I’m in One Piece, There Is A Chat Group For The Dead

Chapter 123 No Konoha's life, got Konoha's disease!

The Land of Water, in a valley near Kirigakure.

Li Xuan took advantage of Lion Fruit's abilities to fly to Kirigakure and stopped as he passed by. Because his Observation Haki told him that there are many people who are not weak below hiding.

So Li Xuan quietly fell to the ground, ready to see what happened. The undead in the chat group were also very interested in this, and I didn't expect to encounter such an interesting thing as soon as I came to Kirigakure.

Soon, a beautiful woman dressed in cool and bold clothes came out of the thick fog in the distance. She wears Sunagakure's forehead protector on her forehead, indicating her identity.

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: "How come the ninjas of Sunagakure are here? It seems that Kirigakure has not been peaceful recently!"

Li Xuan: "It's true that Kirigakure has not been very peaceful recently, but it has nothing to do with Sunagakure."

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: "How is it possible? You should also see that this young and beautiful woman is a Kage-level ninja. A Kage-level ninja comes to the enemy village's territory, what good idea can she make?"

At this moment, a ninja wearing a Kirigakure forehead protector appeared and greeted Sunagakure's female ninja with a kind face: "Is it Sunagakure's Yakura? I was sent by Kirigakure to receive you.

Sunagakure's female ninja, Sakihakura, was unprepared for the Kirigakure ninja who appeared in front of him, and after a few simple conversations, they headed towards Kirigakure with him.

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: "What? I heard it right! Since this Sunagakure's Sakohakura is here to form an alliance with Kirigakure, why did Kirigakure send so many ninjas to hide here?"

The golden lion Shiki sneered: "Perhaps to protect the safety of the messenger secretly, so that the other party will not die in his own territory."

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon: "Impossible! Kirigakure will not be as weak as Konoha Village, it is impossible to blackmail us with the death of his own messenger."

Senju Tobirama said angrily: "Yeah! What is there to extort in the Hidden Village of Wu 15? There is nothing good in the backcountry. Although there are many families in the village with the blood line limit, the success rate of their blood line limit activation is low. terrifying.

The two Second Generation actors in the chat group were mocking each other, but the situation outside changed suddenly. I saw that the Kirigakure ninja's face sank, and suddenly he took out a sharp kunai from his body and stabbed directly into the junior of Zhuoye Cang.


"Why are you? I'm here to form an alliance with you on behalf of Sunagakure!"

Burning Yecang felt the severe pain on her body and questioned in disbelief. She never thought that Kirigakure would attack her.

Everyone in the chat group was also stunned, Senju Tobirama instantly made up the truth of the matter, and gloatingly said to Second Mizukage Ghost Lanyue: "It seems that there is a problem within your Kirigakure, and there is a huge dispute over the alliance with Sunagakure. ."

Second Mizukage Ghost Lan Yue thought: "What do you mean, the Kirigakure forces, who didn't want to ally with Sunagakure, bought the messenger who assassinated Yakura?"

Senju Tobirama said: "That's right! As long as the messengers of Sunagakure are killed by the ninjas of Kirigakure, no matter what the people of Kirigakure explain, the ninjas of Sunagakure have a hard time believing them. Back then, I experienced this kind of thing when I was in Cloud Shinobi Village. matter."

Senju Tobirama said with a bit of sigh: "Back then, I took my men to Cloud Shinobi Village to form an alliance and ended the war between the two villages by the way. As a result, the martial arts faction of Cloud Shinobi Village did not want to end the war, so they attacked at the alliance ceremony.

Senju Hashirama asked hastily, "Then what?"

Senju Tobirama said proudly: "Fortunately, I was smart and clever, and I found out the clue in advance, so I avoided a disaster. However, Second Raikage was not so lucky, and was deleted by the traitors of their village.

Uchiha Madara sneered: "If you are willing to remind Second Raikage, he should be able to survive? He was tricked to death by you."

Senju Tobirama defended: "I didn't trust Second Raikage at the time, and was on guard with him. I suspected that he was one of the people behind the scenes, how could I tell him what I found was wrong?

