I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 180 Showing His True Colors

In the cafe, Su Yi and Gwen quietly waited for Mystique Raven.

Speaking of which, the last time I met Loki was here.

Unexpectedly, now, I saw Mystique Raven again.

Su Yi is still looking forward to the original appearance of Mystique Raven, and even once thought about adding Mystique Raven to the confidante group.

After all, Mystique's transformation ability can change into various appearances.

Owning a Mystique is equivalent to having countless beauties.

It's exciting to think about being able to change your appearance every day.

Although Su Yi doesn't have any special hobbies, but if Mystique's original purple appearance is also very beautiful, it seems quite attractive.

Su Yi was imagining that Mystique Raven was still the same as before, and walked into the coffee shop.

Although Mutant has gained the support of some people, Mystique still dare not show his original shape blatantly and act like this in broad daylight.

Not only because of his appearance, it is easy to be recognized.

It is because Mystique Raven has been active all these years, wandering in the gray area, and even has a lot of non-crossing behaviors.

If these things come to light, Mystique Raven will definitely be arrested.

Raven entered the coffee shop, glanced around, and immediately found Su Yi's figure.

He went straight to Su Yi and sat down.

Raven crossed his long legs and got straight to the point, "I guess we don't need to introduce ourselves anymore?"

"Need not."

"I heard from Charles that you came up with these ideas. I want to know, what is your purpose?"

Raven, like Professor X and Magneto, are people who fight for Mutant.

It's just that the three of them have different ideas and experiences, and a lot of grievances and entanglements have arisen.

"I don't have any purpose, I just want to help Mutant. Let them have fair treatment and live a normal life."

Raven doesn't believe it, but doesn't completely deny it either.

"Are you a Mutant too?"

Su Yi shook his head, "No, I'm not. However, I have friends who are Mutants."

When Professor X directly pointed out Magneto's plan, it aroused Raven's suspicion.

Later, after failing to catch the little rascal, Professor X revealed his new plan.

Raven sensed that the person behind it all was crucial.

After collecting information and following up for so many days, Raven finally confirmed the existence and identity of Su Yi.

According to the investigation, Raven also knows that Su Yi and Qin Gray have a very close relationship.

At the same time, Su Yi is still with the little rascal, and there is an ulterior secret behind it.

A friend, maybe a girlfriend?

In this way, Su Yi seems to have no reason to kill Mutant.

However, Raven isn't sure yet.

The only thing she can be sure of is that Su Yi's methods will make Mutant's situation even more difficult.

"Do you really think that these methods of yours can make Mutant's situation better?"

Su Yi could only confess, "To be honest, I'm not sure either."

"The contradiction between Mutant and ordinary people is not a simple math problem, and there is a definite answer."

"This complex issue will take time and be troublesome to deal with."

"Other accidents in the middle may lead to different results."

This point, Raven absolutely agrees.

The difference is that Su Yi is optimistic about the future results.

Raven, on the other hand, doesn't think there will be any good results in doing so.

"You haven't experienced it, and you don't know what these people will do."

Raven's original Mutant partners, except for Professor X, Magneto, and Beast, all of them seem to be dead.

The deaths of these people must be related to those ambitious officials.

"I really haven't experienced it, but I can guess some."

"So, I don't think Professor X or Magneto's method will work."

"Blindly shrinking back and forbearance like Professor X will only make an ambitious man like Stryker act recklessly."

"It's even more unrealistic to be determined to fight the entire world, like Magneto, with incalculable consequences."

"Ordinary people and Mutants are not eternal enemies."

Raven definitely knew that what Su Yi said was true.

Raven knew better that this was just a theory.

"In reality, there are too many blind and ignorant people."

"Now, they recognize Mutant."

"Once it is recognized that Mutant is not in the mainstream and not in their interests, they will change their minds without hesitation."

Su Yi said with a smile, "So, it's not just them, you can do it too."

"Not using the method of Telepathy, but using other normal methods to guide these blind and ignorant people."

Raven's eyes widened, can he still play like this?

Manipulate the discussion, and then influence the thoughts of ordinary people.

It seems that it is not impossible.

Others can hack Mutant, so Mutant can also find a way to spread some news that is beneficial to Mutant.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi's thick eyebrows and big eyes, the method is really disgusting.

Riven's purpose is only to test Su Yi's purpose.

After testing, Raven could feel that Su Yi didn't want to harm Mutant.

Su Yi's view of Mutant is also very common, and he doesn't treat it specially.

The solution to the Mutant problem is not something that can be proposed casually.

These all show one thing, Su Yi has really thought about it.

If you don't really care, you won't spend so much thought at all.

In fact, Su Yi really didn't think about it that much, but suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

It's just some simple buff stacking methods, plus the fan circle method.

"Your approach is too idealistic."

"However, I can basically confirm that your idea is not to hurt Mutant, and that is enough."

"I have to go."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, the conversation had just started for a while, why did he leave?

It didn't look like Raven was very angry either.

"Is this going to leave?"

"I don't know your purpose yet."

Raven leaned over in front of Su Yi, and the two got very close.

At this moment, Su Yi can clearly feel Raven's breath.

Most importantly, Gwen was on the sidelines.

"My purpose, I hope you can help Mutant."

Su Yi didn't have any hesitation either, so he agreed.

Both Qin and Anna are Mutants. If Mutant has an accident, it will definitely affect them. Su Yi will definitely not sit idly by.

"I'll do my best to help."

Immediately afterwards, Raven's face began to change.

The skin turned purple and the eyes changed color.

This face is extremely natural and beautiful, with a different kind of charm.

Looking at this face, Su Yi seemed to be prettier than her eldest cousin.

Just when Su Yi was slightly dazed, Raven kissed her lightly.

"This is your reward."

"I wonder if you are satisfied?"

Su Yi was speechless, she was teased, and it was still in front of Gwen.

Su Yi glanced at Gwen out of the corner of her eye, and Gwen must have noticed it.

Raven left immediately, "I hope you don't mind, Miss Stacy."

Gwen turned a deaf ear and seemed very generous, "I won't mind."

Raven was about to leave, Su Yi stopped Raven, "Where are you going?"

"The most likely place for something to happen."

Raven turned around and left gracefully, with long legs, disappeared.

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