"Ms. Jiraiya really killed his teacher? Betrayed Konoha?"

"Then, can we try to bring Mr. Jiraiya over and come to our Rain Shinobi Village. After Orochimaru betrayed the village, he joined the Akatsuki organization."

"Because of the conflict with Itachi, I chose to leave."

"In the case of Mr. Jiraiya, this would not happen."

"Furthermore, this dream we are going on, will Mr. Jiraiya agree with it?"

Konan hesitated.

"Ms. Jiraiya wouldn't be such a person, he couldn't have done such a thing."

"Of course we know what Mr. Jiraiya insists on."

Minato looked at Konan and said, "But, who can guarantee that Sarutobi Hiruzen is a good person? The methods Sarutobi Hiruzen uses against other villages can tell that this person is not simple."

"It's not because the teacher betrayed Konoha."

"It's Konoha who betrayed Mr. Jiraiya."

Konan still shook his head.

"I think we should be more cautious."

"The secret of Akatsuki's organization cannot be known to outsiders, even if it is Mr. Jiraiya, but there is a high probability that Mrs. Jiraiya will be our enemy. Haven't you heard that Mrs. Jiraiya took Jinchūriki away from Konoha."

"Our goal is Jinchūriki."

"There is a conflict between us."

Nagato was silent for a while.

"When Mr. Jiraiya understands our dream, she will understand us."

"Moreover, Mr. Jiraiya is very strong. If you can join us, it will be of great help to us."

At this time, Jiraiya had left the country of fire with Naruto.

After Konoha's wanted, Jiraiya no longer has a foothold in the country of fire.

Naruto was very dissatisfied with this.

"Pervy Sage, we are in a terrible situation now, isn't it just that we just came out to practice? Now you are wanted, and you are also with me."

"What should I do now?"

"If I can't go back to Konoha, I will never see Sakura again."

Jiraiya was a little embarrassed.

"I was framed, and you don't know, is it because I didn't do it on purpose?"

"It won't be long."

"Things will definitely come to light, and the person who framed me will definitely be discovered."

"At that time we can return to Konoha together."

Naruto was lying on a rock, uninterested.

"How long does it take?"

Jiraiya became irritated.

"How do I know?"

"Then if I never see little Sakura again, I should do that."

Naruto looked worried.

"Also, I have made such great progress. I really want to show it to Sasuke and Ya and the others. I really want to compete with Shiraishi again. This time I must beat Shiraishi!"

Jiraiya was angry.

"Little Sakura, Little Sakura knows Little Sakura, as my disciple, can you be a little prosperous? You think about women all the time. At your age, can't you think about something serious?"

Naruto flipped Byakugan,

"Is it a business to be single for a lifetime like you are Pervy Sage?"

Jiraiya: "..."

This hit Jiraiya's pain point.

"Naruto, you can't be Shiraishi's opponent. I have seen Shiraishi. It is much better than your talent."

"But I have my advantage."

Naruto said, "I have that in my body. Didn't you say that as long as I can make good use of this thing, not many people in this world are my opponents?"

"That is not a force that really belongs to you, but an external force."

"In addition, unfortunately, Shiraishi is one of those few people."

Jiraiya was hit by Naruto and retaliated immediately.

"Then I will work harder!"

A touch of fighting spirit burned in Naruto's eyes.

Shiraishi closed his eyes.

A skill tree appeared in Shiraishi's mind, next to the remaining talent points, 649!

And on the branch, it was Shiraishi's ability to light up.

Basics: basic physical skills, shuriken, Chakra extraction, Chakra control, Chakra Nature Transformation.

Illusion: Nalu see Technique.

Ninjutsu: Clone Technique, Transformation Technique, Body Replacement Technique, Shadow Clone Technique, two-handed machine gun, Haohuolong Technique, earth activation, water dragon bite explosion, needle Jizo, Healing Jutsu.

Sealing: Hundred Healings Mark.

Shiraishi checked it a bit, except for Narakushin Technique, Clone Technique, Body Replacement Technique, which he didn't use many scenes, other ninjutsu were considered good.

Normally, a serious Jōnin will have so much ninjutsu as a Master.

Almost enough.

Plus Shiraishi's own physique and Chakra volume.

Now Shiraishi's strength has surpassed Kakashi, and Sarutobi Hiruzen0 ......

It can be said that except for those elite Jōnin, the shadow master, who has special abilities, the people below will not be Shiraishi's opponents.

Including the current Tsunade.

"Sister Tsunade, do you have anything else to teach me?"

"Also, but now you are not up to the conditions of use."

Tsunade said, "Your Hundred Healings Mark needs to accumulate more Chakra before I can teach the next thing."

"How long will it take?"

"For half a year."

"So long?"

Shiraishi frowned.

For half a year, continue to follow Tsunade?

This is not what Shiraishi wanted.

Because of the talent points that Tsunade and Shizune feedback, Shiraishi has absorbed a lot.

Shiraishi's goal in the next stage is to accumulate talent points to 10,000 points.

Because of that, Shiraishi can break the physical limiter again.

Shiraishi is very clear about what tasks will appear in this world in the future.

The decent ninja is no longer on the stage.

Those who can be regarded as strong are the existence of some Masters with special abilities.

Raikage's Lightning Style armor.

Jinchūriki almost unlimited Chakra.

Susanoo of the Uchiha clan.

Rinnegan of Nagato.

The magic of Mount Myōboku and Ryūchi Cave.

These are opponents that are difficult to defeat using conventional ninjutsu.

But as long as Shiraishi can break the current physical limiter, Shiraishi will become stronger than them.

"Since this is the case, Senior Sister Tsunade, I will return to Konoha first."

Shiraishi's idea is simple.

Tsunade and Shizune have not provided Shiraishi with many talent points.

As for Konoha, those Shiraishi familiar with Shiraishi also don't get many talent points.

But this time Konoha has changed dramatically.

There must be a lot of new faces.

Shiraishi wants to get talent points from these raw faces.

Especially, Shiraishi's current strength is already above Danzo.

You can grab a handful from Danzo's body.

There is also Mizuki who is in prison.

Shiraishi always remembered.

Mizuki has more talent points than Kakashi and Asuma.

Has been locked by Shiraishi. .

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