Under the deliberate arrangement of Yamanaka Feng, the battlefield has been divided into four areas unknowingly.

Kakashi, Yurihong, Asuma, each fight each other.

A smile appeared on Yamanaka Feng's face.

"Next, just kill Asuma, and the mission is complete."

"If Shiraishi could be killed, that would be great."

"However, this possibility seems unlikely now."

Yamanaka Feng saw Shiraishi's situation.

Those wandering ninjas are unlikely to pose the slightest threat to Shiraishi.

This makes Yamanaka Feng a little dissatisfied.

"These wandering ninjas are too wasteful."

"If they are a little better, I can shoot."

"Even if you can't kill Shiraishi, at least I won't be exposed."

"But the current situation, as long as I attack Shiraishi, I will be exposed immediately."

Yamanaka wind is very upset.

The other side.

Aburame takes root to control Asuma's situation.

Take Asuma to a place away from Shiraishi.

Aburame takes the roots and prepares to kill Asuma here.

After that, kill all the wandering ninjas.

This way, no flaws will be left.

No one knows that they did it.

With Asuma's death, the Shiraishi trio will definitely suspend searching for Jiraiya, and will return to Konoha first.

Then you can complete Danzo's order yourself.

But what Yamanaka Feng and Aburame didn't expect was that the people sent by Danzo were not just them.

The Akatsuki organization was also entrusted to deal with this matter.

So, when Yamanakakaze and Aburame took roots and led wandering ninjas to attack the Shiraishi four, on the other side, Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame also found Jiraiya and Naruto.

Moreover, Uchiha Itachi is aware of the movements of Yamanaka wind and Aburame taking roots.

This means that Uchiha Itachi can be designed based on the two roots of Yamanaka and Aburame.


Hoshigaki Kisame suddenly appeared behind Naruto.


Falling down.

Naruto was knocked out.

Hoshigaki Kisame pushed Naruto on his shoulder and started running.

When Jiraiya reacted, Hoshigaki Kisame had already run far.

The main point is that Jiraiya really did not expect such a thing to happen.

Kawa no Kuni, Jiraiya has been here for a long time.

It's messy here.

But you can survive if you have the strength.

With Jiraiya's strength, it is completely necessary to worry about the livelihood here.

Naruto has also improved quickly.

Rasengan has learned.

One multiple Shadow Clone Technique, one Summoning Technique, and one Rasengan.

Naruto's strength, facing Chūnin, almost never fell behind.

Even in the face of Jōnin, he can hold on for a certain period of time.

Even when there is real danger, the Nine Tails Chakra will erupt.

Naruto in that state is very difficult to be threatened.

So Jiraiya relaxed his vigilance.

This gave Hoshigaki Kisame this opportunity.


Jiraiya chased after him fiercely.

Under the guidance of Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame ran to the border between the country of Kawa and the country of fire.

"Who is it?"

Jiraiya looked at the direction in which Hoshigaki Kisame was escaping, and a guess arose in his mind.

"This direction is the country of fire."

"Is it Konoha's person?"

"Want to take Naruto back without letting Jinchūriki fall outside?"

"However, I won't let Naruto live the same life as before."

If the current Hokage is Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya might not mind letting Naruto return to Konoha.

But now Konoha's Hokage is Danzo.

And he bears the reputation of killing Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Needless to say, Jiraiya knows what kind of life Naruto will lead once he returns to Konoha.

This is absolutely not allowed by Jiraiya.

In the high altitude, a crow looked down at the situation below.

"It's almost there."

Taking away Naruto is just a prelude to Uchiha Itachi's plan.

And now, the real plan begins.

Hoshigaki Kisame approached Asuma's location at an extremely fast speed, and all the wandering ninjas around were caught in Uchiha Itachi's illusion, controlled by Uchiha Itachi.


Naruto was left behind.

Asuma saw Naruto and was taken aback.


Soon he approached the past.

He lifted Naruto up.

Gouyu turned in Uchiha Itachi's eyes.

"Illusory, start!"


Naruto opened his eyes and showed a mocking expression at Asuma. The Kunai in his hand slammed at Asuma.


Asuma's lower abdomen was pierced, and his eyes widened, revealing a thick disbelief.

"Naruto, why?"


Asuma figured it out.

"I know, it's true, it turns out it's all true."

"It was Jiraiya who killed my father. I didn't trust him so much. When all the evidence pointed to him, I still faintly felt that someone might frame him."

"Unexpectedly, I was thinking too much, but I was passionate."

"You got the information that I want to come to you, right?"

"Don't dare to confront us, so I want to kill me first."

"Because you are afraid of Shiraishi's strength!"

There was a fierce look in Asuma's eyes.

"Go to hell!"

Asuma raised his hand high, Kunai in his hand pierced Naruto's neck.

At this moment, Jiraiya arrived.


Jiraiya's sight.

Holding Naruto in a coma, Asuma went into madness, his eyes flushed, and he was about to kill Naruto.

"Asuma, stop!"

Jiraiya drank.

But Asuma didn't seem to hear it.

"Stop it!"

Jiraiya rushed forward, using all his strength.

"Don't hurt Naruto!"

"Ninfa, Needle Jizo Technique!"

Jiraiya's hair grew at an extremely fast rate and wrapped around Asuma.

Far away.

Uchiha Itachi relieved the illusion.

Asuma's eyes changed back to the real scene.

But it is almost seamlessly connected with Illusion.

"Jiraiya, go to death!"

Asuma aimed Kunai at Jiraiya's chest and pierced it.

Jiraiya frowned.


Jiraiya's hair pierced Asuma.

(Is the money good?)  Heart, neck.

All were pierced.

There was a sound of footsteps.

The wandering ninja scattered and fled.

Shiraishi, Kakashi, and Yurihong appeared in three figures.

I just witnessed the scene where Asuma was pierced by Jiraiya's needle Jizo.


Xi Rihong is a little unbelievable.

Kakashi's expression became serious.

Because strictly speaking, Jiraiya is teacher Kakashi.

The relationship is relatively close.

Kakashi didn't want Jiraiya to be a murderer.

But now, Kakashi saw Jiraiya kill Asuma with his own eyes.

"It was Jiraiya who killed my father!"

Asuma tried his last bit of strength to turn back.

"It's not me."

Jiraiya opened his mouth, but couldn't explain it.

"This is a conspiracy."

"It's not me."

Xi Rihong ran over.

Jiraiya gritted his teeth, hugged Naruto, and backed away abruptly.

"It's really not me.".

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