I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 267 I Oppose The Insight Plan

Su Yi learned more about the Quantum Realm by communicating with Dr. Pym and Janet.

Knowing more about the quantum realm allows Su Yi to move in and out of the quantum realm.

"Mrs. Janet, are you in the Quantum Realm, do you know that there is a variant of Kang?"

Janet's face changed slightly, it was obvious that there was such a person.

"He's dangerous, it's best not to touch him."

"If you're going into the quantum realm, be careful with him."

Su Yi was a little surprised that there really was a variant of Kang in the Quantum Realm.

Another big boss!

Su Yi is not in a hurry, and Su Yi definitely won't bother him if he is not fully sure.

Now, let him stay in the quantum realm with peace of mind.

After I have enough strength to kill Thanos, I will deal with him.

Su Yi decided to wait until after killing Thanos before considering

As the saying goes, you have to eat food one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step on the road.

Otherwise, the stride is too big, click, and it is easy to cause problems!

Su Yi has absorbed enough quantum energy from the Quantum Realm, it should be enough for Ava to use for a month.

Therefore, it is better to wait for a while and then go to the Quantum Realm.

Janet and Dr. Pym, the two checked on Ava's condition together.

Hope took the opportunity to pull Su Yi aside and whispered, "So she is also your confidante?"

"She's the same as you, not yet, but she should be soon."

Hope replied bluntly, "I haven't promised you yet."

Su Yi took the initiative to hug Hope, "Then, why do you care about the relationship between Ava and me?"

"I'm just asking casually."

Su Yi smiled and said nothing, it seems that the progress is going well, and it won't be long before it will be successful.

After the inspection, Su Yi took Ava back.


On the other side, Nick Fury found captain Steve and Iron Man Tony through Hill agent.

The Insights program is about to begin.

Nick Fury summoned these two people to prepare to destroy the insight plan.

Nick, the old fox, already has a plan.

And the first step of this plan is to force Alexander, make him anxious, and even make mistakes.

"Captain, I need you to come forward and persuade Alexander to give up the insight plan."

After Steve learned the essence of the insight plan, he immediately wanted to stop the insight plan.

What's more, this is still HYDRA's plan, so it's not stopping it, but destroying it.

"Walter? Let me persuade Alexander to give up?"

"He certainly won't give up."

Only then did Nick Fury say, "They will indeed not give up the plan, and they will find a way to eliminate you, the person who blocked the insight plan."

Steve wasn't worried about his own safety at all, but he didn't understand why he wanted to scare the snake away.

"Why alarm them? If we catch Alexander and the others directly, won't we solve the problem?"

Nick Fury had to take a moment to explain why.

The main thing is that HYDRA is now hidden and will not emerge until the Insight Project is implemented.

Telling Steve to jump out and stop Alexander now is to lure out all the HYDRA people.

Only when these people came out, it would be convenient to catch them all in one go.

Steve still agreed and decided to follow Nick Fury's plan.

As for the follow-up plans and actions, they are similar to those in the movie.

According to the plan, we will act tomorrow.

Steve came to the hospital alone to visit Peggy Carter.

To make sure things went smoothly, Steve didn't talk to Carter too much.

Steve looked at the aged Carter, and he was extremely determined in his heart. He must destroy the insight plan and wipe out HYDRA.

The next day, the operation officially began.

Nick Fury took Steve to visit the Insight Project, Steve was very angry,

After a fight with Nick, the two track down Alexander.

Alexander is also an old fox, watching Nick Fury and Steve appear, he greeted them warmly.

"Director Nick, and Captain Steve, you guys came to see me together, what's the matter?"

Steve immediately stated, "Minister, I am against Project Insight!"

Alexander didn't change his face, "Captain, I want to know the reason."

Steve replied with a face of justice, "Equipped with a large number of weapons on a space carrier, aiming guns at everyone, this is not freedom!"

Alexander explained, "Our algorithm will only screen those criminals and will not harm innocent people."

Steve didn't back down, "There's absolutely no need to equip weapons, catch the gangsters, and then go through a trial before they can be sentenced."

"These weapons are really too much."

Alexander's face changed slightly, and he was a little stiff.

However, under Alexander's efforts to cover up, there seemed to be no flaws.

In fact, I was thinking in my heart whether to remove this obstacle.

Nick took the opportunity to interject, "These weapons are not used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary."

"I have already explained to you that the original intention of this plan is to use data algorithms to identify culprits and protect the safety of citizens."

Steve sneered and said, "Don't tell me, do you think that when the gangsters are being investigated, they will sense it and attack the space carrier with guns?"

"Obviously, these weapons are not for self-defense, but for attack, for destruction."

"It's not justice and it's not the right process."

"I hope to postpone the insight plan immediately, at least those weapons should be removed!"

"If you don't, I'm going to break the news to the media and reveal the request for the Insight Project."

"Citizens have a right to know the truth about the Insight program and to know that these guns are being pointed at them."

Alexander was very helpless to meet such a single-minded person like Steve.

Sure enough, as calculated by Zola's algorithm, Steve belongs to the ranks that must be eliminated.

If Steve is not eliminated, Steve is bound to affect or even stop the plan.

Thinking of this, Alexander was ready to kill, Steve must die.

Besides, he had to die early, otherwise, it wouldn't be a good thing for Steve to leak the insight plan.

To take on Captain Steve, it's going to take a mighty thug, the Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes!

Now, Steve has to be stabilized.

"Steve, I know you may not understand. You've been asleep for 70 years and everything has changed."

"This plan has been approved by the White Palace, we must continue!"

"Only by implementing the insight plan, can we catch the culprits and save more people."

Steve was unmoved, "Just one request, dismantle those guns!"

Alexander was very helpless, "I will think about it!"

Steve left satisfied, and Nick Fury pretended to be from Alexander's side, "Pierce, time is running out to dismantle these weapons."

"Don't worry about him, keep planning."

"I see!"

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