"Then Hungry Kidō is good at Chakra Absorption."

"Naruto-sama's Shadow Clone is good at Chakra conservation."

"Both of them are defensive counterattack ninjas."

"Then if the other party doesn't attack, there is no way to counter-defense counterattack."

"That's why the two of them are in this state."

Terra said very quickly, and seemed to want to take off the fact that he was a rookie.

But needless to say, everyone understands.


A huge voice burst out, and everyone's sights looked over.

"What sound?"

Everyone looked over quickly.

I saw the collision between the heavenly path and the Shiraishi body.

Heavenly Dao can be regarded as the strongest among the Six Paths puppets.

Because the body used by this puppet is Nagato's obsession, companion.

The existence named Yahiko.

A long time ago, the combination of Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan was led by Yahiko. Yahiko led Nagato and Konan to form a force and led many people.

Want to change the situation in Rain Shinobi Village.

For Nagato, Yahiko at that time was like the sun.

But Yahiko is dead.

Died in the hands of Hanzo and Danzo.

Everything that Nagato did afterwards, to a large extent, was to realize Yahiko's original dream.

Making Yahiko a puppet and appearing in front of everyone as the leader of Akatsuki's organization, Nagato wants to make himself and Konan feel that Yahiko is still alive.

Therefore, Nagato gave Yahiko the strongest ability.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

"Chakra Conservation!"

Tian Dao discovered for the first time that his attack had no effect.

The powerful repulsive force disappeared without a trace halfway through Shiraishi.

"Universal Pull!"

"Chakra Shou Heng!"

The same thing happened.

Tiandao frowned.

He felt that something must be wrong, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

"What did this guy use?"

Shiraishi stared at the heaven on the opposite side.

"Use all your strengths, I know you should have more than this, otherwise you will be no different from those rookies in your organization."

"With their character, it is impossible to admit you as the leader."

Tiandao's face sank.

"In that case, it's as you wish!"

In the next moment, Tiandao pulled out two gangsters from his body.

Take the initiative to rush to Shiraishi.

This is the first time that Tiandao uses moves other than Shinra Tianzheng and Universal Pull.

The speed of Heaven is very fast.

In terms of physical skills, he is not weaker than others.

He came to Shiraishi in an instant.

After that, he raised his hand to the gangster and stabbed Shiraishi.

Shiraishi did not dodge.

Because there is no need at all.


Tiandao pierced the gangster into Shiraishi's body.

"Aoki Shiraishi, you lost."

Tian Dao knows exactly what it means to be pierced into the body by a black stick.

This is the product of yin and yang escape.

Once pierced into the body, it can interfere with the operation of the opponent's Chakra.

What the ninja relies on is Chakra.

Chakra is messed up, and I can't even use ninjutsu.

Tiandao raised his fist and smashed it at Shiraishi fiercely.

Shiraishi flashed.

Escaped the fist of heaven.

After that, he gave Tiandao a fist.


Tiandao flew out suddenly.

A surprised expression appeared on Tian Dao's face.

"Why can you still move?"

To be precise, it was Tiandao who wanted to know why Shiraishi could move so fast.

0 ······Find flowers·······

"You are really blind."

"I don't even have a hole in my clothes. You won't have your stick stab me? That stick is made of Chakra. As long as it is Chakra, it won't work for me."

Even if it is a product of Yin and Yang escape, it is still Chakra in essence.

Shiraishi's Chakra Conservation Technique also has an effect on black sticks.

Tiandao stared at Shiraishi, looked at it seriously, and fell silent.

For the first time, the black stick didn't work.

"Aoki Shiraishi, your strength is beyond my imagination."

"However, you shouldn't, you shouldn't, stand on the opposite side of me."

..... ..... ...

"Block my way to realize my dream."

"You don't even know what I am doing."

"You are just a stupid, vulgar person who loves power."

"Now I want to solve you completely."

Tiandao got up from the ground.

After that, a ball appeared in his hand.

The next moment, Tiandao threw the ball into the sky.

An extremely strong momentum burst out from above the ball.

"Planetary Devastation!"

In the next moment, the black ball became bigger and bigger.

A powerful attraction burst out from above the sphere.

Dust in the air.

The dirt and stones below.

Even a ninja.

All are affected by Planetary Devastation.

"Aoki Shiraishi, be trapped in my ninjutsu forever."

This time, even Killer Bee changed his face because he felt a strong threat. This threat was not what Killer Bee felt, but the Eight Tails in Killer Bee's body.

"Hurry up."

At the same time, Seven Tails in Sasuke's body also exploded with the same thought.

"Hurry up." Begging.

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