Jiraiya seemed to really believe it under Uchiha Obito's flicker.

It's not that Uchiha Obito's deception skills are too good, and it's not that Jiraiya is too stupid.

It is because the topic chosen by Uchiha Obito fits Jiraiya too well.

Jiraiya is one of the few people in this world who believes in fate.

And he is a person who unswervingly looks for the son of fate and luck.

However, not many people are willing to believe in Jiraiya.

Many people do not believe that there is a son of destiny in this world.

So when Uchiha Obito came up with this topic, Jiraiya found a sense of identity.

In this world, there are lonely people who are looking for fate just like myself.

Therefore, Jiraiya did not continue to hide from Naruto.

Instead, take the initiative to show up.

Shiraishi looked at the people in front of him and said, "That's it right now, Konan, you and I will go to Senior Brother Jiraiya and Naruto, and the rest will continue to fight against the remaining Akatsuki members."

"Just tell them the brand name, Seven Tails and Eight Tails are here, they will love it or not."


Shiraishi thought.

"Green bird."

Immediately, Shiraishi took Konan to the blue bird's back.

Instead of looking for Jiraiya directly, he went back to Konoha first.

"Master Shiraishi."

Both Xianglin and the peacock greeted them.

Needless to say, Xianglin is already Shiraishi's old maid. This old man does not refer to age, but qualifications.

Peacocks have adapted to life in Konoha a long time ago.

It is much better here than in the artisan village.

And besides himself, everyone else was almost dead, and there was no need to go back.

"This is?"

"This is my newly acquired little brother, his name is Konan."

Shiraishi introduced it and said, "This is wormwood, this is green bamboo leaves."

Sasori of Akasago shrank in the corner, staring at Shiraishi, without moving.

"Ai Ye, come here."

Sasori of Akasago reluctantly came over there.

"This is a puppet?"

Konan looked at Sasori of the red sand curiously.

Sasori of the red sand has recognized Konan, but now that he is like this, Sasori of the red sand is going to pretend not to know him.

What a shame.

He actually put on a puppet of such a young girl.

A pink dress, even the hair is pink.


When Akasago no Sasori saw herself in the mirror, she felt sick.

"My lord."

Sasori of Akasago said with no emphasis.

"Mugwort, is your sister safe during this time? Didn't cause any trouble, right?"

"No no."

Xianglin shook his head and said, "Ai Ye is very obedient, but it's too quiet, and always likes a person."

"But when Naruto came last time, he almost made a mess, but it has been resolved."


Shiraishi frowned.

But soon it was relieved.

Naruto likes the little Sakura, and the puppet of Sasori of the red sand is very similar to the little Sakura, so Naruto will definitely be very interested in the Sasori of the red sand.

Sasori of the red sand will be dissatisfied.

0 ······Find flowers·······

Laozi can be your grandfather!

But such a pair of puppets, Sasori of the red sand can't show the slightest strength.

I can only hold my breath.

And the suffocating breath will become a talent point, which will be fed back to Shiraishi.

"I got it."

Shiraishi nodded and looked at Sasori of Akasha.

"Naruto likes you so much, otherwise, how about letting you marry her?"

Sasori of the Red Sand: "..."

I really want to curse, and Sasori of Akasha wants to curse.

..... ...... 0

However, Sasori of Akasha did not dare to scold him.

Because Sasori of Akasago suspects that if he scolds, Shiraishi might actually do it.

In that way, Sasori of the red sand would rather die.

No, I would rather die a hundred times.

Sasori stared at Shiraishi, without speaking.

"It's boring, just kidding."

Shiraishi looked at Konan and said, "Konan, just stay here, I'll go and prepare."

The preparation Shiraishi said was to deal with Nagato and the puppets.

These puppets are doing very well and have good value.

But the more valuable one is Rinnegan in the eyes of Nagato.

"These two eyes, I should be able to use them?"

"After all, my physique is already so strong."

"Nagato works, I can't use it without reason."

Shiraishi doesn't need anyone else to change his eyes, just by himself.

Because Shiraishi and Tsunade learned a good healing ninjutsu.

"Come on."

Shiraishi motioned to Blue Sparrow to put down Nagato's body. Beg.

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