I'm In Konoha, Sign In Sage Body

Chapter 88 Count Your Sins! (4)

Chapter 88

on the deck of the ship.

"Hurry up!"

The run-up was busy running up and down, and all the actors were also preparing for the pre-shooting preparations:

"Otherwise, the director will be angry later! Let the boat dock, the props crew get ready, and all the actors get ready! After landing, the filming will begin."


Under the quick action of the crew.

The ship quickly landed on the shore of the glacier, and all the staff were ready to go ashore.

Just at this time--


Yagyu's figure blocked Fenghua Xiaoxue who was about to go ashore first.

"Wait a minute!"

Looking at the iceberg in front of him, Yagyu sneered and said:

"The current iceberg, you still can't go up!"

Heard Yagyu's words.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at Yagyu with doubts.

Although because of the previous incident, she was a little afraid of Yagyu.

But also know that at least Yagyu won't hurt her.

"Master Yagyu, what's wrong?"

Santai Asama came to Yagyu's side and asked:

"Is there something wrong here?"

shook his head.

Yagyu looked past Mrs. Asama and looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue:

"I know your identity is unusual! In order to prevent you from running away because of fear and causing me unnecessary troubles, I just let you experience my strength today! Don't worry! The me now is better than that guy Kakashi, Much more powerful."

while speaking.

Yagyu went up the iceberg alone, wearing a windbreaker to keep out the cold.

Looking at the figure of Yagyu going ashore alone, the others all looked puzzled, you looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other.

On the other hand, Fenghua Xiaoxue seemed to have remembered something, her face turned pale, and she grabbed the railing of the boat, barely making a fool of herself.

Ignore the thoughts of these people.

Yagyu came to the iceberg alone:

"Get out! I have sensed the Chakra breath of the three of you! Don't hide anymore.

At the same time as the voice fell.

Yagyu raised his hand and drew the Chakra Taidao behind him.


A sword groan suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, three incomparable saber qi directly slashed towards three places.


These three saber qi are incomparable. On the glacier, three gullies have been cut. If it is seen on a person, it may directly tear him to pieces.

Just when Dao Qi was about to see the target pointed by Yagyu——

Bang bang bang.

Under the thick snow, three figures suddenly emerged, narrowly dodging Yagyu's three sword auras.

After falling to the side, the true appearance of these three people was revealed.

None other than the three powerful ninjas from Snow Hidden Village in the Snow Country——

Wolf Fang Avalanche, Crane Wing Blowing Snow, Winter Bear Hail!

The three even teamed up to defeat the young Kakashi, forcing Kakashi to flee the Snow Country with the young Fenghua Xiaoxue.

As for strength -

so so!

Belongs to trash ninjas.

The one that Yagyu doesn't care about at all.

But if Yagyu doesn't see it, others may not.

With the appearance of the three members of Spike Avalanche, the faces of all the crew members on board changed drastically, and their expressions were filled with horror.

On Fenghua Xiaoxue's face, there was a color of fear that penetrated into the bone marrow.

Her body trembled involuntarily. If Mrs. Asama was not supporting her, she might have escaped into the cabin.

on the iceberg.

"A ninja from Konoha~?"

After seeing Yagyu, Spike Avalanche's face was full of disdain:

Do you think it’s some big Jōnin, a kid?”

In the tone, there is quite a gesture of looking down on the world.

Those who don't know will think how powerful this guy is.

"You two killed him!"

Looking at Yagyu, Langya Xuebing casually said:

"Then catch Fenghua Xiaoxue on the boat, our mission can be completed immediately.

I heard the arrangement of Wolf Fang Avalanche.

Crane Wing Chuuxue and Dongxiong Binghai took action directly.

One person's Chakra armor stretched out a pair of wings and flew straight up, while the other took out a ski.

Both of them rushed towards Yagyu at the same time.

With a sneer on his face and a murderous aura around his body, Crane Wings Blowing Snow and Dong Xiong Hail seem quite bluffing.

"I really don't know how to live or die!"

Glancing at Crane Wing Fuxue and Dongxiong Binghai who were coming towards him, Yagyu said calmly:

"Depending on the equipment, it's just a small shrimp at the level of Elite Chunin!"

When Yagyu's voice fell, there was a Lightning Style Chakra circulating on his body.

next moment--


His figure was like a flash of thunder, and Yagyu was in front of He Yi Fuuxue in an instant.

"Take care of you first!"

Arriving in front of Crane Tsubasa Fubuki, the Chakra Taidao in Yagyu's hand swirled the extremely sharp Wind Style blade.

Using two Chakra Nature Transformations at the same time is a breeze for today's practitioners.

"I accept your life!"

With a calm gaze, Yagyu said calmly, looking at Crane Wing Fuxue as if he were looking at a dead person.


While speaking, the Chakra Taidao in Yagyu's hand uttered a sword groan, and with a piercing light of the sword, it slashed towards Crane Yi Fubuki's neck.


There was only the sound of a sword slicing through the body, Yagyu's knife directly broke through Crane Wing Fuxue's Chakra armor defense, and slashed his head.

From shooting to beheading.

However, in the blink of an eye, even Crane Wing Chuuxue himself had not had time to react, and his body and head were already separated.


Dongxiong Hail, who cooperated with Crane Wing Fubuxue to attack Yagyu below, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this scene:

"He killed Fubuki without noticing it at all?! What is this guy's identity?"

When the doubts of the winter bear's hail arose—


Yagyu's figure appeared behind him at some unknown time.

"So are you ready to meet Shinigami?"

Yagyu's cold voice sounded.

On Dong Xiong Binghai's face, there was a look of fear.

I haven't waited for him (Dede Zhao) to speak and react.

Yagyu's urging words sounded again:

"Go to hell and count your sins!"


Another slash with a knife light, Dong Xiong Binghai's headless body, and the head that flew a few meters fell to the ground at the same time.


After beating two people in a row, Yagyu put the knife back into its sheath.

Turning his head, his eyes turned, and he looked at the last Spike Avalanche among Xue Ren's trio.

"Solved two qi!"

His eyes were so calm with a little disdain, looking at the wolf tooth avalanche on the opposite side, and said:

"Next, it's up to you!"

blah blah.

while speaking.

Yagyu fixed his eyes on Spike Avalanche, without giving him any chance to escape.

The stunned Spike Avalanche looked at the corpses of Crane Wing Chuixue and Dongxiong Binghai on the ground, his face became very solemn.

Watching Yagyu warily, his body tensed:

"Who are you?! How could Konoha have such a powerful ninja?".

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