Senju Tobirama was also a little surprised when Second Raikage was just killed by the traitors Golden Horn and Silver Horn of Cloud Shinobi Village. Unexpectedly, the traitors of the martial arts faction in Cloud Shinobi Village are so rigid, and their own shadows will kill them.

After that, Cloud Shinobi Village became chaotic, and Senju Tobirama quickly retreated with his men. At that time, he was still a little happy. Although the alliance did not succeed, the civil strife and weakening of Cloud Shinobi Village was also in Konoha's interests.

After all, the martial arts faction in Cloud Shinobi Village is not dominant, and they will definitely be strangled after being exposed. And Cloud Shinobi Village after the end of the civil war is definitely not strong enough to fight the ninja war, his purpose is completely unaffected, maybe he can tear a piece of meat from Cloud Shinobi Village in weakness.

As a result, the golden horns and silver horns of Cloud Shinobi Village are not fools, they know that killing Raikage alone is worthless. What they really need to eliminate is Second Hokage and his minions, so that Konoha doesn't know the truth about it.

If Konoha didn't know the truth of what happened, what they saw was that Second Hokage died in Cloud Shinobi Village. At that time, Konoha Village will have to go to war with Cloud Shinobi Village for whatever reason, and the so-called peace and alliance will become a joke.

And once the two villages went to war, it was impossible for Cloud Shinobi Village to deal with them, the fighting factions. Because at that time Cloud Shinobi Village had no energy and needed their strength.

Therefore, after Second Hokage chose to retreat, Golden Horn and Silver Horn took everyone to hunt them down. As a result, they underestimated the strength of Senju Tobirama, and they were dragged by Senju Tobirama and perished together.

Senju Tobirama naturally has a deep memory of the cause of his own death. So when he saw the Kirigakure ninja attack the Sunagakure messenger, he immediately thought of this situation.

outside world.

Hearing Ye Cang's words, the Kirigakure ninja said in a mocking tone: "Alliance? How naive! Kirigakure and Sunagakure hate each other, so how could the two big villages form an alliance? The mission you received was just used by the top of Sunagakure to deceive. your excuse."

Burning Shield Ye Cang's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

The Kirigakure ninja sneered: "The real purpose of your coming to Kirigakure is to use your life to quell the anger of our Kirigakure. Of course, only relying on your life can't wash away the hatred between the two villages. I believe the high-level officials of Sunagakure are also very concerned about this. clear.

In the chat group, Senju Tobirama was stunned: "Is that so? I thought she was a copy of me, but I didn't expect him to be a copy of Hyuga Hizashi.

Li Xuan corrected: "No! She is neither your copy nor Hyuga Hizashi, she is Konoha's White Fang.

Senju Tobirama wondered, "A replica of Konoha's White Fang?"

Li Xuan explained: "Yes! She is Sunagakure's fighting hero, and her strength is not under the shadow of the wind. She has the prestige and strength required to become a high-level Sunagakure, but she does not have the nepotism called "Will of Wind".

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern said with a smile: "So in order to solve this threat, Sunagakure made a deal with Kirigakure. Give Kirigakure his strong man to vent his anger, and solve his own hidden dangers by the way.

Li Xuan sneered: "One stone kills two birds, it's a good idea, right? Since it is inevitable to kill one's own strong man, let her death have a positive meaning for the village.

Golden Lion Shiki: "Jie ha ha ha! How can the high-level ninja world be so virtuous? Their strength is not very good, and the conspiracy and tricks are quite slippery."

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: "I'm also very surprised! Kage-level ninjas are not Chinese cabbage, so how can you kill them? Sunagakure is the bottom of the five ninja villages. Why don't you cherish your own high-end combat power?"

Senju Tobirama sneered: "Because the country of the wind they are in is really excellent! No matter how weak the Sunagakure is, no country will invade them. What's more, for some people, the power in their hands is stronger than that of the village. Interest is more important."

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: "I still think it's a bit of a waste! I didn't have Konoha Village's life, but I got Konoha Village's disease. Advanced combat power was lost in infighting, can ordinary ninja village play this?"

The undead from Konoha were silent, and the words of Second Mizukage were a bit heartbreaking.

Senju Tobirama reluctantly defended: "Infighting is common in any ninja village. Even you Kirigakure, I am afraid that many powerful ninjas died in infighting.

The Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern said gloating: "I admit that Kirigakure has infighting, but their infighting level is definitely not as good as that of Konoha. Look at the history of infighting in your Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama is speechless, Uchiha Madara, Konoha's White Fang Ya, Uchiha Shisui, Senju clan plus a Uchiha clan who almost ended in infighting,

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Phantom Puffy praised: "Let's not say anything else, your Konoha Village is enough to unify the entire ninja world just by the power lost in the infighting. No matter how other ninja villages fight infighting, they will not waste a ninja. God, a ninja world Shura."

Uchiha Madara sneered: "No way! The problem of infighting in Konoha Village has been planted since its establishment. If Konoha Village did not fight infighting, there would not be so many troubles.

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon agrees with this: "That's right! If Konoha Village doesn't fight infighting, how can we ninja village live? Your infighting is a good thing for us!"

outside world.

After answering Ye Cang's doubts, the Kirigakure ninja suddenly pulled out his kunai and disappeared in place with a single movement. The Kirigakure ninjas who were in ambush all shot one after another, and one after another, sparkling kunai and shuriken slammed into the burning road warehouse.

Burning Yecang was seriously injured, and facing this overwhelming attack, he couldn't even do it, so he closed his eyes in despair.

Pin pin pin!

The crisp sound of the symphony of gold and iron suddenly sounded, and Zhuo Yecang opened his eyes and saw that the glittering gold formed a copper wall and iron wall around her, blocking all the kunai shuriken.

"who is it?!"

The Kirigakure ninjas in ambush were instantly furious, who stopped them from completing their mission?

Step on!

Li Xuan walked out of the hiding place, and was immediately found by the Kirigakure ninja, and kunai and shuriken were hitting him.

Pin pin pin!

Emerald green energy formed the prototype of Susanoo around him, and all Kunai Shuriken 387 were easily blocked.

Water Style--Water Broken Blade!

Li Xuan stretched out a finger, and a jet of high-pressure water spewed out of his fingertips. The powerful impact made it as sharp as a blade.

When the high-pressure water column swept through the surrounding mountains and rivers, it easily cut off the Kirigakure ninja in ambush, leaving scratches seven or eight meters deep on the thick and sturdy rocks.

"Water--Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"

“Water--Water Barrier!”

"Fire Style--Dragon Fire Technique!

"Wind Style--Great Breakthrough!"

Kirigakure ninjas attacked Li Xuan with their own ninjutsu after discovering that the kunai shuriken could not help Li Xuan.

The water dragon roared and the water wall rose, but it was broken by a high-pressure water column.

The dragon fire roared and the wind blades fluttered, but even Susanoo couldn't break it.

in the chat group.

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: "Stop, stop! What are you doing? That's Kirigakure's ninja!"

Li Xuan: "I know it's Kirigakure's ninjas, what's wrong? Give me a reason not to kill them.

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon: "..

Li Xuan: "I didn't accept your commission, and I didn't make any deal with you. Don't say I kill a few Kirigakure ninjas, it's okay to destroy Kirigakure, right?"

"Ding! Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon sent an exclusive red envelope (hydration technique) to the group owner Li Xuan."

“Ding! Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon sent an exclusive red envelope (Zhengweibaowei) to the group owner Li Xuan.”

“Ding! Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon sent an exclusive red envelope (Water Iron Cannon Technique) to the group owner Li Xuan.”

Ghost Lantern Moon Moon regrets that he didn't give these skills to Li Xuan earlier, so now he is very generous and basically gave all his skills.

Li Xuan: "Do you regret it? What did you do earlier!"

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon:

Li Xuan: "Don't worry! Although the things you gave me are of no great use, it is fate that you can join the group. I will take care of the Kirigakure matter, make sure not to slaughter them, and help them solve a big problem by the way. trouble."

Ghost Lantern Moon Moon was relieved to see this, but quickly became nervous again. He knew that Li Xuan would not lose everything, so what Li Xuan said would mean -- Kirigakure is likely to be in big trouble.

outside world.

Li Xuan slaughtered all the Kirigakure ninjas with ease, then came to Ye Cang, and raised his hand to release medical ninjutsu to help her heal.


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