Information on these three things has spread throughout the village.

It's not just a ninja.

Even ordinary people already know it.

There was a lot of discussion.

"Unexpectedly, Lord Jiraiya was wronged."

"I guessed it a long time ago."

"Master Jiraiya is so good, how could he do such a thing?"

"Yes, among Sannin, the most reliable one is Lord Jiraiya."

"Danzo is really bad."

"For the sake of Naruto's position, not only killed Third Generation, but also blamed Jiraiya."

"Fortunately, Lord Shiraishi stood up."

"Master Shiraishi?"

"Don't you know? That day, Kakashi and others in Jiraiya joined forces with Danzo to confront Danzo, trying to expose Danzo's crimes and kill Danzo, the heinous man."

"But Danzo is too strong."

"Moreover, there are many people who don't know the truth, so they will definitely stand on Danzo's side."

"After all, Danzo is Naruto."

"So, the war in the village broke out."

"Kakashi and Jiraiya on one side, and Danzo on the other."

"There are a lot of ninjas on both sides."

"Once the war really starts, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Maybe the damage caused to Konoha is even greater than the original Nine Tails chaos."

"And at this moment, Lord Shiraishi stood up."

"With my own strength, calm down the storm."

"All the ninjas who fought were stopped by Lord Shiraishi."

"This is really a hero, awesome!"

"It's amazing!"

"I think even the original Fourth Hokage can't do that."

"Master Shiraishi is too strong."

"After that, Shiraishi-sama caught up with Jiraiya and Danzo all the way."

"One defeats two."

"An ingenious method was devised and Danzo blew himself up for the crime he had committed."

"Faced with Lord Shiraishi, Danzo was vulnerable and could only run away in embarrassment."

"It was Orochimaru, who sacrificed his own Summoning beast, Ten thousand snakes, and saved Danzo~々."

Some people sighed.

"It's a shame that Danzo didn't die."

"No way, Orochimaru has paid so much for Danzo."

"Master Shiraishi didn't prepare in advance, they all prepared in advance."

"If neither of them prepares in advance, Shiraishi-sama can definitely kill Danzo."

"Even so, Orochimaru had to sacrifice ten thousand snakes."

"That's ten thousand snakes."

Some people still remember the horror of Ten Thousand Snakes.

The second Ninja War, the name of Sannin, has spread throughout the world.

And the Summoning beast is the representative of Sannin.

Toad, snake, Katsuyu.

Let countless people go wherever they go.

All ordinary ninjas hope that they can get a powerful Summoning beast just like Sannin.

Bloodline, they can't change it.

But the Summoning beast can make a contract by himself.

However, not many people have this luck.

Summoning beasts that have reached the level of Sannin Summoning beasts are even rarer.

"Master Shiraishi can kill Ten Thousand Snakes so easily. He is so powerful that he won't be too strenuous even in the face of Nine Tails, right?"

"From now on, we don't need to worry about the Nine Tails chaos."

"Yes, of course Shiraishi is Hokage anyway, I have no opinion at all."

"Yes, although Shiraishi-sama is a little younger, he is older than Shiraishi. Is Shiraishi better?"

"Like that Mitokado Homura."

"The shameless self-recommended, and Shiraishi-sama competed."

"If you want strength without strength, you want ability without ability."

"It was Shiraishi-sama who pityed him and gave him the position of ombudsman."


Mitokado Homura's face went gloomy when he heard these comments.

Breathing fast and out of breath.

Subconsciously, I want to give up the post of Ombudsman.

But just after taking two steps, Mitokado Homura gave up again.

"I got the position of ombudsman by my ability. Why should I give up?"

"These people are jealous!"

The discussion about Shiraishi continued to spread during these three days.

The major ninja families are pushing secretly.

Three days later, the succession ceremony officially began.

Nara Lujiu turned the succession ceremony into a Konoha grand event.

The whole Konoha is involved.

Complex steps.

Gorgeous arrangement.


Just to let more people see and pay attention to this event.

Not only represents the succession of Hokage.

It means that Konoha is about to enter a new era.

With Shiraishi's age and strength, as long as there are no major accidents, Konoha will usher in a period of stability for decades. This is the advantage that Shiraishi's age brings.

A ninja village, the more stable, the better it can develop.

Why Konoha entered the weakening period is because Fourth Generation died too early.

There was no one after that.

Third Generation is forced to take the position again.

Konoha began to enter a period of decline.

Iwagakure and Cloud Shinobi Village are stable and developed.

Third Tsuchikage Onoki.

I have been alive and well, and there has been no change in the middle.

Cloud Shinobi Village, Fourth Raikage is the son of Third Raikage, which is equivalent to direct inheritance.

Sunagakure, Konoha, and Haze Village were more or less weakened.

The sudden death of Third Kazekage.

Fourth Kazekage is killed by Orochimaru.

Fourth Mizukage is controlled by Obito.

Until now, there is still no Mizukage.

"The Naruto Succession Ceremony, officially begins!"

A carriage departs from the gate of Shiraishi's new courtyard, and Shiraishi stands on the carriage.

Around him are guardian ninjas.

According to the ceremony, Shiraishi will circle the entire Konoha.

After that, he came to the Hokage Building.

Climb to the top of the Hokage Building.

Enjoy the attention and admiration.

Konoha's senior management had already anticipated this scene. After all, Nara Lujiu's plan was under their eyelids (Li's), watching Shiraishi's patrol, while sitting silently in his heart for future plans.

But many ninjas, as well as civilians, don't know this situation.

Seeing at this time, I couldn't help but become eager.

The design of the succession ceremony is undoubtedly a success, pushing the entire Konoha atmosphere to an Ultimate.

"Master Naruto!"

"Master Shiraishi!"

Countless children looked at Shiraishi with reverence and longing in their eyes.

In the past few days, they have heard too many Shiraishi stories.

Now that Sarutobi Hiruzen can portray his image as the strongest Hokage, most people in the village believe it, and now it is not difficult to portray Shiraishi's image better.

"I want to be like Shiraishi-sama too!"

"I want to be Hokage too!"

"I want to work hard!"

"Come on!"

At this time, the news of Shiraishi's successor to Hokage spread outside the country of fire. .

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