
The rain, at this moment, seemed to be frozen and stagnated in the air.

Even the breeze accompanied by raindrops in the air disappeared completely.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that all colors have disappeared.

Only that remains, that dark purple light!

"One sword flow-autumn water!!!"



Qiu Shui's black and purple blade fell fiercely and let out a sky-shattering sword sound.

Immediately, a black and purple blade light, like the rising sun in the dark night, roared out, as if to tear everything apart!

The dazzling black and purple training, as if it had substance, turned into a terrifying slash that was more than 100 meters long!

Black and purple! Very heavy black and purple!

As soon as this slash appeared, it was like a mountain, causing the surrounding air to collapse slightly.

Just like the characteristics of Qiushui, this slash is not only violent with sword pressure, but also heavier than the mountains!


As if the mountains were cut out, the violent and heavy slashes seemed to cover the sky!


The combination of the terrifying weight and the violent sword pressure completely shattered the surrounding air!

The sound like glass shattered constantly.

From a distance, the entire sky seems to be torn apart, and this tear is still going on!



At this moment, Rain Shinobi Village shook like an earthquake.

"What, what's wrong?!"

"Then, what is that?!"


The people of Rain Shinobi Village felt the shock and hurried out of the house.

As soon as they went out, they saw a scene that they will never forget.

A black and purple slash that is 100 meters high is constantly lifting off!

Under this black-purple light that is 100 meters high, the air bursts into pieces.

Under the reflection of light, the sky is like a mirror, shattering in bursts, like the end of the day. 12   This horrible scene caused many people to fall to the ground, with cold hands and feet.

"... Then, what?!"

Konan, who had just finished setting up the reception, felt the sudden violent shaking of the earth, his complexion changed suddenly.

He flashed quickly and appeared above Rain Shinobi Village.

When looking at that distance, the terrifying black-purple slash that was more than a hundred meters long, and under the reflection of light, like broken glass, bursts of shattered atmosphere, his complexion changed wildly.

Only one person in the entire Ninja World can issue such an attack!

"Qi Mu, Youyu..."

Konan raised his head in a daze, and looked at the distance, the violent slash that rose to the highest point.


Broken! The violent and heavy sword pressure, crashed to pieces!


The atmosphere is shaking! The atmosphere is falling apart!

The tyrannical slash, shattered everything in the sky!


The atmosphere keeps breaking apart, and the dark clouds keep rolling back.

From a distance, the sky seemed to be cut open at this time!


"Oh, damn it! It's Qimu Youyu's slash!"

On the edge of Rain Shinobi Village, Jue's figure slowly emerged from the dead wood, staring at the violent slash that seemed to cut the sky in the distance.

Such a slash, the entire Shinobi world, the entire history!

Only one person can do it!

Qimu Youyu! The absolute hegemon in this world!

Also, his nightmare!

"Oh, damn, just feel the pressure of the sword, I feel trembling all over, bastard, bastard!"

Black Zetsu shivered slightly, roaring and cursing in his heart.

He, the embodiment of the great will of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, felt the pressure of the sword from a distance and trembled all over.

"However, the good news is that Qimu Youyu's strength really doesn't seem to be that strong anymore."

Black Zetsu frowned, forcibly calmed his mood, and thought to himself.

Qi Mu Youyu, during the Third Ninja World War, the slash that cut the battlefield apart was hundreds of meters long!

Even thousands of meters!

It was far more terrifying than the current scene!

Although the slash of 100 meters is also very scary, compared with the slash of thousands of meters, at least it is not so desperate.

Rinnegan, there is hope!


"Is this the strength of Qimu Youyu? Really, the long-lost strength that makes people tremble, I am afraid that my Water Style will be just as it was before, right?"

On the other side, Kisame raised his head, bloodshot shark eyes, staring at the violent slash that seemed to cut the sky in the distance, and the corners of his mouth grin slightly, revealing the hideous shark teeth.

"Oh? Ever?"

Uchiha Itachi silently retracted his gaze and looked at Kisame.

This person has a deep malice towards Youyu-sama.

"It's nothing more than the old days, but then I also heard some legends of Qimu Youyu.

Legend has it that Qimu Youyu’s peak attack was thousands of meters long in the third Ninja World War. Is this kind of attack a bit regressive? "

Kisame grinned the shark teeth, the bloodshot shark looked at Uchiha Itachi, and said slowly.

"Regressed?... Maybe."

Uchiha Itachi's complexion remained unchanged, and said lightly.

Kisame wanted to collect information from him, and Uchiha Itachi naturally did not show any abnormalities.

But in fact, Uchiha Itachi heard Kisame's statement and almost couldn't control his emotions.

Is a slash of a hundred meters necessarily weaker than a kilometer?

If Nine Tails knew this, they would definitely bomb Kisame to death with Tailed Beast Bomb.

Uchiha Itachi had the privilege of seeing Master Youyu perform this terrifying swordsmanship.

Regardless of this swordsmanship, the scene seems to be a bit worse compared to the tricks Youyu-sama once used.

After all, hundreds of meters and hundreds of meters, or even kilometers, are not an order of magnitude.

However, this sword move is even more dangerous!

Violent and as thick as a mountain!

The slash performed by this sword move is like a real mountain, with a terrifying weight!

The tyranny reached the Ultimate sword pressure, and he was given a weight even more terrifying than a mountain. What kind of horror would it be?

That is the great horror that can tear everything apart and destroy everything!

If facing the thousand-meter-long slash of Lord Youyu, his Susanoo might be able to hold on for a while.

After all, a kilometer-long slash, the power that can affect a single body is always limited.

But if faced with this swordsmanship, his Susanoo's skeleton made of Chakra would collapse on the spot in an instant!

This is a kind of desperate and restrained horror.

