In the laboratory, Braunski was injected with blood containing gamma energy.

The powerful gamma energy began to transform Braunski's body, and the powerful force seemed to burst the body.

Braunski was originally an excellent soldier, with a relatively normal height and build.

He is about 180 tall and weighs more than 80 kilograms.

But at this moment, Braunski's body has grown stronger in a short time.

The height seems to be developing again, and it actually started to grow taller in a short period of time.

The changes in the muscles are even more obvious. Braunski, who was originally lean, began to swell his muscles at this moment.

In just a few minutes, it becomes almost like those exaggerated muscles of those bodybuilders.

It seems that all this is not over yet.

Braunski's body is getting farther and farther down the road of becoming big.

It has gradually surpassed normal people and turned into a titan like the green titan.

Half an hour passed, and Braunski finally ended the change.

At this moment, Braunski has completely transformed into an abomination!

Feeling the huge amounts of power, Braunski couldn't be more excited.

With a height of 2.2 meters, he has an extremely strong body and weighs at least 400 kilograms.

The most important thing is strength.

The increase in strength can be more than the change of the body.

It didn't simply increase several times, but reached tens of tons.

This level of strength can even continue to grow.

Braunski just felt like he could destroy everything now, destroy everything, and nothing could stop him.

Hate, go wherever you want.

Looking at Mr. Lan again, it seems that he was accidentally touched by himself when he changed just now.

Then, the whole person knocked down on the experimental equipment beside him.

Braunski was in no mood to care whether Mr. Blue was dead or alive.

Now Braunski has only one idea, go to Bruce Banner, turn him into a green titan, and fight himself again.

Thinking of this, Braunski didn't stop at all.

Take the stairs, nonexistent?

Braunski sprinted straight for the window before leaping upstairs and onto the street.

On the street, passing vehicles and pedestrians were startled by the sudden change.

Especially the passing vehicles, seeing the suddenly jumping titan, hurriedly braked to dodge.

Braunski didn't intend to dodge at all, but wanted to test his own strength.

He directly reached out to stop a small car, and easily overturned it without any effort.

"Great power, that's what it feels like!"

"I am the strongest!"

Braunski is out of control and all he wants to do now is to find Bruce Banner and turn him into a green titan.

Braunsky remembered that when he transformed, his subordinates reported that Bruce had been captured.

Next, Bruce will be taken to General Ross.

Thinking of this, Braunski didn't stop, and went on a rampage on the street, ready to find Bruce Banner.

After running, you can push the vehicle away with an easy push.

This speed, Braunski is not satisfied.

Jump up casually, and jump out of a height of four or five meters.

When it landed, it was already more than twenty meters away.

With a full score landing posture, the ground trembled.

Then he jumped again, leaving only a crack on the ground.

This is still the case of jumping up casually. If you jump with all your strength, it will be really hard to say.

Braunsky, incarnate as the Abomination, scoured the city for Bruce Banner.

Everywhere it went was devastation and chaos.

Pedestrians in the city ran away in panic, afraid of being hurt by the monster.

"Run, run."

"What kind of monster is this? It's terrible."

"What happened to this world? There are more and more monsters."

"The end of the world is coming!"

"Where is Spider-man? Where is Iron Man? Come and catch this monster!"


"Can someone help me, I'm stuck in the car."

"Mazefak, my new car."

Braunski left, leaving only a mess.

Such movement, pedestrians reported one after another.

On George's side, the phone was about to explode.

After receiving the news, immediately lead people out.

Besides, it naturally caught the attention of Iron Man Tony Stark.

Tony thought that the matter was resolved, but unexpectedly, the monster appeared again.

"how is this possible?"

"General Ross has been restricted, and there is no one to catch that monster."

"Could it be that Bruce Banner is out of control?"

Tony Stark thought it was Bruce Banner turning into a green titan.

According to Su Yi, Bruce Banner is a good guy.

Try to control yourself, don't let yourself transform into a green titan to cause damage.

Even, in the future, he will join Avengers and become his teammate.

"It turns out that Su also made mistakes sometimes."

Tony didn't intend to inform Su Yi, but decided to come forward himself.

General Ross said that his armor is not as good as the green titan, which makes Tony very unhappy.

Just in time, the green titan came out to make trouble, so I can take care of this guy.

Tony couldn't wait to put on his armor.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, where is the target?"

"Eighth Street in Manhattan..."

After putting on the battle armor, with dynamic music in his ears, Tony Stark took off directly from the mansion and set off towards the goal.


On the other side, Bruce Banner was captured and was about to be taken to General Ross.

Although General Ross was temporarily suspended, he can return as long as he catches the green titan.

General Ross was so excited that he finally caught Bruce Banner.

Strangely, Bruce didn't transform this time.

And Bruce wanted to dissuade Rose immediately.

"General Ross, you should stop."

"It's not a good thing to study this energy."

"It cannot be controlled, and it will devour people's minds. Once it gets out of control, it will be extremely terrifying."

General Ross is ambitious, "No, power has no consciousness, so it should be controlled. Your will is too weak, so you can't control this power."

"I will give this power to strong-willed fighters and make them invincible."

Bruce was very angry, "Cultivate warriors to conquer the world?"

"If you do this, it will only lead to war and death, and in the end, it will destroy the entire world and mankind."

General Ross dismissed Bruce's words, "The war will come sooner or later, we must have enough strength to protect the people."

Bruce was used to hearing these words, and he also saw through the actions of General Ross and the congressmen.

These people are just pretending, but in fact, they are all for their own benefit.

"Take him away!"

Just as General Ross was about to take Bruce away, a report came.

"General Ross, another titan has appeared not far away, wreaking havoc in the city."

General Ross looked at Bruce Banner in front of him, making sure that he had not arrested the wrong person.

So where did the other titan come from?

Suddenly, both General Ross and Bruce thought of someone, Braunski.

At this moment, Bruce was caught in a dilemma.

Bruce knows that the titan is powerful and unstoppable.

If you don't transform yourself into a green titan, no one can stop that titan.

But once he gets angry and transforms, the serum he just injected will be invalid, and his efforts will be in vain.

With repeated hesitation, Bruce Banner remembered his idol, captain Steve.

Finally decided to come forward, "I have to stop him, only I can stop him!"

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