Su Yi handed over the matter to S.H.I.E.L.D. Only need to obtain evidence, S.H.I.E.L.D can work with Tony to deal with Ivan and Justin Hammer together.

After all, Ivan Vanke is already a veritable criminal, and Justin Hammer will definitely be punished for doing such a thing.

Su Yi didn't have much thought to take care of these things.

Today, Su Yi is going to chat with Jane Foster about literature.

After this period of cramming, Su Yi can be considered to have a certain understanding of astronomy.

At least in terms of theoretical knowledge, Su Yi can say something.

Just in time, Su Yi knew the current location of Jane Foster and others, which was in this city.

Before they left, Su Yi decided to chat with Jane Foster first, and then go find the hammer together.

"Hey, it seems that there is no need for Phil Coulson to remind me. Forget it, let's remind them."

After Su Yi sent Pepper to the company, she set off to find Jane Foster.

Although Dr. Eric Savig is not a university lecturer, as an expert in the field of astronomy, in addition to research, he also gives lectures from time to time to make money to support his research.

This time, of course, I was invited by the university to give a speech.

After the speech, Su Yi naturally took the opportunity to find Jane Foster, and then chatted about astronomy.

As the doctor's assistant, Jane Foster is also very capable in the field of astronomy.

At first I thought Su Yi was just an ordinary student, or came to strike up a conversation.

Unexpectedly, after a simple exchange, I found that Su Yi had indeed read a lot of books on astronomy.

Not only that, but there are also some unique understandings.

In an instant, Jane Foster has a different opinion of Su Yi.

Just because of the limited time, Jane Foster has to follow the doctor to go to the south.

Because the doctor found that the South seems to be discovering in the near future, so after finishing this last speech, he prepared to drive the RV and set off for the South.

"It's a pleasure to discuss astronomy with you, but we're going to the south soon."

"According to predictions, rare astronomical sights may be observed in the next month."

"We cannot miss this opportunity."

Su Yi watched the three of them prepare to drive the RV, "Why don't you take the plane?"

Jane Foster is not easy to say directly, "Oh, we are used to traveling all the way and observing all the way."

Su Yi couldn't help sighing, "No wonder you have such profound knowledge."

Daisy Louise has been observing Su Yi, and found that Su Yi is extremely handsome, so she took a few glances secretly.

At this moment, I couldn't help complaining, "It's obviously because I don't have money."

Jane Foster was slightly embarrassed, and it was.

Because you can't make much money just giving lectures, especially PhDs prefer to do research.

Once a discovery is made, the lecture or anything doesn't matter.

It is also true that the three of them are indeed a little poor.

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Jane Foster flicked her hair, "You know, it's difficult to convert such research into commodities and generate value."

Su Yi nodded, "That's why your research is worthy of respect."

"I want to go with you, can I?"

Jane Foster was even more embarrassed, "Well, our RV may not be able to accommodate so many people."

"I can go with you in the car and live in a tent. Or, I can buy an RV."

"Are you in a hurry to go?"

"I thought, I just need a day to be ready."

Jane Foster had some hesitation, but Daisy's eyes lit up.

"Sorry, I have a few words with Jian Jian alone."

Daisy quietly pulled Jane aside, "Jane, I don't think you can miss this opportunity."

"what chance?"

Daisy adjusted her glasses and glanced at Su Yi, "Jane, he's obviously interested in you, can't you see it?"

"You see he is so handsome, and he is also very interested in astronomy."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Or, do you intend to die alone?"

Jane didn't know how to argue, "But, we've only met for the first time."

"So, take him with you, and you can continue to understand him."

"If you don't like him, just leave him to me, I'm very happy with him."

The two were discussing at the side, Su Yi didn't want to eavesdrop, but after strengthening her hearing, she could hear.

Hearing Daisy's perfect assist, the corners of Su Yi's mouth couldn't help showing some arcs.

"Daisy, I'm very pleased with you, too."

"Not only is he in good shape, but he also takes the initiative to be a wingman."

"When the time comes, I will definitely reward you well."

Under Daisy's persuasion, Jane finally determined the answer.

When the two came back, Jane smiled and said, "You have to be prepared, the journey may be very hard."

"No problem, I believe that the harvest along the way will be more than the hard work."

"Then let's exchange contact information, and we will persuade the doctor to leave tomorrow."


The plan has been more than half successful. As long as you set out with a few people, you just need to follow the trend and you will definitely win the two of them easily.

Su Yi watched Jane leave and turned to say goodbye to herself, looking at Jane Foster's beautiful face.

Su Yi will not let Jane die in the end.

In the comics, Jane Foster transforms into Thor, the majestic woman. Su Yi is also very moved by this part.

It's just that the movie was shot in a mess, and the charm of Jane Foster was not captured at all.

"Jane, I will not let such a tragedy happen."

Su Yi also made a decision, the last drop of water of life will most likely be used on Jane.

Anyway, there is still a chance to get it in the future, so Su Yi is not worried.

After saying goodbye to the two, Su Yi quickly started preparations.

Buy an RV, buy a tent, and more.

In one day, Su Yi easily prepared most of the things.

As for other items, they can be purchased on the road.

It's not always on the road, passing through towns, it is definitely necessary to stop for a while.

In the evening, Su Yi also greeted everyone, saying that he was going to travel for a while.

Everything is ready for departure the next day.

Su Yi drove the RV to the agreed place.

Seeing Su Yi, Dr. Shaweige was a little wary.

This young man is a little too handsome, and it seems that his purpose is not pure.

However, Savage still believed in Jane's judgment.

Some of the content of the conversation between Jane and Su Yi, and some ideas of Su Yi, also inspired Jane and Savage.

"Hello, Dr. Savage, I'm Su Yi, you can call me Mr. Su, or Su."

Daisy was a little excited, "Hello, Sue."

"Hi, Daisy."

Jane also emerged from the RV, only wrapped in a blanket.

He still looked a little confused, and his hair was a little messy.


Daisy hurriedly explained, "Jane was studying last night, so she forgot the time."

"I can tell."

"Jane, if you don't mind, you can rest in my car."

Jane quickly refused, "No need, I'll just rest in the original car."

Su Yi looked at Daisy, "What about you, Daisy? You can take a break and take over the driving from Dr. Savig later, it will be safer."

"I, I'm very energetic, and I don't need to rest for the time being. But, can I sit in the co-pilot?"

"definitely can."

After a brief discussion, a group of four set off in two RVs.

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