"Proof, I need proof."

Baki couldn't help looking at Temari next to him.

Temari understood what Baki meant and took a step forward.

"I will be with you."

"Be your hostage."

"If you find that we cheated you, you can kill me at any time."

"I am Gaara's sister!"

Shiraishi shook his head and said, "Not enough, you're just a next...No, it's Chūnin now, right? Even though you didn't perform well in the Chūnin exam, your village still promoted you to Chūnin."

"But even if you are Gaara's sister, it's not enough."

"It's just a Chūnin, it's not equal to us at all."

Temari gritted his teeth.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Shiraishi said, "In terms of the alliance relationship, I can help you. I will go with Kakashi to rescue them, but in exchange, your elders and high-levels need to be under the supervision of our remaining Genin. "

"Once an accident happens between me and Kakashi, they will kill your elders and high-level officials without hesitation."

"Such an exchange is considered reasonable."

"Of course, you, Gaara's sister, have to be with us."

"After all, you just invaded our Konoha not long ago."

"Don't tell me that it was Orochimaru's conspiracy. The fake Fengying gave you an order. If your village didn't have this mindset, how could it be so fast?"

"Don't your elders question Feng Ying's unreasonable orders?"

"So, this is my condition."

Baki only hesitated, then agreed.

"I promise."

"Master Naruto, please try to bring us Master Fengying back."

Shiraishi nodded.

"I will try my best, but whether I can save it or not, this is not my final say. Maybe he is dead now. I don't have the ability to bring people back to life."

Temari: "..."

"Gaara won't die."

A figure appeared at the door of the village.

"I will go too."

When everyone in Sunagakure saw this figure, their pupils shrank.


Chiyo glanced at Baki and said, "The poison in Kankuro and the fallen puppet fragments. I have seen them. It is very likely that it is Sasori, so I must go."

"This is my responsibility and my duty."

"In addition, Kankuro's poison, I can't deal with it."

"Maybe Konoha's Tsunade can solve the poison of Kankuro."

Temari paled.

Within a day, the two younger brothers suffered one after another, and Temari couldn't bear it.

Shiraishi looked at Chiyo.

"Old lady, this is not something worth taking part in. It will kill you. You are sure you really want to go. Don't die at such an age."

"It's great to take your grandson home and stay home."

No EQ event triggered, talent +6!

Chiyo glared at Shiraishi.

"Are Konoha's people so impolite?"

"Even if it is you Hokage, even if it is Sarutobi old man, he still dare not speak so much when he sees me. I am your elder. You were not born when I was on the battlefield."

"My life, I'll take care of it myself, and I won't bother with Naruto."

Shiraishi shrugged.

"Then it's up to you. If someone is killed, I won't stop him."

Shiraishi turned to Temari.

"Yellow-haired girl, do you know which way to go? Lead the way."

Yellow-haired girl?

The corners of Temari's mouth twitched fiercely, what is this called? It's too ugly.

Damn it too.

Before calling myself a man-in-law, now I call myself a yellow-haired girl.

That's it, that fellow Gaara wants to marry him?


I wouldn't agree even if I died.

"I know."

After speaking, Temari walked in one direction.


Kakashi hesitated.

"Hokage-sama, are we just the two of us? Don't you want to bring more people?"


Shiraishi shook his head and said, "It's not that the more people, the better, just let them stay in Sunagakure."

"To be honest, their strength, I really don't think they can help, just don't hold back."

Hyuga Tokuma, Aburame Shiwei, Inuzuka Claw, Might Guy: "..."

These four people.

Except for Might Guy, none of the other three are strong.

Inuzuka claw is just a special Jōnin.

And Hyuga Tokuma, Aburame Zhiwei, the strength among Jōnin is only quite satisfactory.

For Might Guy, if you want to explode in strength, you can only kill you.

"Keep up."


Shiraishi and Kakashi followed Temari.

Chiyo is walking by.

A group of four people, very fast.

Because Gaara's life is at stake.

It may be only one second late, and Gaara will die.

The four Might Guy entered Sunagakure.

The elders gathered together, in the sight of Might Guy and others.

Baki gritted his teeth and stepped forward again.

"Mr. Guy, I want to ask, do you know where Tsunade-senpai is?"

"Kankuro has been poisoned. Chiyo-sama said that only Tsunade-senpai can treat it. Then only Tsunade-sama can solve Kankuro's poison. Please help."

Might Guy didn't hide it.

"Master Tsunade just returned to the village recently."

"Back to the village?"

Baki's eyes lit up and said, "Will Master Tsunade come here easily?"

"You might as well send Kankuro to Konoha and invite Tsunade-sama to come over. It will take a lot of time to come and go, and I can't guarantee that Tsunade-sama will be willing to come."


Baki immediately arranged it.

The other side.

An enchantment appeared in front of the four Shiraishi.

"No surprise, it should be in this enchantment."

Kakashi said, "I'll find something to set up the enchantment nearby, and it should be fine if I take it away."

"Don't be so troublesome."

Shiraishi raised his fist.

"Weird power!"

Punch out.


Hearing the sound of breaking, an invisible wall seemed to shatter.


Shiraishi walked in.

Chiyo glanced at Shiraishi, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Break the barrier with one punch.

This is not a simple matter.

A lake appeared in the sight of everyone.

In the middle position, a huge stone bet, behind the stone is a cave.

People are likely to be in the cave.

Shiraishi raised his fist again.


In an instant, the stone broke apart.

The whole mountain shook.

The expressions of Deidara and Sasori of Akasha changed.

"Have you chased me so soon?"

"But fortunately, it's almost over."

The two looked at Gaara in the middle.

The power of One Tail has been taken away.

Losing the tail beast, Gaara's life also ended.


Temari saw Gaara on the ground, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

Deidara looked over and chuckled.

Several clay bombs were thrown out. .

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