I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 084 Tony, Are You Rebellious Yet?

Su Yi didn't intend to help at all, although she could get some fate points by paying the whip.

However, it shouldn't be many.

It's better to leave it to Tony and let him handle it himself.

If even a whip can't be done, then what's the future?

Whiplash stood in the middle of the track, holding a pair of whips, looking terrifying.

Not long after, the racer who had completed a lap returned to the starting point, only to find that there was an extra person in the middle of the road here.

Although I don't know what kind of situation this person is, but he definitely can't bump into him.

Some racers turned in a hurry, but accidentally bumped into the protective measures on the side of the road.

Although it would not be fatal on the spot, it was definitely more dangerous.

Definitely, there are also racers who have no time to dodge, so they can only rush straight towards the whip rope.

With a swish of the whip, the racing car was split in half.

This power cannot be underestimated.

The racing car, which was split in half, fell out from both sides.

But the whip in the middle has no effect at all.

Su Yi looked at these and frowned slightly.

It's really not an accident, it's outrageous if it's not scratched.

It can only be said that the villain's buff is also a buff.

With the buff added, it really is not so easy to get into trouble.

Cars passing by have accidents.

Tony had just turned around when he saw an accident in the vehicle ahead.

Immediately, I felt that something was wrong, so I hurriedly dealt with it.

Fortunately, Tony bumped into the side protective equipment.

Difficult to climb out of the car, but have to face the whip.

The opponent's two big whips can still see the electric current, and he is unarmed, so he is not an opponent at all.

If this is hit by a whip, the consequences can be imagined.

Tony hurriedly got out of the car, ready to think about how to deal with it.

The whip rope pressed on step by step, one whip after another.

Tony could only run away in a hurry, and accidentally fell to the ground.

Looking at the defective vehicle in front of him and the gasoline leaking from the fuel tank, Tony thought of a way.

Taking advantage of the whip not paying attention, Tony hastily dodged away.

When the long whip of the whip hit the gasoline with lightning, it caused a small explosion in an instant.

Fortunately, Tony escaped quickly and nothing happened.

The whip rope was naturally unharmed, but the explosion hindered the pace of pursuit.

Tony knew that these things would not stop the opponent for long, he had to find a way to put on his armor.

At this moment, Happy drove the car into the track.

Tony cheered up when he saw Happy appear.

With the armor, I have nothing to fear.

Happy watched the whip swinging the whip, and was about to chase Tony, and immediately ran towards the whip.

Happy was still soft-hearted, his speed was not fast, and he even slowed down on his own initiative.

I thought it would be fine to just knock people away, but if I was really going to be killed, the problem would be serious.

The whip was hit by the protective net and was temporarily unable to move.

Tony also took the opportunity to run over, "Happy, are you okay?"

Happy recovered a bit, "I'm fine, he was knocked down by me."

Happy was still babbling, but Tony noticed that the whip had stood up.

If I don't put on the battle armor again, I'm afraid my life will have to be explained here.

"Where's my suitcase?"


Happy was yelled by Tony and came back to his senses, "In the back seat."

Tony hurried to find the suitcase, and the whip was whipped again.

Tony hurriedly dodged, only to see that the car door was cut off directly.

Tony held the car door, just like the captain back then.

Tony didn't have the consciousness to use the car door as a shield, he just threw the car door over to block the footsteps of the whip.

Just as he was about to get his suitcase, Happy noticed the movement of the whip.

He backed up in a hurry, ready to hit it again.

The impact was stronger this time, and the airbag deployed, knocking Happy's head a little dizzy.

As a result, whiplash is naturally a more serious problem.

Tony hastily pulled the suitcase out of the backseat and started putting on his armor.

Put your feet on your feet and lift your breastplate with your hands.

Soon, the battle armor will be worn automatically.

As long as you put on the battle armor, everything is not a problem.

Whiplash came to his senses, and immediately swung the whip in his hand. With the electric current long whip, he cut the vehicle in half.

Happy sat in the driver's seat, watching the car being cut in half, with lingering fear.

If this whip falls on him, he will definitely be split in two.

In ten seconds or so, Tony had put on his armor.

Kicked Happy's vehicle away, freed Happy, and released the whip at the same time.

Tony raised his hand, palm cannon at the ready.

But the whip wouldn't give Tony the chance at all.

Immediately waved the whip and tied Tony's arms so that Tony could not release the palm cannon.

The two sides were back and forth, but Tony fell into a disadvantage and was tied tightly with double whips.

And the long whip carrying the electric current actually damaged Tony's portable armor with many scars.

Seeing Tony's miserable state, Su Yi couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"Tony, there is something wrong with your style of play."

"Although you are wearing steel armor, you are a long-range man."

"The whip's weapon is a long whip, no matter how long it is, the distance is only a few meters, which belongs to the range of close combat."

"You are an ADC who hits a fighter in the face, isn't this a gift?"

"Are you rebellious?"

"Pull, you have to learn to pull!"


Tony finally held the whip hard and walked up to the whip rope.

At this moment, the long whip of the whip was useless, Tony punched and punched, and the whip was so painful.

Finally, he grabbed the whip and dropped it on the ground.

Looking at the Ark reactor on the whip rope, he grabbed it, and after a brief scan, crushed the Ark reactor.

Someone has their own technology, which means that they can imitate themselves and make steel armor.

This also means that the Iron Armor is no longer unique.

You know, not long ago, Tony was invited to conduct a round of questioning.

After Tony spent all his time talking, his armor was not confiscated by the authorities.

And now, the Ark Reactor appeared, which made Tony's situation very embarrassing.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

"Tony Stark, you lost!"

"Ha ha."

"you lose!"

Tony looked at Ivan Wanke, who was taken away from the whip, and fell silent.

The surrounding staff rushed to deal with the scene, and Tony also came back to take a break, and then asked how this person got the Ark reactor technology.

However, when Su Yi saw Tony's first words, he completely stunned Tony.

"Tony, have you reached the stage of rebellion after taking the eaux-de-vie to rejuvenate?"

Tony was criticized by Su Yi, he looked puzzled, "Walter?"

Su Yi continued, "Tony, you have to learn to pull!"

Tony was even more confused and didn't understand, "Pull, what do you mean?"

"It means that you can increase the distance and use your attack distance advantage to prevent him from harming you!"

Tony was about to argue, but was interrupted by Su Yi.

"Don't try to quibble!"

"I watched it live, you didn't drag it at all!"

"You are like a brainless reckless man who chooses to fight him in close combat."

"If you didn't have this armor, you'd probably be dead."

"To be honest, your fighting style is really stupid!"

Tony was speechless by what Su Yi said.

I can only accept Su Yi's pointing and criticism, "ok! ok! You are right!"

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