Ace was stepped on by Lan-chan, and Lan-chan was about to pull the trigger.

It was a close call.

Dadan arrived with his men and chopped Lan-chan with an axe.

"Stop! You green-haired ghost, let go of Ace!"

A gust of wind blew, and Lan-chan drew out her knife to block Dadan's axe, but was repelled by Dadan.

"Dadan, why are you here!"

Luffy, who was lying on the ground, asked, and Dogula came over and picked him up.

"It was Bai who told us that you were in danger."

"Bai Yun..."

Ace and Luffy murmured at the same time, and only then did they remember that Bai Yun was still running a high fever.

Bai Yun:......

"Asshole, you are the mountain king of Mount Korpo!"

Lan-chan stared at Dadan and asked.

Dadan's momentum was no less than his. "I am the bandit Dadan. I became the adoptive mother of these little devils by mistake."

"Then... run away!!"

Thinking there would be a big fight, Dadan looked at Lan-chan fiercely, but ran away the next second.

The other brothers followed immediately, but there was an exception.

"I... won't run away!"

Ace said, holding the water pipe tightly in his arms, staring at Lan-chan.

Seeing this, Dogura immediately reminded Ace that Lan-chan was not a name for nothing, and the children could not fight him at all.

But Luffy in his arms heard what Ace said, and struggled to go down and fight side by side with Ace.

"Yes, Ace, you can't run away when your brother is behind you, otherwise you will lose the courage to protect your relatives and partners."

Bai Yun's voice suddenly appeared, and then slowly fell from the sky and stood beside Ace.

"But if your relatives or partners sacrifice themselves to let you escape, you should not let them down, instead of going back and saying that you will live and die together. This is extremely stupid!"

Bai Yun's tone was a little angry. Although he was talking to Ace, his eyes were fixed on Lan Jiang.

"You are the last of the four little ghosts..."


Lan Jiang looked at Bai Yun who fell from the sky and started to speak, but was interrupted by Bai Yun's hissing.

"I don't have time to chat with you, an ugly bastard."

"It's extremely stupid. You are a piece of trash that was abandoned after being used by others. You only pick on children to bully."

"You know that the nobles look down on us commoners, but you still foolishly believe that they will give you the status of a noble."

"I'm afraid they hung up the phone and laughed to tears behind their backs, wondering why there is such a stupid thing as you."

Bai Yun sprinkled salt on Lan Jiang's wounds.

Lan-chan knew that she was already in a bad enough state, and she was still being laughed at by a little kid. Her anger rushed to her head, and she chopped at him with her knife.

"You damn kid!"



But before she could take a few steps, the sound of a whistling storm sounded, and a huge rotating wind blade burst out from Bai Yun's palm, instantly hitting Lan-chan.

The wind blade cut a ditch on the ground, and the flames were shaken apart by the wind pressure, forming a fireless belt. Lan-chan lay on the ground at the end, her life or death unknown, but she had obviously fainted. Even if she didn't die, she would be swallowed by the flames sooner or later.


Instant kill.

Quiet, the scene was silent except for the sound of burning flames.

Ace, Luffy, Dadan and a group of younger brothers looked at Bai Yun speechless, their faces full of shock.

"Bai...Bai Yun."

Ace stuttered.

Bai Yun retracted his arm, turned around and said with a smile.

"It's me."

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

Then, Bai Yun flashed to the back, and likewise, he fired a wind pressure cannon from his palm, creating a fireless belt, and ran out in front, clearing the way.

Dadan reacted, picked up Ace, and followed Bai Yun, shouting, "Quick! Follow Bai boy!!!"


At the mouth of another bay, Long's ship was parked on the coast.

Like Bai Yun, he fired a wind pressure cannon from his palm, creating a fireless belt.

But the wind pressure he emitted was much more powerful than Bai Yun, and it went straight through the entire garbage mountain.

"Hey! The explosion created a fireless belt! I can see the ship, and the end is the coast, run there!"

"Although I don't know what happened, I'm really thankful."

The homeless people in the garbage mountain who were fleeing with their packages found this fireless belt and ran over immediately, which was a life-saving passage.

When they ran to the end, they found Long's ship.

On the ship, Ivankov, wearing a black cloak, looked at the homeless people rushing in and said to Long.

"I didn't expect you would intervene even in a border country like Donghai."

"Is there anything you are particularly concerned about?"Long took a few steps forward and stood at the bow.

"This country is a microcosm of the world."

"In this world of survival of the fittest, happiness will never fall."

"Even children can already say that. If it continues to rot like this, the whole world will be completely stinky."

"I want to change everything. One day I will change the world."

After explaining to Ivankov, it was like an explanation that didn't seem like an explanation.

Long then stretched out his right hand and shouted loudly and passionately.

"Those who are willing to fight for freedom, please get on this ship!!"


Finally, the ship slowly sailed away from the coast and sailed away. All the surviving homeless people got on the ship.

Speaking of which, ten years later, these homeless people were considered old members of the revolutionary army. They also knew Sabo, who had stayed on the garbage mountain for a long time. This was a good thing.

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