"Shiraishi, Yuhihong-senpai, Hinata, Toa, Shino..."

Xiao Li greeted enthusiastically.

The expressions of Mizuki, Iruka, and Sai became extremely embarrassing in an instant.

It's so embarrassing.

Mizuki and Sai forced their heads down, not looking at the situation on both sides at all.

"Ms. Iruka."

Iruka heard this and had to forcibly squeeze a smile.

"Hinata, Ka, Shino, hello."

A large wave of talent points were immediately fed back to Bai~Shi.

He watched Xiao Li and others leave.

"Senior Xi Rihong, what's the matter-love?"

Xi Rihong glanced at the side and said, "Let's find a quiet place to talk."

"Hinata, you guys are leaving first."


In the pavilion, there are only Yurihong and Shiraishi.

"It's a disciple before me, named Kurama Yakumo."

"The ninja family from Konoha, the Kurama family, this family has a very special blood inheritance boundary, which is of the illusion type. It can manipulate the five senses and feed back the things in the painting to the real world."

"But this child is caught in a demon."

"That monster will control this child and do extremely destructive things."

"Yakumo had already done something extraordinary before, Hokage-sama knew it, and was very angry. I decided to give Yakumo another chance after fighting for reasons."

"However, as long as Yakumo makes mistakes again, then there is only one destiny waiting for Yakumo."


Yurihong looked at Shiraishi.

"Shiraishi, your talent is the strongest among all the people I have seen. That monster can only be killed by illusion. I can't solve it, but you should have no problem."

"Illusory technique, I will only see Technique by Naluo now."

"I can teach you."

Shiraishi hesitated.

"What's wrong, is there any problem?"

Seeing Shiraishi's hesitation, Yurihong didn't understand.

These illusions are my own collection, and other people have no chance to learn them yet.

"Shiraishi, you don't want to help, it's okay, I know this request is too much."


Shiraishi waved his hand and said, "I can help with this."

Shiraishi remembers something about Kurama Yakumo.

It's not just an Edo.

Shiraishi didn't think he couldn't solve it.

And even if it couldn't be resolved, Shiraishi waited for someone to meet and refused directly.

But when I go, I can see a pommel horse Yakumo.

Shiraishi has one more chance to get talent points.

"But as far as illusion is concerned, I only need to learn one, and you can teach me the best, Senior Xi Rihong."

"The one who learns the most directly?"

Xi Rihong was stunned for a moment.


Shiraishi nodded, and said, "Actually, they are almost the same. For me, the difficulty is the same."

"Whether it is ninjutsu or illusion, learning garbage is a waste of time."

Xi Rihong: "..."

"Well, then I will teach you my Master's strongest illusion, Lianhua!"

Yurihong explained the steps of illusion with Shiraishi in detail.

"When the illusion is successfully used, a huge lotus will appear and trap the opponent in the lotus. As the petals of the lotus are closed, it can cause huge damage to the enemy."

"I got it."

"Okay, then, Shiraishi, try it."

"To you, Senior Xi Rihong?"

"Well, use it to me."

"Then Xirihong, you be careful."

Shiraishi began to seal the seal.

"Absolute Lotus!"

The next moment.

Yu Rihong felt the scene before her suddenly change.

A lotus flower appeared around him.

Wrap yourself firmly.

"Is this caught in Shiraishi's illusion?"

Yurihong realized immediately.


Yurihong observed for a while, and quickly used the method of dispelling the illusion.

But the next moment, something that surprised Yu Rihong happened.

That is, this illusion can't be solved by myself.

Suddenly, Xi Rihong became anxious.

"Can't solve it?"

"What should I do?"

Seeing the lotus petals close one by one, Yurihong was very anxious.

"Give me more time!"

"Not enough time!"



There seemed to be an explosion.


Xi Rihong spouted a mouthful of blood.

Opened his eyes and looked at Shiraishi on the opposite side, his eyes were very complicated.

One aspect is that I envy Shiraishi's talent, Absolute Lianhua, an illusion that I developed for a long time. It is very powerful and extremely difficult. It is difficult for ordinary ninjas to learn.

But Shiraishi learned it just once.

And I learned very well.

Yurihong felt that Shiraishi's super lotus flower was even better than the one she used.

0 ······Find flowers·······

This is very interesting.

My inventor is not as good as Shiraishi, who has just learned it.

"People are more angry than people."

Xi Rihong took back his mind.

"Shiraishi, you learned."

"Senior Xi Rihong, sorry."

Shiraishi looked at the blood at the corner of Yurihong's mouth, and said, "I thought you would unlock the illusion, but I didn't expect you to have time to unlock your illusion and hurt you."

Xi Rihong: "..."

No EQ event triggered, talent +6!

Yurihong felt that she had been hit by a double blow.

He was injured because of Shiraishi's illusion.

I was injured because of Shiraishi's words.


I couldn't solve my own illusion.

.... ... 0

Isn't it just a joke?

But in fact, Xi Rihong can still be unlocked.

It's just because the time was delayed at the beginning, so there is not enough time later.

Even so, Xi Ri Hong Ye avoided most of the damage.

If you change someone else, it won't be a simple matter of bleeding from the corners of your mouth.

Xi Rihong smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"Shiraishi, this is my Master's strongest illusion. When will you have time to accompany me to see Yakumo?"

"It's okay anytime, or just now."

"Now? Good."

Xi Rihong hesitated for a while and agreed.

"Come with me."

Yuhihong took Shiraishi to the remote place of Konoha.

The pommel horse clan has also been glorious in history.

But the Bloodline Bounded Family has such a shortcoming.

That is, if no one awakens the blood to succeed the boundary, the family will fall.

The upper limit is high, and the lower limit is also low.

Not as stable as the occult family.

The residence of the Kurama family is now in a remote area in Konoha.

A very small corner.

And Uchiha's resident is not much better.

A valley appeared in the sight of the two of them.


A ninja walked out from the side.

"Master Xi Rihong."

Yurihong nodded.

"This is Shiraishi."

"How is Yakumo's situation recently?"

"Not very stable."

"I'll go in and see her."


The ninja stepped aside.

Yuhihong gestured to Shiraishi.

"Let's go in." Begging.

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