He came to play tricks on Bai Yun, but was played by Bai Yun instead. Sig was so angry that his face turned red. He drew his sword and slashed at Bai Yun.

"Stinky brat! You're looking for death!"

As he drew his sword, the brothers behind him also drew their guns.

Bai Yun didn't dodge. Shank's sword couldn't hit him, so Beckman drew his gun and blocked the blade with the barrel.

"Hey, you can draw your sword against a child in a wheelchair?"

"Besides, he's my apprentice!"

Beckman bit his cigarette and glared at Sig.

Luffy also jumped off the chair immediately and wanted to "save" Bai Yun.

Shanks grabbed him, but unexpectedly, Luffy's arm was stretched.


"The hand is stretched!!!"

"Could it be you!!!"

Luffy was also panicked, with his mouth wide open.

"What's going on!!"

Bai Yun was the calmest, while Sig and his group were confused.

"It's gone!"

"The 'Gum Fruit' that we took from the enemy ship is gone!"


Laki immediately thought of the gum fruit, picked up the box, and sure enough, it was empty.

Laki then took out a picture album, pointed at the gum fruit on it and asked Luffy if he had eaten it.

"Ah, I ate it as a dessert..."

"It's really disgusting."

Luffy replied in a daze.

Shanks held Luffy's face and said to him excitedly, "The rubber fruit is a secret treasure called the devil fruit. Those who eat it will become rubber people and will never learn to swim in their lifetime!!"

"What! No way!!"

Luffy's jaw dropped to the ground, and he couldn't believe it. If he couldn't learn to swim, how could he be a pirate! ! !

"Enough! ! ! "

"Bang! ! "

It was a farce, and Sig was ignored. He was very angry. If he was a little later, his lunch box would be cold.

He pulled out his gun and shot Shanks.

At the moment when Sig fired, Beckman shot Sig's arm with the gun body, and the bullet hit the ceiling.

Shanks held his straw hat tightly and stood up. He finally felt a little pressure from being a Four Emperor.

"Since the gun has been fired, it's a gamble of life."


Siger hadn't finished saying the word "what" before the group of brothers behind him were all knocked down by the members of the Red Hair Pirates in an instant.

Siger's face changed instantly, he was stunned, sweating coldly, and he lost his previous confidence.


With a breath, Siger threw a smoke bomb, and the tavern was instantly filled with smoke.

"Oops, it's a smoke bomb!!"

Everyone panicked.

"Fuck, you caught the wrong person!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you little brat!"

"Bai Yun!"

"Ah! Damn brat!"

The voices of Bai Yun, Siger and Luffy came from the smoke.

When the smoke dissipated, Luffy, Bai Yun and Siger were gone.

"It's over! What if Luffy and Bai Yun are caught by accident!"

Shanks grabbed his head in panic, but suddenly saw Bai Yun lying outside the tavern.

"Bai Yun!"


Just now in the fog, Sig grabbed Bai Yun's collar, so Bai Yun would say that he had found the wrong person.

But fate will not make mistakes.

Luffy was worried about Bai Yun. With his potential bursting out, he would control his arms to grab Sig as soon as he ate the fruit, and then shrink and approach quickly.

Then, they were caught together...

Sig held one under his armpit and ran out of the tavern door. Bai Yun would not sit and wait for death. The bracelet turned into a dagger and directly stabbed Sig. Sig felt pain and threw Bai Yun away and took Luffy away.


"Bai Yun, are you okay!"

Shanks and a group of people immediately rushed out of the tavern. Beckman, holding a cigarette, pushed out the wheelchair and took Bai Yun to the wheelchair.

"I'm fine! At the dock, Sig took Luffy to the dock!"

Bai Yun immediately said that he was fine and pointed in the direction of the dock.

Shanks nodded and immediately stood up and rushed towards the dock.

Beckman spit out the cigarette butt and pushed the wheelchair to catch up the next second.

At that speed, Bai Yun didn't expect that his first "speeding" in 18 years would be in a wheelchair.


"Not good!!"

When he arrived at the dock, Bai Yun saw from a distance that the Sea King had bitten off Sig and the boat.

Luffy was struggling in the water in front of him, and the Sea King had noticed him.

"Wow... River... Hippopotamus"

"Gu... Someone come! Help!!"

Shanks increased his speed again and rushed out in an instant, walking in the air. Bai Yun could only see his afterimage.

Thinking of Sig, who Luffy approached just now to save him,, how could Bai Yun just watch.

The bracelet turned into a pistol, without aiming, he raised his hand and fired a shot.


Sparks burst out from the muzzle, and the bullet flew out with a rolling wave of air, accurately hitting the eyes of the Sea King.


The Sea King roared in pain and then dived back into the sea.

And Shanks also went into the water, protecting Luffy in his arms.

But, as I said just now, fate will not make mistakes. Bai Yun's bullet was a step slower, and Shanks' left arm was still bitten off.

"Luffy, it's okay, don't cry if you're a man."

"But...but, Shanks...your hand!!!"

"It's just a small matter, but a hand...I hope you're okay."

"Woo...woo...woo wow wow wow wow!!!"

Leaning in Shanks' arms, Luffy's crying sounded throughout the dock. Bai Yun was moved, but still didn't understand why Shanks' arm was bitten off.

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