I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 111: Peter's Defeat

The jealousy in Max's heart has already begun to burn.

"Spider-man, am I the danger?"

Peter Parker realized that Max's state seemed to be out of order, and immediately stabilized the other party's mood.

"Hey, calm down Max, you're not dangerous. It's just the energy in you, you can't control it, and it hurts other people."

"I can control this power well, and I can be a hero like you."

Max was a little impatient, eager to prove himself.

While speaking, Max was emotional, and the electric energy on his body began to burst out.

Not only that, Max also took two steps forward.

Peter Parker noticed the wetness on the ground, and if Max kept going, there was a good chance that innocent people would be hurt.

"Calm down, Max!"

"You need to stop!"

"You could hurt innocent people if you went ahead."

Max looked down and saw the surrounding situation. As an electrical engineer, he had a good understanding of electrical energy.

If the electric energy on the body spreads out, it will definitely cause a large-scale electric shock.

Max still stopped, but he also had other thoughts.

"I can control this force, it's just hungry."

"I just need to eat enough to control it."

Max could feel the restlessness of power, especially the electric energy flowing through the cables not far away at all times.

For Max, this has huge amounts of appeal.

Max couldn't care less, and returned to the cable, ready to continue devouring electricity.

Naturally, Peter Parker couldn't let it go.

Max would be able to absorb a lot of energy, which would be a loss.

Besides, that is, Peter Parker wasn't sure Max could control the power.

The electrical energy leaked from the current Max is enough to cause a lot of casualties.

If Max continues to devour the electric energy, and the energy released at that time is comparable to lightning, it will be terrifying.

"Stop it, Max!"

Max was stopped, and his anger flared up again.

"Do not!"

Peter was also helpless, so he had to stop it quickly.

While blocking, let the nearby spectators retreat.

"Everyone, retreat quickly!"

"leave here!"

It's just that there are too many people watching.

Peter's words didn't do much at all.

Most of the people were watching the show, took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures and videos, and had no intention of leaving at all.

"Beat him, Spider-man!"

"He's a monster!"

"Stop him quickly."

"Spider-man, Spider-man!"


Peter can only pin his hopes on Max. Only by solving the source of Max can the crisis be completely resolved.

Seeing that Max refused to listen to dissuasion, he grabbed the cable again and prepared to swallow energy.

Immediately Peter shot the cobweb and grabbed Max's arm.

Max heard the voices of the audience and realized that Peter had been holding him back, and the anger couldn't be controlled anymore.

Stretching out his hand, a bolt of lightning shot towards Peter.

Peter's Spider Telepathy reacted crazily, and his body dodged involuntarily.

However, the lightning speed of Electro-Optical Man is also very fast.

Peter dodges the thickest bolt of lightning, but the Web Shooters on his wrists attract a small burst of lightning energy.

The batteries in the Web Shooters on your wrist instantly overloaded and exploded.

And the electrical energy was quickly transferred to Peter.

Peter was electrocuted and felt tingling all over his body, and his muscles were stiff.

He fell hard to the ground and suffered minor injuries.

Fortunately, Peter's physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people, otherwise, he would have died on the spot.

Seeing this, the audience fell silent immediately.

No one expected that Spider-man would be defeated just like that.

It took Peter about ten seconds to finally recover.

But seeing that Max has already started to absorb electricity, it is not good to go on like this.

The audience became excited when they saw Peter standing up.

"Spider-man, Spider-man!"

"I knew that Spider-man wouldn't fail."

"Kill that monster."

"Monster, go to hell!"

An extreme spectator had already thrown out the soda can in his hand and threw it at Max.

Peter had just recovered, when he saw the can, he just wanted to curse.

At this time, you still provoke others, isn't that courting death?

If Max is really angered and Max's electrical energy is vented, the result will be disastrous.

Just about to shoot cobweb, only to find that my controller has been scrapped.

There was no way, Peter could only risk himself.

The whole person rushed towards Max, hoping to control Max and prevent him from getting angry.

Max is absorbing electric energy and is in a state of excitement.

But someone smashed it with a can, and immediately turned around to look at the group of people behind him.

It is these people who regard Spider-man as a hero, and they do not harm anyone, but they are called monsters.

On the surrounding screens, there are Spider-man figures everywhere.

himself, but he didn't deserve to show up at all.

The more Max thought about it, the more angry he was, and he stretched out his hand, ready to discharge directly.

Luckily, Peter arrived just in time, grabbed Max's arm, and kept his arm from lifting.

"Max, stop it."

The electrical energy in Max's body was not emitted, but Peter was shocked again because he grabbed Max's arm.

Electric shock again, or continuous damage.

Powerful electrical energy surged into Peter's body, and even with super-strong physical fitness, Peter was a little unbearable.

Max looked at Spider-man kneeling on the ground, feeling a little smug in his heart.

The electric current was withdrawn, and Peter was spared.

Originally thought that Spider-man was omnipotent and very powerful.

Now, Spider-man fell in front of him, which greatly satisfied Max's vanity.

However, Max did not get cheers.

What was waiting was the panic and anger of the onlookers.

"Monster, go to hell!"

"Spider-man failed, how is this possible?"

"Who else can defeat this monster?"

"Oh, I bought it!"

"Stand up, Spider-man!"

Max was very puzzled, and his doubts turned into anger.

Anger at these onlookers, anger at Spider-man.

"I didn't hurt anyone, I'm not a monster!"

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to Max's defense, and everyone only wanted to make Max disappear.

The anger in Max's heart couldn't be added.

Belittled before.

Now, it is still regarded as a monster.

Max put his eyes on Spider-man, thinking that Spider-man destroyed his image.

"It's all because of you, Spider-man!"

"You said I was dangerous, that's why they regarded me as a monster."

Max mentioned Spider-man, "Tell them, I'm not a monster."

Peter was extremely weak, "Yes, Max, you are not a monster. You are my intelligence officer and my partner."

However, Peter's answer did not satisfy Max.

"No, Spider-man, I'm stronger than you."

"Spider-man is the past, and I am the future."

Max has already begun to fantasize about becoming a superhero, a scene admired by all.

But just as he thought of the beginning, he was interrupted.

"Enough, monster, let go of Spider-man!"

"Otherwise, I'm going to shoot."

The onlookers were extremely panicked and angry. George had rushed to the scene with people to evacuate the crowd and prepare to deal with the incident.

On the top of the building not far away, Su Yi and Gwen are watching.

"Su, we can't continue watching, or someone will get hurt."

"It's almost time, it's time to make a move."

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