I’m in One Piece, There Is A Chat Group For The Dead

Chapter 126 The old man is the mastermind behind the scenes!

As soon as Li Xuan said this greeting, not only Uchiha Obito was stunned, but the undead in the chat group were also stunned.

After a while, Senju Tobirama was the first to speak: "Uchiha Obito? If I remember correctly, Namikaze Minato has a disciple also named Uchiha Obito."

Namikaze Minato: "Master, you wouldn't say that this is my dead disciple, right?

Uchiha Shisui: "Impossible! The group owner said before that Uchiha Obito died to save Hatake Kakashi."

Li Xuan explained: "When did I say that Uchiha Obito died to save Hatake Kakashi? What I said was that he was buried in a stone to save Hatake Kakashi."

Namikaze Minato couldn't believe it: "Is he really Obito? Impossible! Obito is very talented, how could he have such strength?

Li Xuan said calmly: "Your teacher, Jiraiya, was the tail of the crane when he was in school. Uchiha Obito, like him, was the tail of the crane."

Namikaze Minato: "...


Senju Tobirama: "Is the masked man in front of him Uchiha Obito? That's right! No wonder his mask only shows one eye, I thought it had a special meaning. Now that I think about it, it's because he gave the other eye to Hatake Kakashi~ already."

Namikaze Minato said disappointedly: "Is that so? That's it! No wonder during the Nine Tails riot, I asked him if he was Uchiha Madara, he didn't answer but took off his hood. I should have known his hairstyle. recognize him!"

Li Xuan: "Don't be sad, even if you recognized him at the time - it didn't make any sense.

Namikaze Minato: "No! If I had recognized the tower, maybe I could have turned him back.

Li Xuan said bluntly: "Naive! At that time, he had already released Nine Tails, made your wife Kushina die soon, and put Konoha Village into a tail-beast crisis. What's the use of you recognizing him? You can't keep him even if he surrenders! "

Namikaze Minato: "..."

Makes sense!

Senju Hashirama: "What happened to Uchiha Obito? If I remember correctly, he's a guy who values ​​his partner a lot?"

Whitebeard: "That's right! I still remember what he said - a person who doesn't cherish a partner is worse than a waste, but Laozi appreciates him very much."

One Piece Roger: "How can a person who can say such things and take risks in order to save his comrades destroy his own village and hurt his comrades in the village?"

Fire Fist Ace: "Something must have happened to him."

outside world.

Li Xuan paid attention to those who spoke in the chat group, but did not answer their questions in the chat group because he didn't want to say the same thing twice.

Uchiha Obito was stunned for a moment, then said coldly: "What did you say? Uchiha Obito or something, I have never even heard of such a person.

Li Xuan laughed: "Really? If you're not Uchiha Obito, who are you?"

Uchiha Obito said Uchiha Madara's voice: "I am Uchiha Madara!"

in the chat group.

Senju Hashirama: "???

Senju Tobirama: "So it is! Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito's change is yours, right?"

Uchiha Shisui: "Impossible? Uchiha Madara should have died long ago when Uchiha Obito had an accident."

Senju Tobirama sneered: "Nothing is impossible! Even if Uchiha Madara is dead, it doesn't prevent him from leaving behind some unknown means. Otherwise, how could Uchiha Obito make Uchiha Madara's voice?"

Uchiha Shisui was stunned: "That voice is Uchiha Madara's voice?"

Senju Hashirama: "That's right! I've known Madara for so many years, and I know him so well. This voice is definitely Madara's voice, how could Uchiha Obito make Madara's voice?"

Doflamingo: "Fufufufu~ Not only does he pretend to be Uchiha Madara, but he can also speak in Uchiha Madara's voice. To say that Uchiha Obito has nothing to do with Uchiha Madara, I definitely don't believe it."

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly: "Do you believe it or not! Why does Uchiha Obito make my voice, why should I explain this kind of thing to you?"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue sneered: "Since Uchiha Madara doesn't want to say it, then we don't have to force it. Anyway, the master of the group knows everything, and he will definitely be able to answer our doubts."

