I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 237 Avengers Alliance Collection

S.H.I.E.L.D sprang into action, even calling in the Avengers alliance, as well as the X-Men.

First of all, it is natural to choose a good place to use as the main battlefield.

This was no problem for S.H.I.E.L.D, who quickly settled on a remote island.

Secondly, it is to study the Cosmic Cube and find a way to open a stable channel.

This will be handed over to the scientific research team composed of Dr. Savage, Iron Man Tony and foreign aid Dr. Banner.

On the other side, Hill agent called Captain Steve, No. 17 agent Sharon, second-generation Black widow Yelena, imitation master Antonia, Hawkeye Clint, Human Torch Johnny, and White Queen Emma.

Su Yi first brought Qilin, Wanda, little Spider-Man Peter and Ghost spider Gwen.

Then he went to Asgard and invited Thor Thor.

Thor is also very straightforward, bringing his three good friends and Sif to Midgard, ready to fight.

Among the members of the X-Men, Professor X, Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, and even the younger generation of Pyro, Iceman, Little Rascal, Shadowcat, Polaris and Blink, joined them.

Even in space, Captain Marvel received the news and was on his way back.

In order to deal with the coming Chitauri army, Su Yi and Nick Fury are extremely well-prepared.

With this lineup, it's not too much to brush Thanos.

It is indeed a bit overkill to deal with the Chitauri army.

However, the home field of the battle is Midgard after all. Even if it is placed on a small island, there are still warships on the opposite side, and they can fly to nearby cities at any time.

What's more, in the movie, six people fight a fleet, which is indeed too exaggerated.

Su Yi still felt that it was necessary to be on the safe side, that's why he invited so many people.

Such a move, Nick Fury's boss Alexander naturally knew.

"Nick, are you going to start a war?"

"No, I'm dealing with a war."

Nick Fury said something general, that is to say, he knew that the alien fleet would come soon, so he made preparations.

Nick would naturally not tell Alexander the specific news.

After all, the old thing is HYDRA.

Nick Fury was afraid that if he said too much, Alexander would come up with other ideas, and it would be bad if there was another branch.

Alexander was curious about Nick Fury's news channel, but didn't ask much.

If it is really as Nick Fury said, this is a good thing.

At that time, I can just advance the insight plan.

"It's a pity that the insight plan has not been completed, otherwise, using the insight plan can also help."

"I believe S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers are enough this time around."

"hope so."


A plane lands on S.H.I.E.L.D's space carrier.

Phil Coulson was already waiting, waiting for the man to get off the plane.

Captain Steve got off the plane and was immediately greeted by Phil Coulson.

"Captain, welcome."

The captain also knew the general situation along the way, and he will lead a team of superheroes to become the main force against the alien warships.

"Have they all arrived yet?"

"Basically all are here, and one is in outer space, and it should still be on its way back."

Hearing this, Captain Steve also looked serious.

Many of the players in the team are better than themselves, such a team is not easy to lead.

"Captain, let's go in first, otherwise, we won't be able to breathe later."

Steve didn't realize it for a moment, "What? This doesn't look like a submarine that can dive to the bottom."

At this moment, the space carrier changed shape and began to prepare for takeoff.

Steve came to the edge of the space carrier, looked at the situation, and was suddenly amazed.

This is modern technology, far beyond Steve's imagination.

"Indeed, it seems that we have to go first."

Phil Coulson took Steve into the space carrier. Phil Coulson also took the opportunity to talk about his collection of cards and wanted to ask Steve to sign them.

Finally, the two came to the meeting room.

In the conference room, a group of superheroes are already in place.

At the moment, everyone is doing their own thing.

Thor Thor is trying to persuade Loki to let Loki return to Asgard.

"Loki, when this is over, you come back to Asgard with me."

"Go back? No, after I go back, I will definitely be locked up."

Sif doesn't like Loki at all, "You should be locked up, not for 100 years, but for a lifetime."

Loki took the opportunity to say, "Look."

"I'm not going back, I've had a great time here."

Thor replied, "I will intercede with my father and pardon your guilt. You should be rewarded for helping Midgard against its enemies."

Unfortunately, Loki has already made up his mind, and he will definitely not go back easily.


Tony is chatting with Banner about things in the field of science, very happy.

Human Torch Johnny was very surprised when he saw Su Yi's figure.

This is the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This meeting room is also a place where members of the Avengers alliance gather.

It's amazing that such an ordinary person like Su Yi appeared here.

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

"This is where the members of the Avengers alliance gather. Everyone is a super-ability user. You are..."

Johnny suddenly realized that Su Yi also went to outer space.

Everyone has gained a super ability, it makes no sense that Su Yi is an exception.

In other words, in fact, Su Yi has always had a super ability, but he ignored it.

"You also gained a super ability? What is your super ability? Does Susan know that you have a super ability? Does she know that you are coming here?"

"Definitely know, but you have already seen my super ability."

Johnny was still in a daze, unable to guess Su Yi's identity.


Sharon reminded, "Don't you forget, who defeated you several times?"

Johnny suddenly remembered, the mysterious Spider-man.

"Are you the mysterious Spider-man?"

"if not?"

Johnny suddenly felt confused, "Wait."

"You're Susan's boyfriend."

"I remember, you still belong to Jane and Daisy..."

"You cheated on Susan? I can't forgive you!"

Seeing that Johnny was about to ignite, Su Yi directly suppressed it with one hand, sucking up Johnny's energy first.

Anyway, I can't fight now, and it doesn't matter if I don't have energy.

It's much better than this kid not caring about anything and just transforming directly.

"Calm down, Susan already knew."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Susan yourself."

John couldn't believe it, so he hurried away to contact Susan.

little Spider-Man Peter was extremely interested in the space carrier, and was scurrying around while chattering non-stop.

Hill got a little impatient when he heard Peter's words.

Fortunately, Captain Steve appeared at this time.

Peter was shocked when he saw Steve.

"Captain Steve? Omaga's!"

"Captain, I'm your fan..."

Steve felt dizzy when he saw such a large group of people.

This team is really not easy to lead.

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