Chapter 55 Konoha's Zero Elimination Disturbance

'Ah! ’

A cold wind suddenly appeared in the classroom.

The source of this cold wind is Gaara.

He stared at Yuichi's back, his face sneered involuntarily.

The gaze seemed as if a hungry wolf was eyeing its prey.

‘Genin of Konoha is not as weak as he thought! ’

Ibi looked at Yuichi in the first row with joy, looked at it secretly and didn't say anything.

Although it is not 100% sure, Ibis told myself the feeling.

The guy who showed his skills in the first Chūnin exam should be this Genin who can't be wrong.

"Yuichi", who looked down at his test paper, felt the gaze coming from all directions.

Gaara, Neji, Sasuke, and Chūnin who were invigilators.

They obviously noticed themselves.

‘This should be the effect required by the ontology! ’

Wood Style clone is very satisfied.

He completed the task ordered by the body.

If Yuichi himself were here, I wouldn’t think so...

The exam continues.

But no one's heart can be calmed down.

Among the candidates in the same period, there was a guy who made the invigilator Chūnin at a loss.

Even if you pass this exam, you will definitely encounter this pervert in subsequent exams.

Fighting against such a guy is simply looking for death.

When the opponent shot the ninja from Rain Shinobi Village, they couldn't even see the opponent's appearance. The speed was as terrifying as a ghost.

If you meet the opponent in an exam that requires combat, you will basically be eliminated.

The point is that they still don't know who did it!

The existence of a strong opponent without even knowing who he is is even more disturbing.

The slow-forward test time is a torment for candidates who are still in the test room.

Like the original book, there are also many candidates who cheated too badly and were eliminated.

But the difference is that there are still many candidates in the classroom.

The Genins of Konoha, although they don't know who helped them, all have a faint smile on their faces.

Looking at the unlucky Genin in other villages, they were cleared out one by one.

The exam time soon came to an end.

In the end, all Genin who participated in the Chūnin exam passed by Konoha.

Looking at a large group of people in the classroom.

‘This is bad...’


The glass on the side burst open suddenly.

A figure flashed in front of Ibizi.

Two handles kunai pierced the ceiling in an instant.

A banner tied to it opened.

An enthusiastic Anko appeared.

After a wave of embarrassing speeches.

Suddenly she looked down at a large crowd of people in the classroom!

Anko froze for a moment and looked back at Ibizi, "Is it early? But I think the first exam should be over by the time!"

"Um!" Iby paused, "The first exam is indeed over."

"Then what's going on?" Anko pointed to the Genins in the examination room and looked at Ibis.


"It's all..."

"Genin who passed the first exam!"

After Ibis finished speaking, she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Anko.

Anko nodded and looked back at the Genins in the classroom.

"Are you... just kidding! So many people all passed the first exam~ try..."

Boom! !

The front row of tables was suddenly shattered by Anko's punch.

Yuichi jumped back, avoiding the flying sawdust.


Konoha Hokage office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is working on the documents, and at the same time he is a little worried about the progress of the Chūnin exam.

The Chūnin exam can be equivalent to a small national battle in the Alliance Ninja Village.

This is a stage specially arranged for Konoha's heirs.

There can be absolutely no mistakes.

On the one hand, it is related to Konoha's majesty, but it also allows the heirs of the major families to show up in Konoha and accumulate prestige, which is more conducive to future inheritance of the family.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"come in!"

"Master Third Generation, there is something to report to you."

An Anbu member appeared in front of Third Generation.

Third Generation raised his eyes, "Let's talk! What's the matter, could it be that the ninjas of other villages are making trouble in Konoha?"

"No, Lord Third Generation is about some special situations that occurred in the first exam of the Chūnin exam."

Hearing this, Third Generation slowly raised his head.

Staring at the Anbu ninja below with majestic eyes.

There can be no mistakes in the Chūnin exam, which is related to Konoha's face.

At the same time, it also involves the heirs of the major families. Third Generation has already emphasized that there are real problems now.

"What kind of special situation?"

I heard a low voice from Third Generation.

Anbu ninja swallowed. "Chūnin exam first exam, ninja in our village..."

"All passed!"

quiet! !

Third Generation stared at the Anbu Ninja in front of him blankly.

He suddenly choked...


The Ninja School looked at the Genins who left, and Ibis rubbed his swollen head very depressed.

On the streets of Konoha.

Konoha Genin, who left the ninja school after the exam, ran home one after another.

With friends, family, companions, and teachers.

Share the joy of successfully passing the exam.

For a while, Konoha became lively.

Konoha today is three points more lively than usual.

In the noise from outside the window, some civilian ninja families can even be heard cheering and celebrating.

Third Generation has a sullen face.

"Master Third Generation, in the first test, Konoha has all Genin eliminated. Even if our Chūnin did not release water, other Shinnin villages would never believe it."

"The news that Chūnin tried Konoha to open the back door for his ninja would have an extremely bad influence on Konoha."

Hearing this, Third Generation slowly turned around and looked at the Anbu ninja in front of him.

Doesn't he understand this truth!

But now this situation...

At Konoha Village, with the reason of reporting the test results to his teacher, Wood Style cloned and found Yuichi transformed into Kazuya.

Came to a remote place and talked to Yuichi about what happened in the examination room today.

Yuichi's face was gloomy at first, and the clone completely understood what he meant.

However, when I learned that Ibizi chose to admit that those Genin who had been helped were qualified.

Yuichi couldn't help laughing.

"You have done a wonderful thing for me this time."

The clone is a little confused "What do you mean?"

"Haha! You...have a problem for our Third Hokage, and this time, no matter what he chooses, it will make some people uncomfortable! Hahaha! Good job!"*

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