I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 192 Dr. Otto's Experiment

Another incredible weekend.

Su Yi was very crazy last night, taking advantage of the weekend to rest well.

And Peter packed his backpack early in the morning, ready to go to a special place.

Today, there is an important experiment.

This important experiment is Dr. Otto's nuclear energy experiment.

After a long period of research, Dr. Otto has come close to success.

Norman Osborn was extremely excited when he heard the news.

This is the only good news for a while.

Several projects of the company have the problem of large file size and small size.

The progress of physical strengthening agents has been slow, and the side effects have not been eliminated.

The gene therapy researched by Connors turned himself into a lizard professor, which caused quite a negative impact.

Then there's the impact of Tony Stark.

The Osborn company is also imitating Tony's set of steel armor, but in the end, there is no result from the imitation.

There is also the Ark reactor researched by Tony, which provides a large amount of power resources and has also caused a lot of impact on Osborn.

Osborn's stock price has continued to decline amid successive setbacks for several projects.

The board of directors already had opinions on Norman Osborn, and even thought of joining forces to remove Norman Osborn.

Norman Osborn knew that the situation was not good, so he could only hope for Dr. Otto's nuclear energy research.

Knowing that Dr. Otto was about to succeed, Norman Osborn decided to go public with his research in order to revive Osborn's stock price.

At the same time, it is also a tough response to the board of directors.


The experiment was ready and Norman Osborn showed up with Harry Osborn.

Peter met Dr. Otto at school and visited him.

Peter is very interested in Dr. Otto's research, and Dr. Otto also appreciates Peter's intelligence.

The two chatted happily, and Dr. Otto simply invited Peter to visit the site.

After Peter came to the scene, he met Harry and Norman.

"Mr. Osborn."

Norman also admired Peter somewhat, after all Peter was smart and independent.

"Peter, hello."

After Peter and Harry chatted for a while, the experiment was about to officially begin.

For this experiment, Norman invited members of the board of directors to visit together, in order to witness the success.

In addition to these people, there are only a few reporters.

After Dr. Otto chatted with his wife and the guests, he was about to start the formal research.

"Now, let me introduce you to my assistant."

Dr. Otto pulled back the covering cloth, revealing four mechanical arms.

Everyone looked at the mechanical arm with a look of surprise.

Dr. Ao Tuo walked directly in front of the mechanical arm, started to equip it, and introduced it to everyone.

"These four robotic arms are designed to help me deal with nuclear integrate."

"They are resistant to high temperatures and are immune to magnetic influences."

While speaking, Dr. Otto had already equipped four mechanical arms.

Everyone looked at the mechanical arm and were amazed.

However, seeing the many needles that need to be inserted into the body was a shock.

These needles are actually important connections for the nerves to control the robotic arm.

"My brain, through neural connections, controls these robotic arms."

"And these arms can continue to complete experiments under extremely dangerous conditions."

During the speech, Dr. Otto also showed his control of the mechanical arm, which looked like a real arm and looked very flexible.

At this time, some reporters also asked, "Dr. Otto, this mechanical arm has super artificial intelligence, will it affect your nerves?"

Dr. Otto was extremely confident, turned around, and pointed to a chip behind his head.

"I specially designed a suppression chip to protect my brain nerves."

The preparations are ready, and the next step is to get down to business.

Norman didn't want to wait anymore, "Dr. Otto, can we start?"

Otto was also looking forward to it, "Turn on the blue light."

With the help of the assistant, under the blue light, everyone saw the machine designed by Dr. Otto.

This machine can emit vibrations and achieve harmonic resonance with tritium atoms, which promotes nuclear integration and erupts with powerful force.

Otto took out the materials, "I am very grateful to Mr. Norman Osborn for his great support."

Norman just wanted to see the results sooner, so that these old guys on the board would shut up.

"I'm more than happy to pay for that."

The experiment is about to start, after placing the materials.

Dr. Otto took the sunglasses from his wife.

No one loves wearing sunglasses.

Dr. Otto, start operating the machine.

Soon, the machine emitted vibrations.

From four directions, 4 vibration waves are emitted and gathered on the tritium crystal.

The vibration wave came into play, and the tritium atoms began to resonate, immediately bursting out of energy.

The tritium crystal, which was originally only the size of a soybean file, swelled to the size of a basketball file at this moment, like a fireball.

The difference is that this fireball is extremely dazzling, like the sun.

Everyone was very excited when they saw this scene.

The experiment worked.

This also means that Stark is no longer the leader in the field of nuclear energy.

Osborn will vigorously develop nuclear energy next, and it will definitely rise rapidly.

Norman was ready to celebrate and clapped his hands.

However, experimentation continues.

"Generating 10 billion watts per hour."

At present, the state of the nuclear integrate is still stable. Dr. Otto controls the machine and the mechanical arm to continue the nuclear integrate experiment.

After a few breaths, the energy of the nuclear integrate becomes stronger and gradually becomes unstable.

The powerful energy created an extremely strong magnetic field that began to attract nearby metals.

Peter, as Spider-man, immediately realizes that something is wrong.

Keep going like this, and the magnetic field will grow stronger and stronger, engulfing all nearby metal.

Then, all the energy exploded in an instant.

This energy is enough to destroy half of the city.

Others also perceived the change, found the great attraction of nuclear integration, and began to panic.

Dr. Otto immediately explained, "This is normal and will stabilize soon."

The board of directors was extremely frightened, and immediately shouted at Dr. Otto, "Stop!"

Norman stared at the nuclear integrate experiment, and did not order to stop.

"Go on, Dr. Otto!"

But Peter felt something was wrong and knew he couldn't go on.

Once the nuclear integrate experiment fails, the damage will be huge amounts of.

So, Peter decided to act immediately.

Quietly leave the scene, change clothes, and prepare to stop this.

Just when Peter left, the nuclear integration reaction went further, and the energy that erupted was even greater.

"Warning, energy overload!"

At this moment, the energy has broken through the barrier formed by resonance.

Huge amounts of energy leaked out, like a fire snake, very terrifying.

Touching the wall immediately left a terrifying trace, and the cement on the wall fell off.

The leaked energy can only be regarded as one in a billion, and even a small amount of energy can easily kill a person.

Peter finally changed his clothes and saved a reporter who was almost hit.

Climb to the ceiling, "Dr. Otto, you have to stop!"

"No, I can control it!"

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