Su Yi just told them in advance, so that they don't panic when the time comes, so as to avoid any accidents due to panic.

Jane also wondered if Su Yi knew about this before she set off, so she and Daisy went to space on purpose.

But soon, Jane remembered that she was the one who advocated going to space.

After chatting for a while, there is still business to be busy.


Early in the morning, Su Yi woke up first.

After all, Su Yi's physical fitness is better.

However, just after Su Yi woke up, he discovered an incredible scene.

? ? ?

I can't see Susan, but I can perceive that Susan is by my side through the surrounding things.

"Susan, are you invisible?"

Su Yi is sure, Susan has started Awakening Ability.

Invisible Woman Susan, one of the abilities is invisibility, and another ability is the energy barrier.

"After Susan wakes up, help her control her Ability."

Su Yi set her sights on Jane and Daisy, wanting to see what Awakening they had Awakened.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

Maybe it was because he didn't show it, so he wasn't discovered.

However, Su Yi also perceived an extra energy in their bodies.

Su Yi decided to absorb a little quietly, and then she would know what their abilities are.

Su Yi did exactly that, and got the answer quickly.

"Jane's energy, isn't this the power of Thunder?"

"It seems that Jane still has a chance to become a female Thor."

"As for Daisy, her energy is actually life energy."

Su Yi was extremely surprised that Daisy's Ability was actually related to life energy.

No matter what Ability is at that time, it will definitely be very powerful.

The most amazing thing is that Daisy also absorbs life energy from nearby while sleeping to increase her own energy.

It's okay, it can only absorb a little bit, very little.

Moreover, most of them were absorbed from Su Yi.

If it can absorb life energy in an exaggerated manner, it can definitely kill a person easily.

Su Yi is not worried at all, losing this life energy will not be in any danger to Susan and Jane.

For Su Yi, that's even more trivial.


After the three beauties washed up and sat at the dining table, Su Yi had already prepared breakfast.

The enjoyable breakfast was quickly broken by Su Yi.

"Susan, did you find anything unusual when you woke up?"


Susan suddenly thought of the super Ability thing Su Yi said last night.

"Could it be, my Ability?"

"That's right, I found out that your abilities should have been initially Awakened. Susan entered the invisible state in her sleep."

Susan couldn't believe it, "Invisibility, really?"

"I can't see you, but I can touch you."

Susan was a little disappointed, "It doesn't seem to be a particularly powerful ability, and I don't need to use this ability."

Daisy immediately said, "When you are in danger, you can escape from danger by being invisible."

Su Yi reminded, "Currently, it is estimated that it is not feasible, because people can be invisible, but the clothes worn by Susan cannot be invisible."

The outspoken Daisy immediately said, "Then take it off..."

In the middle of speaking, Daisy stopped. This picture is indeed a bit too beautiful to imagine.

"Susan can't control her Ability right now, and it will be embarrassing if the Ability fails."

Susan said quickly, "It's not embarrassing, but very embarrassing. I don't want this to happen."

Su Yi explained, "It's okay, I will help you learn to control your Ability. Definitely, you can also ask Reed to help research a uniform that can be invisible with you."

"That's a good idea."

Daisy ate the fried egg and continued to ask, "Then what abilities are Jane and I?"

"I'm not sure, Jane may be able to control the power of Thunder."

"And you, should be life energy."

Su Yi further explained the abilities of the two, but because of insufficient information, Su Yi was not sure what they could do with these energies.

However, what is certain is that it will not be weak.

"Water? When I'm sleeping, I will absorb the life energy of others. Will something happen?"

"At present, there is very little absorption, and nothing will happen. However, if it gets out of control, it's hard to say. But, don't worry, I will help you control Ability."

Daisy was a little nervous, this Ability is a bit too scary, it can kill people who are invisible.

Daisy wanted an ability, but it wasn't such a scary ability.

"This Ability is terrible, I don't want to hurt others."

"Maybe it can save people, just like the priest in the game, maybe you can use life energy to save others."

Daisy thought about it again, and it seemed to be right.

"Yes, I can help others."


Su Yi is not sure about the abilities of the three of them, so she plans to skip class today to help the three beauties understand their abilities.

However, Susan is busy going back to work and may not have that much time to practice, and the same is true for Jane.

Su Yi also had no choice but to start with Daisy first, and help Daisy control her Ability first.

"In that case, I'll help Daisy control her Ability first. For Jane and Susan, how about I spare some time in the evening to help you familiarize yourself with your Ability?"

Without thinking about it, Susan agreed, "definitely yes."

"I'm fine."

Su Yi is also thinking about how to develop Daisy's Ability.

Soon, I had a rough idea.

After breakfast, Su Yi sent Susan back to the laboratory, and at the same time, she was going to take Daisy to find a place to help Daisy control the Ability.

Susan returned to the laboratory, calmed down, and concentrated on continuing the experiment.

Suddenly, Susan heard an exclamation, "Oh, Karma, please!"

Susan turned around and saw Reed who was frightened.

"Reed, what's wrong with you, why are you so surprised?"

Reed pointed to Susan and said, "You are Susan? Where is your head?"

Only then did Susan notice that her hands were actually transparent.

Touching her forehead, Susan knew that her Ability had been triggered inadvertently.

"It should have been triggered by my Ability. I have entered an invisible state, and I don't know how to control it."

"By the way, Reed, what abilities do you have?"

Su Yi has explained to Susan that other people should also get the Ability.

At this moment, Susan was a little curious about Reed's Ability.

It was only then that Reed remembered his own changes. In a daze, he realized that his body was very soft, like rubber.

At that time, Reid thought it was because he worked overtime too late, lacked sleep, and had a nightmare.

Now it seems that it should have obtained the Ability.

"I seem to have turned into rubber."

Just then, Ben called and called Reed.

"Hey, Reed."

"Ben, what's the matter?"

"I, I may not be able to come to the laboratory, I need to take a few days off."

"you are sick?"

Susan immediately realized, "Ben, have you gained a super ability?"

Ben whined, "Ability? No, I'm a monster, a stone monster!"

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