Sasori stared at Shiraishi, full of resentment.

"Aoki Shiraishi."

When there were only two people, the resentment in the eyes of Sasori of the red sand was not concealed. If the eyes could kill, Sasori of the red sand had killed Shiraishi countless times.

"That disgusting, who is Damn it's kid?"


"It's the little dwarf with yellow hair, staring at me with disgusting eyes."

"You said Naruto."

Shiraishi said: "His full name is Uzumaki Naruto, Konoha's Jinchūriki, Nine Tails' Host, and a disciple of Jiraiya. His strength will not be worse than your heyday."

"Nine Tails Jinchūriki? Jiraiya's disciple?"

Sasori's face changed a little.

Before, Sasori of Red Sand remembered that Akatsuki seemed to have joined two new members, but who they were, Sasori of Red Sand had never seen him, only known that it was Jinchūriki, and the other was one of the former Sannins.

And Orochimaru are teammates.

It cannot be Orochimaru, nor Tsunade.

Then it can only be Jiraiya.

Who is the other person?

It goes without saying.

It must be Naruto.

Sasori felt even more disgusting.

"How can the chief let such a person join the organization?"

Sasori of Akasago looked at Shiraishi.

"Aoki Shiraishi, never let this person see me again."

"That's impossible."

Shiraishi shook his head and said, "Naruto is Konoha's Jinchūriki, and I are still classmates, and his teacher is also one of Konoha's important members, Sannin."

"Meeting you is inevitable."

Sasori of the Red Sand: "..."

"Then you can replace me with a body."

"No, someone has seen you now. If you disappear and it is not easy to explain, if someone speaks again, you have to fabricate an identity for him again, which is not good."

Sasori of the Red Sand: "..."

No EQ event triggered, talent +6!

Sasori of the red sand keeps giving back talent points to Shiraishi.

Shiraishi saw that Sasori of the red sand was about to explode, so he let out his mouth.

"Well, I can minimize your chances of meeting Naruto."


"I can promise."

"Okay, then."

Sasori of Akasago breathed a sigh of relief.

In the current situation, Sasori of the red sand also knew that he was a prisoner and had no resistance at all.

Shiraishi has to do what he wants to do by himself.

Otherwise, you can kill yourself at any time.

Although Naruto is disgusting, he can experience it occasionally, and it is within the scope of his tolerance.

Of course, if Tenten had seen it all, Sasori of the red sand would not be able to bear it, and would rather die.

Shiraishi continued to the training ground.

Tsunade and Shizune are staying in a corner of the village.

"Master Tsunade, Master Naruto said he will come back after a while."

Tsunade nodded.

"It's okay, don't worry."

"What will happen in the future is that we can do other things first."

Tsunade looked at Shizune and said, "The recovery of the Senju clan, Shiraishi alone is not enough. Shiraishi is more powerful, but there is only one person. We need more people to form a family."

"Go investigate those who have the Senju bloodline, and gather them as much as possible."

Shizune nodded.

"Yes, Master Tsunade."

"Then Tsunade-sama, what about after gathering them?"


Tsunade said: "After that, the surname is changed so that they can get back Senju's surname, and then apply for a residence in the village as a residence for the family. This is the goal of the first stage."

"What about the second stage?"

"The second stage is the family ninjutsu system."

Tsunade said: "A family must have its own iconic abilities, blood inheritance limits, secret techniques, etc."

"But Wood Style, there are few people who can get it, so our direction is only secret."

"It depends on Shiraishi."

"The secret techniques I can provide are not special secret techniques."

"When this stage is completed, our Senju clan will be able to reach a level comparable to Ino–Shika–Chō."

"But basically relying on me and Shiraishi."

"So even at this stage, the people below still need to continue to work hard."

"It's important to train new people."

Shizune nodded.

Kakashi gathered the demands of the various Jōnin, departments, and the ninja family. First, the first round of screening was carried out to remove those that would obviously harm the interests of the village, and only Sunagakure and the ninja family benefited.

After that, there will be a second round of discussions to get rid of those that violate the principles of the village.

The rest are the projects that can be cooperated.

It is a beneficial project for Konoha and Sunagakure.

Further discussions will be carried out afterwards.

Two figures came to the land of thunder.

One Tail has been captured, and now Akatsuki’s goal is the second tail.

A small team was dispatched by Nagato to carry out the mission.

Squad of the Undead.

The executors are Kakuzu and Hidan.

The abilities of the two people, without being exposed, will make the enemy very difficult to deal with.

If it is exposed, then the opponent can find a more targeted method. Kakuzu's strength will still be above the level, but Hidan's strength will be greatly reduced.

And Hidan's brain is not so good.


The two of Wooden Golem turned their heads and frowned.

"Master Wooden Golem, what's wrong?"

A cloud shadow Chūnin could not help asking when seeing the expressions of the two You Wooden Golem.


The two from Wooden Golem said: "And it's not weak, you go first, I will drag them out, and I will meet you later."


"Nothing, this is the best choice, I am the captain, I have the final say."


The two stopped by Wooden Golem.

The remaining ninjas continued to move forward, using the fastest speed.

"Since it's here, come out."

The two looked at a big tree from Wooden Golem.

"What do you want to do?"

Kakuzu and Hidan walked out.

"As expected, it is almost perfect Jinchūriki, really extraordinary."

"What do we want to do?"

"Very simple, our purpose is you."

The two of Wooden Golem's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Who are you from? Which ninja village is from?"

"No one from Ninja Village!"

As soon as the voice fell, Hidan rushed towards the two wooden Golems.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out.

Tian Zhiguo.

Naruto and Jiraiya looked at the village ahead.

"Mr. Jiraiya, is this the village where Danzo is hiding?"

"If the news is correct, this is it."

"Okay, then I have to act."

"Action? What are you going to do, Naruto?"

Naruto didn't answer, but jumped out.

Standing at the entrance of the village.

"Danzo, get out of here."

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, today I want to catch you back to Konoha to plead guilty."

"Those who are acquainted, come out quickly!"

Jiraiya: "..."

What is this operation? Self-confidence is too overwhelming, right? This is the home court of Danzo and Orochimaru.

I dare not do this. .

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