I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 175: You Can Cherish Only After You Lose

After everything was over, after lunch, Su Yi drove Susan back.

Susan in the co-pilot seat has calmed down and started to return to rationality.

Through rationality, start to analyze the two people around you.

On one side is Reed, who I have known for many years, and has obvious advantages and disadvantages.

Rational and smart, he is a nerd, incomprehensible, and often loses his temper.

On one side is Su Yi, although they have just met, she is funny and has a good manner in her conversation.

In contrast, Su Yi is definitely better.

It's just that I still can't let go of my feelings for Reed, and I need some time to get out.

Su Yi can also see Susan's troubles, she definitely needs to continue to improve her favorability.

Along the way, Su Yi relied on her flirting skills to improve Susan's impression of herself a lot.

Finally, we arrived at the Bash Building.

Su Yi escorted Susan out of the car, "Do you want me to take you up?"

Susan flicked her hair, "Don't bother, thank you for sending me back."

Su Yi didn't force it, "You're welcome, I'm happy to work for a beauty like you."

"If you have anything, you can contact me at any time."

Su Yi's tenderness and consideration are something that Susan can't see in Reed, which makes Susan gradually fall for her.

"I will."

Su Yi watched Susan go away and watched Susan go upstairs.

Susan also packed up her mood and returned to the laboratory.

Reed hasn't confessed to himself, and he's still single, so there's nothing wrong with dating.

Moreover, based on my own conditions, there are indeed many people who want to chase me, and I don't have to hang myself on the Reed tree.

Susan went back to her room, ready to change clothes and go to work in the laboratory.

Met Johnny passing by.

Johnny is also very worried about Susan, because he learned from Reed that Susan went on a date last night and did not return all night.

My own sister has very little experience in relationships.

I've always liked that nerd Reed.

John doesn't like Reed very much, but John is more worried that Susan will meet some prodigal sons like himself outside.

"Susan, I heard Reed say you're out on a date?"

Susan was a little surprised, "Yes, I went on a date."

Johnny became nervous when he heard this, and stopped Susan immediately.

"Are you really dating? What kind of person is the other party? Don't you be deceived?"

"I'm not a little girl, ok? I'm your sister."

Johnny also replied immediately, "I'm just worried about you, you don't have much experience in relationships."

Susan just opened the door, leaning against the door at this moment, "Johnny, like you, it's not something to show off."

Johnny spread his hands, "Eon, Susan, you must at least tell me what kind of person he is? I'm your brother, and I should have the right to know."

"Wait a little longer, you'll see him later."

Johnny couldn't help but muttered, "I'm afraid that by then, you will have been completely deceived."

"What did you say?"

Johnny hastily denied, "It's nothing, I said, Reed seems a little lost."

Susan didn't take it to heart at all, "What does his loss have to do with me?"

"It's okay, I have to change clothes."

Johnny could only back away, "It's okay."

Susan closed the door, remembering Johnny's words.

Reid's loss should be because of himself.

It's just that you don't know how to cherish until you lose it. Is it too late?

Belated affection is the cheapest.

Susan tidied up her mood, changed into a set of clothes, and put on a lab coat.

When I came to the laboratory, I saw that Reid was not interested in researching at the moment.

Susan didn't even bother to say hello to Reed and started her own work.

When Reed saw Susan appear, he seemed to have a glimmer of life.

"Susan, you..."

Susan ignored it at all, which made Reed helpless.

Reed finally mustered up the courage to confess his love.

"Susan, I have something to tell you."

Susan had no choice but to turn her head and looked at Reed coldly, "What's the matter? Could it be that your pulse transmitter was damaged by me?"

"No, not this one, I just didn't find it for a while."

"It doesn't matter now."

"What I want to tell you is that I like you."

If this confession had been made earlier, Susan might have happily agreed.

However, in this day, too many things happened.

At this moment, Susan couldn't be happier with Reed's confession.

Even, a little indifferent.

"So, when you don't need me, you never care about me, without a greeting."

"In your eyes, experiments are the most important thing."

"Wherever I am, it's like an instrument."

"Do I have to be by your side when you need me?"

"I'm not your thing, I'm a person, Reed."

Reed was left speechless by Susan's response, recalling his getting along with Susan and his attitude towards Susan, it seemed that it was indeed a bit inappropriate.

After Susan finished speaking, she felt much happier.

"I'm sorry, I'm not in good shape today, I'm going to rest."

"One more thing, the sponsorship, has been negotiated. You can rest assured to study, don't worry about funding."

Susan turned her head and left without much reluctance.

Reed also knew that he had missed Susan.

At least, if he is still the same as before, he will definitely lose Susan.

Susan went back to her room, ready to take a good rest.

And Reed stood there blankly in the laboratory, extremely depressed.

Just as John was about to go out to take his sister for a drive, he saw Susan coming back from the laboratory, and she seemed to be in a bad mood.


Susan didn't bother to pay attention, "Leave me alone, Johnny."

Susan went straight back to the room and slammed the door behind her.

John thought it was Reed who had provoked Susan, and he didn't care about taking the girl for a ride.

At this moment, my sister is the most important thing.

Johnny came to the laboratory angrily, and saw Reid standing there like a sculpture.

Johnny didn't care about this at all, and rushed over, grabbing Reed's clothes.

"Nerd, what did you do to my sister again? To make her so angry?"

Reed seemed to be awakened by Johnny, "I confessed to her, but she rejected me."

Johnny suddenly realized that something was wrong. As Susan's younger brother, he knew early on that Susan liked Reed, a bookworm.

But now, Reed confessed, but Susan was not happy.

Something must have happened last night, and there must be something wrong with that date.

At this moment, Johnny felt that his IQ had reached the pinnacle of his life.

The problem has to be found.

"Listen, something must have happened to Susan. Tell me, what happened last night?"

Reed recalled last night, "I don't know."

Only then did Reed realize that he really didn't care about Susan at all.

Last night, Susan seemed to have something important to do with herself, but she didn't spare any time for it.

No wonder, Susan would be so disappointed in herself.

"It doesn't matter anymore."

"She was right, I never cared about her, I always ignored her."

Reed also realized his mistake, felt hopeless, and prepared to drink away his sorrow.

"Johnny, I want to drink two drinks, do you want to go with me?"

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