Only at the moment of contact can you truly feel the horror of this swordsmanship.

Waiting and watching, it is impossible to notice the horror of this sword move!



The roaring sword pressure in the sky has come to an end at this time.

Accompanied by the piercing sound of swords, the violent sword pressure slowly disappeared to the horizon.



I don't know how long it took, a breeze blew gently across the earth, and golden light sprinkled on the earth.

"Too, the sun?"

"How long have you not seen the sun?"


Feeling the warm sunshine on their bodies, the residents of Rain Shinobi Village even cheered.

Looking at the sky again, there are no clouds, a blue sky, such a blue sky, Rain Shinobi Village hasn't appeared in many years.

"Has the sky been cut open? This is, Qimu Youyu, does the name mean?"

Konan stared at the blue sky blankly, and the warm sunlight fell on her face, radiantly warm.

How long has it not been in the sun?

Konan put his hands in front of his eyes.

The sun is dazzling, but it is extremely warm.

The sight slowly moved down.

Looking at the cheering people of Rain Shinobi Village, Konan didn't know what to say at this moment.

How long have you not seen the smile from the heart of these people?


Slowly raising his head, Konan squinted his eyes slightly under the dazzling sunlight, and the corners of his mouth turned slightly upwards unconsciously.

"Konan, what's the matter?"

When Konan stared at the sky in a daze, a figure suddenly flew beside her.

"...Yes, Qi Mu Youyu's attack."

Konan slowly recovered and spoke.

"What happened? Why did Qimu Youyu attack suddenly?"

Payne frowned and asked.

Just now, he was still standing in the wind and rain, enjoying his loneliness.

In the next instant, everything was torn apart.

That feeling made him extremely unhappy.

"...I don't know why he attacked suddenly, he hasn't entered Rain Shinobi Village at all."

Konan said.

"Damn Qimu Youyu."

Rinnegan of Heavenly Payne looked a little gloomy.

I have long heard that Qi Mu Youyu is moody and confusing.

He was already prepared to swallow the shame this time, let Konan take care of the arrangements and entertain Qimu Youyu well, so that Youyu Qimu would not notice the abnormality of Rain Shinobi Village.

But in the end, Qimu Youyu did not come, and Qimu Youyu's slash came first!

If it weren't for the overall situation, he would now like to go out of Rain Shinobi Village immediately and fight with Qimu Youyu!

This bastard is really bullying!

"Huh—you go back quickly. I'll be responsible here. I have prepared the person who will dress Hanzo and arranged a banquet."

Konan let out a sigh of relief and spoke.

"Well, leave it to you."

Heavenly Way Payne nodded and said.

When the voice fell, Tiandao Payne wanted to leave.

Nagato thought it over, and after a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

Then use the seal technique to cover up his Chakra fluctuations.

What a good thing, not seeing is believing!

Qi Mu Youyu hasn't come yet, and his mentality is about to explode.

If he comes, he won't be pissed to death? !


Just when Nagato was controlling Heavenly Dao Payne and was about to leave, a figure suddenly appeared.

"My God, Mr. Angel, Konoha's Qimu Youyu, let me bring a word."

A Rain Shinobi, kneeling on the ground, said tremblingly.

"Bring words?"

Konan frowned slightly.

It should be brought to Hanzo by Qimu Youyu.

"Yes, yes, Konoha's Saiki Youyu said that he didn't like the weather in Rain Shinobi Village, so he came here specially..."


Rain Shinobi's words were not finished yet, but the surrounding area of ​​Tiandao Payne 673, the air exploded suddenly, and the repulsive force formed a huge depression on the ground under Tiandao Payne's feet.

"...Also, what did you say?!"


Payne's fists creaked, and Rinnegan was filled with haze.

"Also, I also said that Rain Shinobi Village's tribute for the next year will be doubled, and, moreover, Rain Shinobi Village is required to keep the current sunny day, otherwise the next time I come, cut it, it won't be the sky."

Rain Shinobi looked at Tiandao Payne in horror, had broken speech several times, and said bitterly.

"So, he is gone, right?"

Tiandao Payne asked lightly.

"Yes, yes, Qi, Qimu Youyu, has left..."


The terrifying repulsion, like a raging giant elephant, shatters everything around it!

The ground beneath Tiandao Payne's feet, like a spider web, collapsed and cracked quickly.

The surrounding houses collapsed under the terrifying repulsion, and the dust was completely washed away by the violent repulsion before the dust was raised.

This area actually formed a vacuum zone.

"Qi Mu... Youyu!!!"

Heavenly Way Payne let out a roar, the whole person is like a madman.

What a special thing! Is this bastard sick? !

Just because I didn't like the weather here, I came here all the way, cut out a slash, and then left? !

Are you special, free? ! ! !

Thinking of just now, he was ready to swallow the humiliation again, let Konan prepare, and let everyone from Akatsuki to evacuate Rain Shinobi Village...

As a result, Qimu Youyu didn't even want to come!

Heavenly Payne's body was trembling constantly, and Rinnegan was full of haze.

Shame! Shame in absolute sense!

After his Rinnegan was completely awakened, he never felt the shame again!

No! Even when I was wandering in the Ninja World, I never felt such a shame!

This feeling is like being completely played with, from the body to the mind.


And Konan on the side also twitched at the corner of his mouth.

If you say Qimu Youyu is here, it is forbearance.

But what if it doesn't come? Doesn't it mean that they, the Xiao organization, were scared to have the members evacuated from the base camp by someone who had never wanted to come.

Think again about the scene where she was exhausted just now, preparing everything...

Not to mention Nagato, even she has an urge to rush out and fight Qi Mu Youyu desperately at this time.

Qimu Youyu! It's too deceiving! ! !

Nagato and Konan roared in their hearts at the same time.


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