I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 107 Sister-In-Law And Brother-In-Law

Su Yi and Natasha Romanoff found Yelena and planned to give Yelena the Fire Lingzhu.

Definitely, let Natasha Romanoff and Yelena communicate in advance.

With stronger strength, you can also protect those around you.

Yelena did not have the slightest hesitation and chose to agree.

Su Yi took out the Fire Lingzhu and prepared to give it to Yelena.

Yelena stretched out her hand lightly, and took the Fire Lingzhu.

Through the simple method of dripping blood, let the fire spirit bead recognize its owner.

I saw the fire spirit bead emitting a dazzling red light, and then submerged into Yelena's body.

After integrating for the first time, the Fire Spirit Bead exudes a powerful force and begins to improve Yelena's body.

The fiery power of the Fire Spirit Orb enveloped Yelena.

Yelena felt the strength of this force, and felt even more the damage it caused to her body.

To transform and strengthen the body, the first step is naturally to cause damage and damage.

This will bring huge amounts of pain, which is unbearable for Yelena.

The surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, hotter than the steam room.

Yelena Xiang was dripping with sweat, but was quickly evaporated by the high temperature.

Seeing Yelena's slightly painful appearance, and this situation, which has exceeded the limit that ordinary people can bear, Natasha Romanoff was extremely worried.

"Su, can we help Yelena?"

Su Yi thought for a while and expressed his own analysis.

"The Fire Dragon Ball is improving Yelena's body, because the power of fire is too violent. If you want to improve your body, you must destroy it first, and then you can be reborn."

"The Fire Lingzhu will protect her, but these pains must be experienced."

Natasha Romanoff continued, "Can I heal her with a horse charm and help her relieve her pain?"

"It's probably not suitable, your horse charm will purify the abnormal power in the body."

"Now the power of the Fire Spirit Orb hasn't fully integrated with Yelena, it will be cleared by the horse charm."

"This will cause the power of the Fire Lingzhu to counterattack, and the burst of energy will be more violent."

If so, Yelena's pain will be doubled.

After listening to Su Yi's analysis, Natasha Romanoff chose to believe Su Yi.

However, seeing Yelena in such pain, Natasha Romanoff was restless.

"Yelena, you can do it!"

Yelena has experienced the training of the Red House since she was a child, and she has also experienced so many hardships.

Not to say that the heart is as strong as iron, but it is definitely a person with a firm mind.

At this moment, in the severe pain, I can still keep awake.

"I'm fine, I can hold on."

Just as Yelena finished speaking this sentence, suddenly, a huge amount of power erupted.

Yelena only felt as if her body was on fire, and her whole body seemed to be burnt into red steel.

Huge amounts of pain hit, and Yelena couldn't help but scream in pain.



More than half an hour passed, and Yelena's voice gradually became quieter.

It is clear that the most painful stage is over.

Yelena also gradually got used to the high temperature, as well as the pain caused by energy strengthening body.

Next, the power of the Fire Lingzhu will slowly repair and strengthen Yelena's body.

"It seems that Yelena has adapted."

"Are you going to continue to guard Yelena?"

Natasha Romanoff knew that Su Yi might have something else to do, "definitely, if you want to see Pietro's training, I can ask Antonia to take you there."


Sister-in-law Yelena doesn't need her anymore, so Su Yi decides to visit brother-in-law Pietro.

Su Yi met Antonia again.

When we first met, we were completely two people.

When I first met Antonia, she was Drykov's daughter, implanted with a chip, and her face was terrified.

After being treated with the eaux-de-vie, Antonia regained her original appearance.

A hairy loli under 20.

This image looks a thousand times more beautiful than when they first met.

Antonia also fully recovered after Drykov's death.

Antonia has mixed feelings about Natasha Romanoff.

On the one hand, Natasha Romanoff made her hurt.

On the other hand, Natasha Romanoff saved her again.

And Dreykov.

Natasha Romanoff killed her father, but from the point of view of Natasha Romanoff and many Black widows, Draykov has committed a heinous crime.

Finally, Antonia challenged Natasha Romanoff.

The two fought, but there was no winner.

Persuaded by Natasha Romanoff, she stayed and became a member of this "big family".

After this period of time, Antonia still feels pretty good, at least gradually adapting to life after recovery.

"Antonia, you look fine."

Facing Su Yi's slightly frivolous attitude, Antonia was not angry.

Because the water of life that healed her was provided by Su Yi.

Such a good thing, the value is definitely not cheap.

Besides, it is naturally Su Yi's identity.

Not only is Su Yi powerful, she's also Natasha Romanoff's man.

Antonia replied indifferently, "Pietro is in the other training room. He has made rapid progress, but it is not enough."

Speaking of Pietro, Su Yi thought of Wanda.

I've been busy with Asgard recently, so I haven't visited Wanda for a while.

Wanda is a goal that must be achieved, and the progress has not been made, which is a bit unreasonable.

Su Yi was a little skeptical, she made her original decision.

You should keep Wanda by your side now, play with it first, and brush it up to be moved.

It should be much better to send it to learn magic when it is almost raised.

Now this will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of the strategy.

But Su Yi didn't panic at all, Su Yi still had a way to handle Wanda.

The way Su Yi handles Wanda is naturally Pietro.

Su Yi came outside the training room and saw Pietro's situation.

It seems that the training during this period of time is still somewhat effective.

It's just that, as Antonia said, the progress is fast, but it's not enough to watch.

The Black widows here are all raised from childhood and have experienced more.

Pietro's current training, although hard, is not life-threatening after all.

"Pietro, look who's here?"

The training was interrupted, and the instructor responsible for training Pietro was a little angry.

However, when she saw that it was Su Yi and Antonia, the female instructor suppressed her anger.

Pietro is very hostile to Su Yi.

Because Su Yi has always had thoughts about Wanda, Pietro is naturally very vigilant against this kind of person who plays his sister's idea.

What's more, Su Yi is still a scumbag.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just happen to have time, so I stopped by to see you. I heard that you are training well."

"Now, you can go, I have to continue training."

"Don't you want to visit your sister Wanda? I still miss her very much and I am going to visit her. If you don't want to go, then I will go alone."

Pietro became excited when he heard Wanda's name.

"I'm going to see Wanda."

"Maybe, you should say, please, and add a thank you."

Pietro suppressed the anger in his heart, "Please take me to meet Wanda, thank you."

Su Yi was very satisfied with Pietro's attitude, "No problem, I agree."

"Kelly, I'm going to take Pietro away. After he comes back, continue to increase his training volume."


Su Yi asked back, "Can't you hold on? I don't want you to drag Wanda down."

"But to be honest, if you die unexpectedly, Wanda will definitely be very sad. At that time, I will take the opportunity to comfort Wanda, and the chance of success will be very high."

Pietro gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

"I agree with increasing the volume of training."

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