Thor was on the verge of death, and finally got Mjolnir's approval.

The hammer flies away, and finally falls into Thor's hands.

Sif and the others noticed that Mjolnir flew over, saw that Thor was "resurrected" and caught Mjolnir, and they were relieved.

"I knew it."

"Thor Thor is coming back, haha!"

The power of thunder returned to Thor's body again.

In an instant, Thor was fully charged and resurrected with full blood.

With Mjolnir, and restored thunder powers, these frost titans are no match for Thor at all.

With a few hammers down and the power of thunder, these Frost Titans were easily wiped out.

"You go to destroy the invading Frost Titans, those important places, strengthen the guards."

"I'm going to save my father!"

After speaking, Thor picked up the hammer and was carried away by the hammer.


In the palace, Odin's guards have been wiped out by Lauf and the frost titan he brought.

Lauf looked at Odin in an eternal sleep, enjoying himself.

The old opponent for so many years is about to die in his hands at this moment.

At that time, Asgard will be his own.

Moreover, I will become the supreme King of God, unifying the Nine Realms!

Although Frigga had learned some spells, she couldn't stop the Frost Titan King.

"It was the Frost Titan Lord, Lauf, who killed you!"

Just when Lauf was about to strike, Loki arrived just in time.

Gungnir fires a blast of energy that hits Lauf.

Lauf was immersed in joy, Frigga couldn't stop herself, and had already let down her vigilance.

Unexpectedly, he was attacked by Loki.

Lauf, who was repulsed, suffered only a few minor injuries, which were not fatal.

Looking at Loki in front of him, Lauf suddenly lost his mind.

Okay, let's join forces and destroy Odin?

Are we partners?

Moreover, they are still father and son!

Before Lauf could figure it out, the Gungnir in Loki's hand gathered a large amount of energy, which was about to kill him.

Lauf was very puzzled, but there was no time for him to figure it out.

With Gungnir's powerful force, Lauf was killed in one hit.

As for the remaining two guards, they are not opponents either.

Loki hurriedly checked Frigg's situation. Although Loki knew his identity, he still loved Asgard and respected Frigg.

This is also because Loki is young, and Frigga has always favored Loki.


After Loki made sure that Frigga was fine, he immediately continued with his plan.

"Mother, I'm late. I didn't expect that Frost Titan would have a way to infiltrate God's Domain, giving them a chance."

"This time, I'm going to activate Bifrost and destroy Jotonheim completely."

"In this way, future troubles will be eliminated forever, and other star regions will respect us."

Although Frigga usually doesn't care about these things, Loki's behavior has exceeded Frigga's imagination.

"No, Loki, you can't do that."

"If you do this, it will cause fear and dissatisfaction in other star regions. Your father will not allow you to do this."

But Loki spoke righteously, and even said a little excitedly, "I won't let anyone hurt you and father, no matter who it is."

Just as Loki said this, Thor arrived with a hammer.

Thor hears Loki's words and sees through Loki's lies.

"Loki, I promised you that I would renounce the throne, you don't have to!"

Loki is already close to madness, no one can stop him at this point in his plan.

Even with Thor restored to power, Loki will not back down.

"Thor, in just a few days, you've become cowering and weak."

"I will prove to my father that I am better than Thor and that I am worthy of the throne!"

Frigga still wants to stop, but Loki has disappeared.

Thor didn't even have time to stop, "Mother, take care of father, I will stop Loki."

Frigga is extremely worried, but she can only trust Thor.

"Go, stop him!"

The two flew together and came to the end of Bifrost.

Loki was one step ahead, and got here first.

As long as the weapon is activated and the energy is transmitted through Bifrost, huge amounts of energy are enough to destroy the entire planet.

However, when Loki arrived, he found Heimdall that had been unsealed.

And beside Heimdall, there is another person whom he hates very much, Su Yi.

"Mortal, why are you here?"

Su Yi was extremely relaxed, "definitely teleported here to stop you."

"I know your plan to use Bifrost to destroy Jotonheim, and maybe even my planet."

"So, I have to stop you."

Loki was exposed, but he didn't panic, instead he laughed.

"You are right, your planet must be destroyed too!"

"Because of you, God is insulted!"

Loki growled, shooting energy directly from Gungnir in his hand.

Gungnir is also worthy of being Odin's weapon. The energy emitted has the power of Odin and is extremely powerful.

Not what Loki's own staff could compare to before.

Su Yi didn't dare to underestimate her, and used an energy barrier to protect herself.

The energy barrier was broken, and Su Yi's body endured the damage.

Fortunately, Loki did not fully control Gungnir and could not exert his full power.

If Odin came over in person, Su Yi would definitely be unstoppable.

Thor flew over with his hammer and stopped Loki.

"Loki, that's enough!"

Loki is already frantic, the plan has reached this point, how can Loki stop?

Even though the plan was messed up, Loki decided to complete this last step no matter what.

"You, you can't stop me."

Gungnir's power converged and aimed at the three of Su Yi.

The energy of this blow is not as simple as a simple biu.

The three hurriedly showed their magical powers to stop Gungnir's energy.

Huge amounts of energy collided, causing a big bang.

The power of huge amounts of explosion knocked four people back.

Loki couldn't care less, inserted Gungnir into the starter, and was ready to start planning.

Su Yi didn't intend to waste any more time.

If it hurts its own planet, it will be a big problem.

A teleportation appeared in front of Loki, one hand grabbed Loki's neck, and the other grabbed Gungnir.

As Odin's weapon, full of Odin's power.

This power is incomparably powerful, and it is transmitted to Su Yi, as if it intends to destroy Su Yi.

After all, Su Yi is not qualified to use Gungnir.

But Su Yi persisted, leaving Gungnir aside.

Loki was strangled by Su Yi, struggling hard, and while Su Yi was eroded by Gungnir's power, he broke free from Su Yi.

"Humble mortal, this time, you must die!"

Su Yi looked at the crazy Loki and couldn't take it anymore.

Anyway, this is Asgard, anyway, there are only a few people here.

A big pussy slaps Loki in the face.

"I gave you a face, didn't I?"

"You think you are the son of the king of gods, you are amazing, don't you?"

"Without Odin, what are you still?"

"God of trickery?"

"A trivial ruse? Just stupid!"

Su Yi complained and started to fight.

Several big fights in succession, heavier punches, and directly hit Loki on the Bifrost.

After venting, Su Yi finally let go.

"It's comfortable."

"It's no wonder that Da Chao has no skills in fighting. It turns out that he is so powerful that he really doesn't need any skills!"

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