Danzo's indifferent voice spread through the stone chamber.

"As long as Uchiha Qiye is alive and appears in front of me, the rest are up to you."

"Got it, Danzo-sama!"


Now is a time of peace, and the Ninja villages of the five major countries are developing their own combat power.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what.

Once the Fourth Ninja World War breaks out, they can also prepare in advance.

At this point, Konoha is taking precautions.

Inside Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a long breath of smoke.


An Anbu officer appeared in Hokage's office and got down on one knee.

"How is it, any news?"

The low, aged voice of Third Generation seemed a little helpless.

"Lord Third Generation, we didn't find Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama, and we didn't hear about them outside."


Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

What disciples have you taught yourself?

Orochimaru, Tsunade, Jiraiya are known as Sannin by outsiders.

But in Third Hokage's eyes, all three of his disciples were nothing.

A study obsessed with Forbidden Technique, experimenting with humans.

In the end, he escaped directly from Konoha and became an S-class traitor.

Orochimaru, also Third Hokage's most valued disciple.

If Orochimaru hadn't been found to be wrong, then the seat of Fourth Hokage would have belonged to Orochimaru.

Nor would he recommend his cross-generational disciple Namikaze Minato to become Fourth Hokage.

And Tsunade, the granddaughter of First Hokage.

In terms of prestige and background, Konoha is a first-class existence.

But because of the successive deaths of her younger brother and lover, she didn't want to stay in this sad place.

As a result, leaving Konoha, the medical saint of the ninja world actually suffered from hyperphobia.

This is really sad.

Not to mention Jiraiya, Jiraiya in Third Hokage's eyes is a lecherous kid.

My good habit of peeping was brought down by Jiraiya.

Really Damn it this kid.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't expect Jiraiya to go the way of traveling around and writing the little yellow book.

None of his three disciples were in the village.

It makes an old man who is over seventy years old feel very melancholy.

Konoha's new generation of ninjas have always been out of touch, and this is what Third Hokage is worried about.

Apart from those clan ninjas, there are only him, Danzo, Homura, and Koharu at the top.

Further down are his sons Asuma and Kakashi.

Then there are the students of the ninja school.

There are very few ninjas in the Mesozoic.

Like Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade they are this batch.

Instead of dying in the ninja war, opened Konoha Village.

There are not many middle-aged forces at all.

Aside from these ninjas, Konoha's powerful clan has sent a steady stream of fighting power to the village.

The powerful ones are the Hyuga clan.

Next are the Aburame clan, the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, the Akamichi clan and so on.

Looking at the red glow of the sunset.

Third Hokage always felt a little uneasy.

He murmured: "This feeling is not good!"

On the other side, Qiye was lying on the green ground beside the waterfall looking at the sky, quite comfortable.

He has been observing the changes in the village these days.

As long as the right moment is found, Orochimaru and the others will sneak into Konoha and solve the Third Generation.

"Well, this is?"

Qiye felt that there were four not weak Chakra figures rushing towards him.

And it's the Chakra that he's not familiar with.

Three hook jade appeared in the pupil, Qiye used the ability of precognition.

He saw a picture of a minute into the future.

The members of the root came to me, it seems that Danzo has noticed me.

He probably wanted to ask me to talk, after all, the title Uchiha was the power that made him fear.


Several black figures cut through the airflow and drove the fallen leaves.

In a few breaths, he came to Uchiha Qiye.

Two of them wear masks with the roots of leaves.

"Uchiha Qiye, Danzo-sama invites you to come."

"You are?"

Qiye pretended not to know and asked.

"We are the subordinates of Lord Danzo. These two are root members. We received a task from Lord Danzo. Please come."

Qiye stood up and put his hands on the back of his head.

"A la la--"

He slapped his lips and let out a long yawn.

A lazy look.

"Is there anything you can tell me in detail, I still have a mission with Hokage-sama."

These people were quite polite.

"We don't know what's going on, it's just that Lord Danzo wants to see you."

The Yamanaka leaves of the Yamanaka clan already felt a little unhappy in their hearts.

He and Aburame Zhiming are both Elite Jōnin under Danzo.

Jiachen and Jiashu are also important members of the root, and both have special Jōnin strengths.

Calling a Uchiha Qiye, who just became a special Jōnin, actually had to dispatch four people.

Uchiha Qiye has the name Uchiha in addition to it.

In Yamanaka Shin's eyes, he looked completely lazy, no different from ordinary people.

This natural posture cannot be pretended.

"Lord Danzo is still too cautious!"

Qiye stretched and said impatiently: "What should I do if I don't want to go, I have to walk, it's too troublesome, why don't you call Lord Danzo here?"

Jiachen and Jiashu looked at each other.

"Is this guy really stupid or pretending to be stupid, doesn't he know the name of Lord Danzo?"

As Danzo, it is absolutely impossible to meet a particular Jōnin.

Yamanaka letter frowned slightly, he was in charge of this operation.

Danzo also said that if the other party refuses, they can do whatever they want.

The premise is that when Danzo met Uchiha Qiye, he was still alive.

"Isn't it, you don't say anything, let Danzo come and he won't come, do you have to do it even if I don't go?"

Qiye said in surprise.

The four looked surprised.

They haven't made a move yet, so they were seen through by the other party?

Yamanaka Shin and Aburame Shimei's expressions sank.

"In that case, Uchiha Qiye, then come with us."

"You can do it, and I didn't say go with you."

"This Damn it kid!"

Yamanaka's anger suddenly came up.

He found out that they were being played around by Uchiha Qiye.

What I just said was all nonsense.

"This kid is the type who doesn't cry without seeing the coffin."

"Go ahead and save one life."

Jiachen and Jiashu, who were wearing masks, rushed up instantly.

Qiye just messed with them.

He has to deal with Third Generation, and naturally he will also deal with Danzo.

Both of them had a share in the order to destroy the Uchiha clan.

He didn't want to avenge his own people.

It was just because of his embarrassment that he sneaked out of the village and quietly slept in the wild for an uneasy sleep to seek justice.

However, this justice is justice that sees blood._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - close

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