Continuing from the above, Bai Yun continued to deceive... No! He explained to Garp why he fell from the sky.

"When I was a child, I ate a fruit by chance and escaped under the protection of my elder brothers. But after a battle, I flew in the air for half a day, which caused me to fall down due to exhaustion. Fortunately, I met you, Vice Admiral Garp."

"I have internal injuries, and there was blood at the corner of my mouth when I fell, which is the evidence that I have fought."

"I really didn't mean to lie to you, Vice Admiral Garp, I have nowhere to go, I have lost my... all my partners..."

"I thought about whether I could stay by pretending to be stupid, so I lied to you, I really have no ill intentions!"

Bai Yun wiped his tears, and his look was sincere, thinking about all the sad things he had done in the past 18 years.

I didn't expect that the blood he spit out when he drew the ability of being weak and sick could also help. Life is really unpredictable, and the big intestines are wrapped in the small intestines.

After hearing this, Garp's expression eased, and he withdrew his aura that was suppressing Bai Yun.

"Is that so?"

"What fruit did you eat? Can you fly?"

"Yes... Parahuman-type replica fruit."

After hesitating for a while, Bai Yun still chose to tell the truth. Since fate has brought him and Garp together, he should stay here for a while in the future... He has to stay here no matter what!

"Replica fruit?"

"Yes, it can temporarily replicate other people's abilities."

"For example, Vice Admiral Garp, you are a navy. If you use the Navy Six Styles in front of me, I can replicate and use the Navy Six Styles in a short time."

Bai Yun explained with full sincerity, but he didn't say it all. He can also replicate the fruit ability, and the strength depends on the way of replication.

Moreover, if it is a trick that replicates the Navy Six Styles, but you can remember the feeling after replicating it once, and then practice it yourself, you can completely learn these tricks.

To put it simply, after copying those skills and tricks, even if the copying time has passed, you will be able to get started directly without even practicing.

"Well... it is a 'terrible' fruit. You can master the skills that others have practiced for countless years in an instant. This is really 'fair' to those people!"

"But this is the power of the devil fruit."

Garp replied, his tone was still flat. He became a navy and then got to his current position. He is a navy hero and has seen all kinds of storms and waves. This is not enough to surprise him.

"Have a good rest."

"You are too weak, you need to practice well."

"There is a kettle on the table."

Garp got up and walked back. What he meant by this was that he agreed to let Bai Yun stay.

Maybe seeing that Bai Yun's fruit is very strong, he has a talent for talent and plans to train him and Luffy as rookies of the navy.

But some things always go against one's wishes.

Bai Yun opened his eyes slightly, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said lightly.

"Thank you, Vice Admiral Garp."


This is time.

He is walking all the time. You can v me fifty and try to make him stop.

Okay, the experiment failed.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

"Bai Yun! Are you done? Are you done?"

Luffy sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for Bai Yun's barbecue.

Bai Yun lay down for half a month before he recovered enough to stand up, but his legs were the most seriously injured and he still needed to sit in a wheelchair.

He sat in a wheelchair again and let Luffy push him to the kitchen of the village restaurant.

Garp is a good hand at physical training, but cooking is difficult for him.

Their meals either come from hunting or from restaurants.

Now that we know that Bai Yun has the ability to learn at a glance, we must use it!

So, Bai Yun has to become the exclusive chef of the grandfather and grandson in a wheelchair.

"It's almost done. Wait a little longer, let me sprinkle some cumin. Tsk, that smell is so good!"

The cumin was sprinkled, and it melted on the crispy surface. The aroma wafted out, making Luffy drool.

Bai Yun skillfully pulled out the boning knife from his waist, cut it in half, cut out a thigh meat and handed it to Luffy.

Luffy immediately took it, regardless of whether it was hot or not, and bit it directly.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!"

The result was that he stuck out his tongue that was burned red like a dog.

"Hmm, it smells good."

Garp's snot bubble was broken by the aroma, and he opened his eyes. Bai Yun just handed another thigh meat to him.

"Oh, not bad, not bad."

"Just watching for a week, you have such skills. It's really a good fruit ability."

Garp sighed.

Bai Yun smiled back, but silently complained about the old man in his heart.This was the 8th day of his special training with Luffy and Garp in the forest. Of course, it was Luffy's special training, and it happened to be the last day of his first month in the pirate world.

Garp's special training for Luffy was basically just teaching him to forge his body, the Navy Six Styles or any other attacking moves, none of which were used, and Bai Yun didn't have a chance to replicate.

You have to know that Garp is a pure physical skill expert, and he didn't eat the fruit. If you replicate his physical skills and keep them, it will also be a life-saving weapon.

However, by replicating other people's cooking skills for 7 days, Bai Yun has figured out a little bit of the characteristics of his replica fruit.

You can replicate by watching, and if you don't use it, you can store it and use it when you need it. In this way, he can watch those strong men fight, directly replicate their abilities and skills, and become stronger by watching.

However, if you replicate abilities by watching, it seems that you can only replicate half of their strength.

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