The elder of Wuying Village gave it as sincere.

One Danzo, plus one billion.

This is not a small sum.

Even if it is a group of Jōnin performing tasks, it will take a long, long time to get it.

And these tasks are life-threatening.

As for the abdication of the elders, this matter did not give Konoha any practical benefits, but it gave Konoha a lot of face.

At least one thing is certain.

That is, the wrong party in this matter is Wuying Village, not Konoha.

Then, when people in the world talk about it, they will know this.

Konoha's reputation will increase.

If your reputation increases, you will get more commissions.

This is a good thing for Konoha.

"Not enough."

Shiraishi said, "The Haze Village has done too much damage to Konoha. If I hadn't had the ability, Konoha might be hit by a fatal blow this time."

Shiraishi said Konoha miserably.

But in fact, it's nonsense.

The elders of Wuying Village knew this, but couldn't refute it.

Now Konoha is dominant.

The diplomacy of Ninja Village is essentially the weak and the strong.

The current Wuying Village is that piece of meat.

"What are the conditions for Hokage, please tell me directly."

Elder Haze sighed.

"I need the right to operate in Wuying Village."

"Operation rights in Wuying Village?"

Elder Haze frowned.

"Hokage, are you sure?"


Shiraishi paused and said, "In fact, this is beneficial to both of us. However, Konoha will have more benefits, while your Haze Village can only get less benefits."

"Konoha gets 80%, and you get 20% in Haze Village."

"Ten years later, Konoha will get 70%, and Wuying Village will get 30%."

"This is my condition."

Elder Haze hesitated.

Eighty-two openings and seven-three openings are very unfair.

These are two villages.

The economics involved in the business transactions between the villages is huge, and the difference is only 10%, which may be an extremely huge gap.

The elders of the fog shadow did not want to agree, because this is too unfair to the fog shadow village.

However, Elder Haze had no choice.

One is Konoha's situation, which is much stronger than Wukage Village.

The strength that Shiraishi and Naruto showed just now has caused many ninjas in Haze Village to lose their will to fight.

Moreover, Wuying Village also needs this income.

Shiraishi didn't take all the benefits in his hands, but just grabbed most of them.

That's enough.

Konoha can be sustained, long-term, and obtain greater benefits.

What should a good ruling class do?

That is to control the exploited class within a reasonable range.

Don't make it too difficult for this class, and don't let the other party not even have enough to eat.

Sooner or later the other party will lift the table.

But you can't make the other party too rich.

Once rich, there will be other pursuits.

For example, to gain more status, benefits and the like.

And rebellion.

A good state is to allow the other party to have a full meal, but in addition to eating a full meal, there is no extra energy to do other things. This is the best state.

Simply put, it is to instrument the following people.

Now Shiraishi intends to tool Haze Village.

Become a tool to make money for Konoha.

But you can't give nothing to the village of Haze, otherwise, the village of Haze will lift the table and break the jar.

Give Wuying Village a part of the benefits, so that Wuying Village can eat, but can't eat more.

Only in this way can Wuying Village continue to cooperate with Konoha.

"Now make a decision."

0 ······Find flowers·······

"If you don't agree, our real attack on Haze Village will begin."

Elder Haze gave Shiraishi a deep look.

"Okay, I agree."

Shiraishi smiled.

"Happy cooperation."

"Then, stop the war. For the rest, I will let Kakashi come and talk to you Haze Village. Now I will give Danzo and one billion to us, and we will bring it back directly."


Several ninjas removed the iron cage from the carriage and pushed to Shiraishi's side.

Danzo leaned against the iron cage, his eyes closed tightly.

Naruto stepped forward and snorted coldly.

..... ... ...

"Huh, old Danzo dog, now you are finally caught."

"Run, keep running."

"Killed Grandpa Naruto, and framed Mr. Jiraiya."

"Damn it!"

Shiraishi looked at the iron cage.

"Naruto, open the iron cage."


Naruto nodded, opened the iron cage, and pulled Danzo out.

Hit it with a punch.



A burst of white smoke exploded.

Danzo's appearance changed.

Become a ninja in Haze Village.

"Transformation Technique?"

Naruto was surprised.

Shiraishi guessed it.

This should be because Danzo used Distinguished Heavenly Gods on this haze ninja, which affected the memory of this ninja, and let this ninja actively use Transformation Technique instead of Danzo.

The real Danzo has already left.

"Elder, I need an explanation."

Elder Haze's face became ugly.

This is not only impossible to explain to Konoha.

It is a blow to the face of Wuying Village.

"I will find people out."

"Hokage, please rest assured."


Elder Haze looked at Qing next to him.

"Be sure to catch Danzo back."

"Yes." Begging.

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