How's it going, Itachi, is everything resolved?"

Under the full moon, a man in a black robe and an orange Uzumaki mask looked at the brooding teenager not far away.

The orange Uzumaki mask, stained with Madara Madara Bloodline, looked cold and bloody in the moonlight.

"Except Sasuke, no Uchiha will be spared, Madara, don't forget our promise."

Masked man Obito smiled gloomily.

"Of course, as long as you join my organization, I can take no action against Konoha and your younger brother Sasuke."

Hearing the words Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi's heart sank.

This is the inverse scale in his heart.

After completing this mission, Third Hokage also promised Konoha to protect Sasuke.

Will train Sasuke to be an excellent Konoha Shinobi.

With the black and white answer, Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi can be completely relieved.

To Uchiha Itachi's surprise, the man who founded Konoha Shinobi Village with Senju Hashirama, the god of ninjas, is still alive.

The former head of the Uchiha clan actually joined forces with him to push the Uchiha clan into the abyss of eternal doom.

So far, the only Uchiha people in the ninja world are him, Uchiha Madara in front of him, and his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke.

This should be very good news for the entire ninja world.

It's just that Uchiha Itachi couldn't imagine that the masked man who called himself Madara was not Madara, but Uchiha Obito.

He didn't even expect the masked man Obito to know all his information.

Even his mission to exterminate his clan and the purpose of joining Akatsuki, Obito, the masked man, knows it perfectly.

On the surface, the two are partners of the same organization, but in reality they are each other's pawns, using each other and restraining each other.

The masked man Obito can let Itachi capture the tailed beast for him, and Itachi can monitor Akatsuki's movements at any time.

Under the mask, Obito couldn't see any expression, and said with great interest: "By the way, I just killed a woman in the clan, and she will read your name until she dies?"

"No problem!"

Just two simple words, Uchiha Itachi indifferent Kaidō.

This woman is Itachi's lover, Uchiha Izumi.

Before that, Itachi had let Izumi spend his whole life in his Tsukuyomi world with no regrets.

Obito cast a disdainful look under the orange Uzumaki mask.

He murmured: "Yes, both parents died by their own hands, let alone a lover."

Uchiha Itachi looked at the Konoha Village Hokage stone statue shrouded in the dark night in the distance, and the three hooked jade in the red eyes suddenly condensed.

Surprised: "Damn, besides Sasuke, Uchiha seems to have another person alive!"


Obito was also very puzzled, and it was the first time he saw Itachi absent-minded.

With Itachi's cautious personality, it is impossible to leave alive.

"Who is it that threatens us?"

"There is no threat at all. His name is Uchiha Qiye, he is just an ordinary Uchiha clan, and he doesn't even open the Sharingan."

Not everyone in the Uchiha family has Sharingan, and some ordinary people with mediocre qualifications cannot open Sharingan in their lifetime.

And some talented people, slightly stimulated, Sharingan opened.

"Madara, do you want me to go back and deal with it?"

"No, now the clan is all from Hokage Anbu, an ordinary person without Sharingan, let him live a few more days."

At this point, the two shadows disappeared into the moonlight.

In the early morning, in the woods outside Konoha Village, a young man slowly opened his eyes.

Touching his cheeks that were hot from the sun, a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, it was Uchiha Qiye.

【Ding! Congratulations to Host who has accumulated 60,000 hours of sleep and has successfully activated the system.】

The Cheat system, which is necessary for traversers, has finally been activated.

It has been 17 years, when Uchiha Qiye first arrived here, Uchiha Qiye was still a babbling baby.

Even though the body is smaller, the mind is still flexible.

But even with an adult brain, a baby's body can't do much.

And the conditions for system activation are very harsh.

The Host must have accumulated 60,000 hours of sleep.

So, Uchiha Qiye Gou survived.

365 days a year, even if you sleep 10 hours a day, it will take seventeen years.

Fortunately, just today, Qiye completed this achievement.

Traveling to the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Qiye's parents died in the ninja war, and he was raised by an old woman in the Uchiha clan.

Not long ago, the old woman went to see God at the age of 99.

So now he is the only one left, Uchiha Qiye.

In the past seventeen years, Uchiha Qiye has kept a low profile.

In the Uchiha tribe, except for the old woman, they have never spoken a word of gossip with other tribesmen.

He also has no talent in ninjutsu. At the age of seventeen, he is still a repeater at the ninja school.

He has seen countless people graduate from Ninja School, the most famous being Uchiha Itachi.

He has also been a teacher at the ninja school for several times, and the current teacher is Iruka.

Uchiha Qiye, a seventeen-year-old teenager and seven- or eight-year-old Naruto Sasuke became classmates, and it was funny enough.

If it wasn't for the reasons of repeated repetitions and age, Iruka probably didn't know that there was another Uchiha Qiye in their class besides Uchiha Sasuke.

Because he is familiar with the story of Hokage, Qiye knows that Uchiha Itachi, the two or five sons with dutiful sons, will kill all of Uchiha's clan last night.

With no system, no ninjutsu talent, and no Sharingan, he is no match for Itachi no matter how he plays.

He could only sneak out of the village quietly and escape this catastrophe.

Fortunately, he has not had a strong sense of existence in the Uchiha clan over the years, just an ordinary person.

Poker face, very weak sense of existence, somewhat similar to Tetsuya Kuroko's attributes.

No, the always cautious Itachi ignored his existence.

Qiye, who was lying on the tree, pouted.

"Obito, Itachi, you two traitors of Uchiha caused me to sleep in the wild, and sooner or later, this account will be settled with you."

【Ding! The Host has been activated, and now the novice reward is given. 】

Qiye looked at the system panel:

Host: Uchiha Qiye

Age: 17

Abilities: 1, Three Tomoe Sharingan (enabled);

2, The ability of Frozen Fruit (the curse of the sea has been lifted).


Sleeping can enhance the eight attributes of ninja, physique, magic, virtuousness, strength, speed, fineness, and Yin, as well as Chakra!

Qiye simply took a look and saw Three Tomoe Sharingan.

Start with a pair of Mangekyō, isn't it too much?

Thinking that Naruto Sasuke saved the world when he was seventeen, and he was only Three Tomoe Sharingan when he was seventeen.

The Three Tomoe Sharingan is nothing but a repeater at the ninja school.

This difference is too big.

There's no way this can be done, who is the son of Six Paths?

When seeing the ability of Frozen Fruit, Qiye had a little expectation.

This is not the ability to carry out lazy justice, Aokiji.

"Aha la la..."

Qiye couldn't help but say this, his mouth was cold.

"Is this asking me to follow the lazy way of forbearance?"

And you can get stronger when you sleep, it's not too cool.

No wonder the system activation required him to sleep for 60,000 hours, Qiye finally understood.

(The data of the new book is very important. It is also possible to ask for flowers, to ask for evaluation tickets, and to give a dime or two as a reward. My brother is here to thank you.)

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