I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 231 Daisy Cultivates Plants

Suzanne and Reid's experiment has temporarily come to an end, but this does not mean that there is nothing to do next.

The research on cosmic storms is far from over.

Su Yi also shifted her focus away from Susan, preparing to spend more time on her other confidante.

On the new day, after Su Yi sent Susan back, she decided to take Daisy to the plant research room.

Daisy's Ability can obtain life energy from other creatures to improve herself.

At the same time, it can also give life energy to other creatures.

After practice, Daisy has initially mastered her Ability.

Su Yi also specially tested that Daisy can indeed make the potted plants grow quickly.

Therefore, Su Yi planned to take Daisy to the laboratory and ask Daisy to help cultivate plants.

If you can cultivate more blood orchids, then your confidante can stay young forever and live longer.

Su Yi and Daisy came directly to the plant laboratory, which is managed by Maya Hansen.

The core area, that is, the area where blood orchids and fairy beans are planted, is completely unknown to others, let alone accessible.

Su Yi brought Daisy in and was blocked immediately.

【warn! warn! 】

[There are unauthorized people preparing to enter the laboratory! 】

Su Yi dismissed the warning immediately and started the operation.

"Add new permission!"

After Su Yi made some operations, he confirmed Daisy's identity, and then he got the permission.

Daisy was extremely curious, "What's in it? It's so mysterious?"

"The stuff here is the same as your Ability, it can change the world. Therefore, it must be kept secret."

Daisy naturally knew how terrifying her own ability was.

If someone knows their abilities, there will definitely be someone who will stop at nothing to catch Daisy and use Daisy's super abilities to prolong her life.

When the two entered the laboratory, they saw Maya waiting for them.


"Dr. Maya, this is my confidante, Daisy."

"Hello, Daisy."

Maya knew that these things were brought by Su Yi, and Su Yi would not have any idea of ​​monopolizing them.

Moreover, Maya also guessed that there must be an important reason for Su Yi to bring Daisy here.

"Daisy, I brought you here because I hope you can help cultivate the plants here."

Daisy observed these plants and felt the magic of these plants, which contained strange life energy.

Daisy finally understood why Su Yi said that the things here are enough to change the world.

"Su, you plan to cultivate these plants. You know what this will cause. If you let those wealthy people live longer, they will definitely become crazy."

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. We are still in the research stage, and the products that will be sold in the future will only have a slight effect, not really prolonging their lifespan by a lot."

Daisy understood Su Yi's thoughts, "However, this is still very dangerous."

"no problem."

Daisy chose to trust Su Yi, "I trust you, since you let me cultivate these plants, then I will help you cultivate them."

Daisy reached out her hand, releasing life energy.

After absorbing these energies, the blood orchid began to grow.

Originally, the growth speed of the blood orchid was not slow, but with Daisy's help, the growth of the blood orchid became even faster.

Maya was shocked when she saw this miraculous scene.

I have studied plants for many years, and I have never seen such a miraculous situation.

Su Yi watched the blood orchid bloom with great joy.

Picking off a petal, he decides to let Daisy taste it.

If it was someone else, Su Yi might not dare to try it rashly.

But Daisy, can control life energy.

Su Yi believes that Daisy may be able to control the effects of the petal juice.

"Daisy, would you like to try it?"

Daisy didn't have much hesitation, she swallowed a petal.

The juice from the petals entered the stomach and began to help Daisy with her genetic improvement.

Su Yi carefully observed Daisy's changes, ready to strike at any time.

Sure enough, Daisy can perfectly adapt to this change.

The blood orchid juice can improve Daisy's genes and improve Daisy's physical fitness, but it has no side effects.

Daisy felt the change in herself and was extremely shocked.

"I feel that I seem to have become more perfect and stronger."

"That's right."

Su Yi accompanies Daisy to continue working, helping other plants grow.

Even the slow-growing peas, with the help of Daisy, have undergone huge amounts of changes.

These fairy beans have basically grown pods, but it will take a while for the fairy beans to mature.

Daisy helps so many plants grow today, the consumption is already great.

Excessive consumption may consume Daisy's own life energy, which is not worth the candle.

Su Yi is very pleased, with Daisy's cheat, it will definitely be very helpful for the research of blood orchid and fairy beans.

Moreover, there is no need for Daisy to come often, at most once a month is enough.

Maya Hansen looked at the plants growing so vigorously, nothing but shock.

"It's really amazing. With these, I think the research cycle can definitely be shortened."

"Thank you so much, Dr. Maya."

Su Yi and Daisy didn't stay in the plant laboratory for too long, they left soon.

Leaving from here is definitely not going home, but going to the laboratory next door.

It's all here, how could Su Yi not go to see Zhao Hailun.

Su Yi and Daisy appeared together. Although Zhao Hailun saw Daisy beside Su Yi, she didn't react too much.

After all, when Hailun Zhao made up her mind, she already knew about Su Yi's situation.

"Helen, this is Daisy."

"Daisy, this is Helen Zhao."

Su Yi introduced the two to each other, and the two also got to know each other.

Daisy was also surprised that Helen Zhao was the owner of this laboratory, even Tony Stark had to listen to Helen Zhao.

After a simple greeting, Helen Zhao said bitterly, "What brought you here? I thought you had forgotten me?"

"How? I wish I could see you every day. It would be even better if you could move in and live with me."

"I need to think about this."

Su Yi immediately showed her superb flirting skills, embraced Zhao Hailun in her arms, began to talk sweetly, and coaxed Zhao Hailun in minutes.

Zhao Hailun usually concentrates on research by herself, Su hasn't done so many times, so it's inevitable that she will feel lonely.

Now, with Su Yi showing up, Hailun Zhao does not intend to let go of this good opportunity.

"Su, do you have time now?"

"For you, there is always time, as long as you call me, I will definitely appear by your side."

"I'm not in good shape today, so I don't want to study."

Su Yi immediately said, "Where do you want to go?"

"Go to my house, I want to bask in the sun and have a rest."

"I want to take Daisy with me, can I?"

Hesitation Zhao, "I have no objection."

After the three discussed it, they left the laboratory together.

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