What has been gradually forgotten by people, Tsunade's record has also been remembered again.

So facing my own village, which is about to have a very powerful Fifth Hokage, almost all the villagers have a very happy and joyful attitude.

You must know that since the sacrifice of Third Hokage, Konoha has lost a strong man like Dinghaishenzhen.

Even if there is an Elite Jōnin like Kakashi, or even a strong man like Yagyu from the new generation,

But if Hokage doesn't make a decision, Konoha will be in panic all day.


It is only natural that Tsunade's return will be welcomed by such a big crowd.

Konoha's village gate.

Ino stood at the gate of the village with full of longing on his face, looking forward to the road ahead.

In addition to Ino, little Sakura also held flowers in her hands.

This is dedicated to Tsunade!

Being able to do this kind of action was naturally arranged by Konoha's Shikang.

At this moment, the two foolish elders of Konoha are also waiting at the gate of Konoha's village.

The matter of Fifth Hokage is really too important.

There is no room for their negligence!

After all, these two elders still know a thing or two about Tsunade's temper...

"Oh! Here it comes!"

Among the crowd, an unknown person shouted.

Everyone looked up -

I saw a few figures, who had already appeared at the end of the road at this moment, walking towards Konoha.

"That beautiful woman is Tsunade-sama, right? She's so beautiful!"

"And Master Jiraiya!"

"Yagyu-sama is here too! Sure enough, Yagyu-sama is so handsome!"

"Another, did Uzumaki Naruto also go on this mission?"

"It's pretty good! The performance of the last Chūnin exam was also very good, this guy is also an excellent Genin!"

There are many voices for discussion.

Most of it is concentrated on Tsunade, and a small amount is on Jiraiya.

Less is on the two of Yagyu and Naruto.

As for Shizune, in this case, it's just a little transparency.

Not much time.

Yagyu's group, led by Tsunade, came to the gate of the village.

Back in the village, Yagyu looked at Ino, whose beautiful eyes had been on him from the beginning, and smiled softly at him.

Follow Tsunade, who has been received, and head into the village.

Although this is just a welcome ceremony, it is also very important.

After all, succeeding Hokage, Tsunade also needs prestige and support.

And Yagyu and Jiraiya, together with Naruto, who is weak but significant in itself, followed behind Tsunade.

This is a kind of silent support and standing in line!

Some ninjas who understand a little bit of politics know what this means.

Of course 4.0——

These things are unspoken!

I have been busy for most of the day.

After completing the handover of this task, Yagyu has nothing to do.

Directly left the Hokage building.

Just when he walked to the door, Yagyu saw Ino waiting outside the Hokage building.

"Songsuke, welcome back!"

Seeing Yagyu coming out, Ino threw himself into Yagyu's arms and said:

"I miss you so much!"

Little girlfriend in arms.

Yagyu said with a doting smile on his face:

"I'm back! I too... miss you so much!"


while speaking.

He kissed Ino directly on the forehead.

Didn't care what occasion it was.

As a result, the adults passing by all looked at Ino and Yagyu with a smile on their faces. .

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