The previous Guido Maru is not dead yet.

It's not Guitong Maru strong.

Instead, Shiraishi kept his hands.

These people don't pose a threat to Shiraishi, so Shiraishi doesn't mind letting them live a little longer. If they want to die, they must at least give Shiraishi some talent points before dying.

Shiraishi moved aside.

The golden arrow grazed Shiraishi's side.

This is Guido Maru's strongest move.

It fell through.

A touch of despair appeared in the eyes of Guitong Maru.

But the next moment, something that made Guitong Maru desperate happened.

The golden arrow was not completely lost.

Missed Shiraishi.

But where Shiraishi stood just now, a little bit past, is exactly where Jirōbō is.


The arrow pierced Jirōbō's body.

Jirōbō snorted, with an extremely painful expression on his face.

Straight back from the state of curse seal.


Guitongmaru's eyes were red.

"Aoki Shiraishi, I'm going to kill you!"

Shiraishi glanced back.

To be honest, this was not designed by Shiraishi on purpose.

But Shiraishi06 didn't think there was anything wrong.

Shiraishi simply took out the rope, tied Jirōbō, and hung it next to Zokanyou.

Of the four Otonin people, three of them were hung from a tree by Shiraishi.

Only Guitong Maru is left.

Shiraishi looked at Dayuya, and said, "Ugly woman, you said, now I threaten him with the lives of the three of you, will he take the initiative to surrender?"

Yuya's eyes twitched.


"The friendship between your companions is really so weak."

Shiraishi shook his head and said, "There is no way, I can only do it myself."

The next moment.

Shiraishi's figure disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

Guitong Maru didn't see clearly at all.


A black silk thread pierced into Guitong Maru's body.

"Ninfa, needle Jizo!"

This black thread is just one of Shiraishi's hair.

The severe pain caused Guitongwan to lose consciousness for an instant.

"Nano see Technique!"

The illusion fell on Guitong Maru's body.

Shiraishi came out of the underground.

A fist hit Guitong Maru's chin, and the violent vibration caused Guitong Maru to fall into dizziness immediately.

After that, Shiraishi used Chakra to cut the nerve near the curse mark on Guidomaru's body.

Forcibly let the Guitong Maru from the state of Shu Yin II back to normal.

Holding Guido Maru in one hand, Shiraishi took out Kunai with the other hand.

Soon, the four Otonin was hung from the tree neatly.

"So, now you know the gap between you and me, right? Orochimaru already knows. In this case, you will still be sent here, with only one purpose."

"He sees you are not pleasing to your eyes, and wants you to die."

"Do you have any ideas?"

The frown frowned.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Do you want us to betray Orochimaru-sama?"


"Even if Orochimaru-sama sends us to death, but this is our destiny."

"Moreover, the existence of the curse seal is not only power, but also a shackle."

"It is impossible for us to do anything against Orochimaru-sama."

Shiraishi shook his head.

"No, I don't need you to betray Orochimaru, your strength is too weak, I can't use it either."

The four voices of Shinobu: "..."

"Then what do you want us to do?"

"It's very simple."

Shiraishi said: "You were sent by Orochimaru, Orochimaru is the culprit, so I need you to help me scold Orochimaru, and insult me ​​as much as I want."

"The harsher someone scolds, the happier I am when I will kill someone."

"Otherwise, I will torture him severely."

Yinnin four people: "???"

The four of them didn't expect such a weird request.

It's not reasonable.

Where would a serious ninja make such a request?

"Spouse Orochimaru-sama?"


Shiraishi nodded and said, "The more fierce the scolding, the better, and the more ugly, the better."

"I won't insult Orochimaru Orochimaru!"

Jirōbō glared at Shiraishi.

Shiraishi smiled and stepped forward.

Take out Kunai and cut Jirōbō's body with a knife.

"Don't scold, that's the end."

Shiraishi stretched out another hand.

"Healing Jutsu!"

I saw Jirōbō’s wound healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It seems that I can treat your injuries. You must know what this means. As long as I don't want you to die, you will definitely not die smoothly."

"Even if you bite your tongue and kill yourself, I can save you all."

The faces of the four people in Otoninu became ugly.

"So, start scolding."

Doyu also cursed secretly.


After that, he gave a dry cough and began to scold Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru is an idiot!"

Shiraishi smiled.

"Yes, that's it, continue."

Seeing that Tayu also started, Sakon Ukon and Onidomaru also started to try.

The two began to curse.

But at this moment, under a tree, a small white snake curled up in the grass, staring at the four people hanging from the tree, with a touch of resentment in their eyes.

"Four wastes!"

No EQ event triggered, talent +17!

Shiraishi nodded satisfied when he heard the reminder.

"Orochimaru is really watching nearby, but there is a high probability that it is a white snake clone."

Shiraishi didn't care.

As long as you can get talent points.

With the passage of time, the four of Yinnin seemed to let go, one sentence after another, scolding vigorously.

Even a little excited.

Because they were so surprised before.

Almost out of hell.

After numerous fights, he survived from among the many people.

But even if he survives, it is not a lucky thing.

The curse was planted by Orochimaru.

While gaining power, he also became a slave to Orochimaru.

At this moment, they just want to vent all their anger.

Scold all the grievances suffered before.

He even scolded a lot of words that Shiraishi couldn't imagine.

It is wonderful.

People are about to die, they have no scruples.

"Orochimaru is a fool!"


"Neither male nor female, disgusting!"



Shiraishi looked back.

I saw that a figure was slowly walking out of the woods.

Teenager with white hair.

The age is not very big.

Bigger than Shiraishi.

There was a cold breath on his body.

The teenager was angry.

"Don't insult Orochimaru-sama!"

The expressions of the four of Yinnin's faces changed.


One of Orochimaru's capable men.

In terms of strength, it is second only to Orochimaru himself.

Probably more powerful than Yakushi Kabuto.

The reason why I lost to Gaara was not because I was inferior to Gaara, but because I was sick.

Kimimaro who is not sick, Gaara is not an opponent.

Absolutely loyal to Orochimaru.

Blind worship.

"Kimimaro, we were forced."

"Even if it is forced, you shouldn't do it."

A white bone shot to the left and right.

Like a cannonball. .

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