Thor was shocked by Daisy and passed out directly.

Jane was going crazy, "Daisy, what are you doing?"

Daisy is very innocent, "He scared me."

Su Yi finally made a move, "Don't worry, it looks like he should be fine, let him rest for a night and recover."

"I think it should be sent to a mental hospital."

Anyway, you have to take people away first.

Su Yi easily threw Thor into the RV, laying him flat.

And after everyone left, not too far away, a hammer fell from the sky and smashed a huge hole.

Su Yi noticed it naturally, but Jane, Daisy and the others didn't notice it at all.

They are worried that someone is dead, and they have to hurry to get Thor to the hospital.

There is also the mysterious pattern left by Bifrost, which fascinates Jane.

In the end, Thor was sent to the hospital. After a simple inspection, it was confirmed that there was nothing serious, so he was allowed to stay in the hospital.

Su Yi settled Thor, and Jane was still obsessed with studying the pattern.

Su Yi is not easy to bother, "Su, what do you think this is?"

"I think, if you ask that mysterious man tomorrow, you will know the answer."

"You mean, it has something to do with him?"


Jane still couldn't understand the secret of the pattern, so she had to give up temporarily in the end.

On the other side, Phil Coulson had arrived in time and saw a hammer in the huge hole.

The hammer was so heavy that it was impossible to pick it up.

"Boss, Su Yi's prediction was right, a hammer fell from the sky."

When Nick heard the report, he immediately had an idea, "Isn't he just here, you can go to him and find out more information."

"I see."

Nick Fury felt a headache, more and more problems.

Although he has come into contact with some superpowers, such as Tony and Su Yi, there are still many that he has never been in contact with.

For example, the person who took Wanda, according to Sharon's report, seems to be called Ancient One magician, and Su Yi respects him very much.

Now suddenly a hammer fell from the sky, it seems that there is also a big problem.

"Damn it, the world is getting more and more complicated."

"There are still so many problems waiting for me to deal with."

Nick Fury has already suspected that his head Pierce Alexander has also become a member of HYDRA.

Definitely, Pierce also discovered the cobweb horse trail.

Neither of the two old foxes had a showdown, they were still testing each other.

This made Nick Fury feel even more stressed.

In the final analysis, there are still too few people who can use him as the bureau chief.

If you find a HYDRA agent by your side, then everything will be exposed.

Previously HYDRA was developed under the nose of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now, he, the SHIELD Director, has been emptied, and Pierce has been following him.

If you want to find a way to break the situation under the nose of HYDRA, the difficulty will be doubled.

Fortunately, Nick Fury is not alone.

Arranged Natasha Romanoff, subdued the Black widows of the Red House, and also avoided the surveillance of HYDRA.

In addition, there are Hawkeye Clint, Hill agent and Sharon agent, the few people who can be trusted.

Definitely, foreign players like Su Yi can help.


On a new day, Su Yi, Jane and others are preparing to visit Thor in the hospital.

Unexpectedly, Thor has woken up and made a fuss in the hospital.

"I am Thor Thor, son of Odin!"

"You mortals."

"Do you think this will trap me?"

The doctors and nurses, all of them helping out, were going to hold Thor down, give him an injection, and calm him down.

Seeing this scene, Jane and Daisy both had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"Oh, should we make compensation for these losses?"

Su Yi also hurriedly said, "Stop!"

"Thor, do you want your hammer back? Better be quiet, we'll take you now."

Thor frowned, not believing Su Yi, "Who are you? Why should I believe you?"

"I'm probably one of the few people in this world who knows your origin."

"Would you rather stay here and waste time, or come with me to find your beloved hammer?"

Thor is not afraid of Su Yi at all, after all, he is just a mortal, and he is the great Thor Thor.

"You'd better promise not to lie to me, or I'll show you Thor Thor's wrath."

"ok, ok!"

Su Yi greeted the doctor to pay for the compensation and settle the matter here.

Jane was a little curious, "Su, do you know his origin?"

"Didn't he say it, he's Thor Thor."

"You believe that too?"

Daisy was also a little curious. After so many days, she was very sure that Su Yi must not be crazy.

However, there is no reason to believe such outrageous remarks.

Dr. Savage was not interested at all, "Jane, I think we have had breakfast, we should go back and have a look, maybe we will gain something new."

"I agree."

However, as soon as they left the hospital, they were stopped by Phil Coulson and a group of agents.

"Hello, Mr. Su."

"Long time no see, Phil Coulson."

Jane and the others looked puzzled, not knowing where Phil Coulson and the others came from.

But looking at this posture, it seems that he is not a good person.

"Su, who are they?"

"A friend of mine, let me chat with him."

Su Yi and Phil Coulson stepped aside, and Phil Coulson went straight to the point.

"As you might expect, a hammer fell from the sky. You seem to know the origin of this hammer. We need to know more information."

"This hammer is called Mjolnir, and it was the weapon of Thor Thor. If you want to know more, you can check Norse Mythology."

Phil Coulson is not a fool, "myth? So, you have to tell me that there are really gods in this world?"

"The so-called gods may just be more powerful aliens."

"Didn't you also experience the alien incident?"

Phil Coulson understood, "That hammer has appeared, what are you going to do?"

"Me? Take him over there to see if I can pick up the hammer."

Phil Coulson doesn't understand Su Yi's brain circuit, but he is still willing to respect Su Yi.

After all, Su Yi is still on their side and can provide them with a lot of information.

"When to set off?"

"After breakfast? Phil Coulson, want to join?"

Phil Coulson hesitated, "No problem."

Su Yi is back, and Phil Coulson is taking the opportunity to report.

Jane looked at Phil Coulson and the others vigilantly, "Su, they look like people from a secret department. People like this are usually not good people."

"That's right, Su, how could you have anything to do with them?"

Su Yi explained, "Phil Coulson is my friend, he is a good guy, I trust him."

Thor got impatient and stopped Su Yi directly, "Mortal, I'm going to get my hammer now!"

Su Yi is quite polite, and she is a little patient with this 1500-year-old brat.

"In the name of Thor, I will take you to get your hammer, only now, we need to replenish food!"

"One more thing, I think you should be more polite to us."

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