I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 229 Restoration And Strengthening

Johnny regained his strength and energy and fought Su Yi again.

This time, Su Yi directly devoured Johnny's energy and ended the battle cleanly.

However, Johnny was still unconvinced.

Su Yi had no choice but to beat Johnny with his fist again.

Finally, after being crushed many times by Su Yi in all aspects, Johnny chose to admit defeat temporarily.

However, Johnny still spoke harshly.

Su Yi didn't expect that Johnny would dare to speak harshly. If so, he will teach him a lesson when he finds an opportunity.

Such a comparison, it seems that the brother-in-law Pietro is not bad.


Johnny was severely taught by Su Yi, and he realized his problems and realized that he was not strong enough.

I also restrained a little bit, and strengthened my training.

Another few days have passed, Su Yi naturally wants to accompany Wanda who finally came back, and leave more time for Wanda.

Wanda was not surprised or rejected that there was another Skye in the villa.

In the past few days, Susan and Reid finally completed their research on cosmic storms.

Through research, they have built the machine.

The machine can be used at any time to help several people return to normal.

Although Jane and Daisy also gained energy, it didn't affect their normal life, so they didn't plan to recover.

Among the Fantastic Four, Johnny is now obsessed with being a superhero.

Under Su Yi's influence, Susan doesn't intend to give up Ability either.

Reed is still very hesitation now, and he doesn't know whether to give up this ability.

Anyway, the machine is finished.

The next step is to use the machine to get myself back to normal.

Su Yi and Victor also came to the laboratory, waiting for Ben to return to normal, so that he can continue to improve himself.

"Ben, are you sure you want to start right away?"

"I am sure."

Ben has been depressed because of a broken relationship.

Now, I can restore my original state, and I can go to chase my girlfriend back.

"Okay, Ben, you go in."

Ben followed Reed's guidance and entered the experimental cabin.

Reed and Susan started operations outside, starting the machines.

"Susan, are you ready?"


"start up!"

Susan pressed the start button and the machine started to run.

Subsequently, huge amounts of electricity were poured into the machine, and then after conversion, began to be injected into the experimental cabin.

It only takes a few minutes to return to its original state.

However, just at the beginning, the machine sounded the alarm.

Reed immediately checked through the computer and learned the real reason.

"Insufficient energy, it is impossible to support the recovery."

"What happens if there's not enough energy?"

Reed shrugged, "I'm not sure, maybe, it could be worse."

Susan suddenly had an idea, "Stop it."

Reed thought of a way, "Ben has already been affected, and it's not a good idea to stop now."

"so what should I do now?"

"Unless there is a lot of energy support, otherwise..."

Su Yi suggested, "Victor, can you provide energy to the machine?"

Victor hesitated, "I can try."

Victor came to the machine, passed the machine, and began to power the machine.

Victor's energy is very strong, and he can definitely meet the requirements of the machine.

In just a few seconds, the machine was back up and running and started helping Ben recover.

Reed looked at the computer and realized that the machine had enough energy.

"Enough, so much energy, it is enough to return to normal."

Time passed by every minute, which was a painful experience for Ben in the experimental cabin.

For the few people outside, it was also a long wait.

it's finally over.

The energy was exhausted, and the experimental cabin was opened.

Everyone saw the situation in the experimental cabin, and Ben returned to the original state.

However, it doesn't look good.

Reed and Johnny helped Ben out, "Ben, are you okay?"

Ben looked at his arms, touched his face, and was thrilled to see that he was back to normal.

"I'm fine. I've never been better."

Ben was excited, "Where is my phone? I need to make a call, I need to find her."

Everyone knows that Ben wanted to recover in order to save his girlfriend.

"Ben, you'd better get some rest, you're just recovering, we're not sure if there's anything wrong yet."

Ben couldn't wait any longer, "No, I have to go find her now. If I succeed, I'll be back."

Johnny thoughtlessly said, "What if you fail?"

All eyes were on Johnny, which surprised Johnny.

"Why are you looking at me? I just said there is such a possibility."

Ben was in a good mood at the moment, and he didn't bother arguing with Johnny. Instead, he changed into his clothes, picked up his phone and ring, and was about to find his girlfriend.

Su Yi suggested, "Johnny, you can follow Ben, and if Ben fails, we will know where he is."

Susan immediately echoed, "That's right, Johnny, you go."

Johnny was very unhappy to be ordered by Su Yi, but after all his older sister had spoken, Johnny still followed.

Ben's business is over, so next, it's Victor's turn.

Victor didn't want to wait any longer, "Reed, it's my turn."

"I need a little time to adjust the machine. After all, your needs are different from Ben's."

"Moreover, it needs to consume a lot of energy."

Victor immediately replied, "I'll inject energy, you can't worry about energy issues."

Reed had no choice but to agree, and began to adjust the machine.

The entrance of energy input needs to be adjusted.

In addition, parameters must be adjusted.

Reed was busy, but fortunately, Susan helped.

Su Yi waited patiently to prevent mistakes.

If there is a problem, Su Yi will not sit idly by.

"Victor, you'd better keep your promise and return to your hometown after obtaining the Ability."

Victor agreed, "I will."

"If the machine lacks power, you need to help me. Otherwise, I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay sane after I get out."

It took Reed and Susan half an hour to finally complete the transformation of the machine.

"It's done, Victor, it's time to energize."

Victor injected energy into the machine again, and after charging the machine, Victor walked into the machine.

The machine was running again, a large amount of energy was injected into the experimental cabin, and the energy of the cosmic storm began to be simulated.

Victor felt the energy, excited.

"Power, this is the power I need!"

Victor greedily absorbed energy, ready to become even stronger.

Reed and Susan watched closely, worried that something might be wrong with the machine.

Fortunately, Reid's research did not go wrong, and the machine was operating normally.

Except for the shortcoming of not having enough energy, this machine is perfect.

Fortunately, with the power bank of Victor, the energy problem is not a big problem.

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