Li Xuan: "That's right! Don't ask Ban, I know all these things.

outside world.

Li Xuan looked at Uchiha Obito and smiled: "Did you know that Rin Nohara was cursed by Uchiha Madara?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito, who was about to leave, trembled all over his body, staring at Li Xuan with one eye, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What did you say?"

Uchiha Obito did not speak in Uchiha Madara's voice again, and his words simply showed that he was not Uchiha Madara. But Uchiha Obito doesn't care anymore, he now wants to know what Li Xuan means by that.

Li Xuan smiled and said slowly: "Since you want to know, then I will tell you a story! A story that is very different from what you have learned - there used to be a boy named Uchiha Obito. , He was hit by a stone in order to save his teammates and fell into an underground cave."

"In this underground cave, there is a lingering old man. The identity of the old man is extraordinary. He is the once famous Ninja Shura - Uchiha Madara! In order to complete his plan, he has been waiting for someone. After he dies, do what he has to do for him, and then bring him back to life."

"The appearance of the young man caught the attention of the old man, because the young man's pupil skills were too strong. The first time he opened his eyes, he had two eyes with double hooks, and he only used one Two Tomoe Sharingan, which triggered the power of space. Stones hit him. It was as if his body had penetrated, and this power allowed the young man to survive the crisis of falling rocks.

The old man "is shocked! Because even he doesn't have such a terrifying talent for pupil art! He believes that this young man is the one sent by God to help him fulfill his ideals.

"The old man asked his subordinates to investigate the boy, and the old man was ecstatic. Because he found out that there is love in the boy's heart, and what happens to Uchiha, who has love in his heart, when he loses his love, no one knows better than him."

"Once the Uchiha people who have the talent of pupil art lose the love in their hearts, the negative emotions will stimulate their eyes, allowing the Sharingan to evolve and upgrade, and there is a great possibility to give birth to the Mangekyō Sharingan!

"The old man found the young man's favorite girl, his teammate Rin Nohara. He had the Mist Shinobi ninja he controlled to capture Rin Nohara, implanted Three Tails in her body, and planted a spell that would prevent her from committing suicide. print."

"Then Nohara Rin was rescued by Hatake Kakashi, and the old man's Mist Shinobi ninja chased him all the way. At this time, the young man was also provoked by the old man and entered the stage at the right time."

"The girl knows that there is a tailed beast in her body, and the tailed beast will rush out of her body after she returns to Konoha and destroy Konoha. Nohara Rin, who doesn't want her village to be destroyed, wants to die, but she takes the initiative to kill herself. Bumped into the attack of teammate Hatake Kakashi.

"This scene happened very timely, just happened to be seen by the teenager!"

"Then, a brand new pair of Mangekyō Sharingan was born!

Li Xuan looked at Uchiha Obito, who was trembling all over, and said in a low voice: "I have to admit, Uchiha Madara has a strong ability to control others. Rin Nohara's suicide timing is just right, it's absolutely amazing!"

Uchiha Obito cupped his head and growled: "Shut up!"

Uchiha Obito has believed Li Xuan's words, because of the curse that prevents suicide and controls others, Uchiha Madara has also planted it in his heart.

If you think about it, everything he went through after meeting Uchiha Madara was too coincidental. Those coincidences simply do not stand up to scrutiny!

Why does Uchiha Madara tell others that the world is hell?

If it's just telling him this theory, it's not right to let him go after telling him these things!

It was very wrong to let him go after knowing these secrets to him, and Uchiha Madara was even sure that he would come back.


Recalling carefully, Uchiha Madara's performance at that time, almost pointed to the nose and told Uchiha Obito - the old man is the mastermind behind the scenes!


At that time, Uchiha Obito saw Nohara Rin die at the hands of Hatake Kakashi with his own eyes. Under the shock of his heart, he directly Blacken. After accepting Uchiha Madara's theory, he just wanted to complete Project Tsuki no Me, and did not recall what happened at that time.

…for flowers  …

More importantly, that memory was a nightmare for him, a pain that he didn't want to be mentioned. He didn't want to recall it himself, so how could he find something wrong?

But now that Li Xuan forcibly reminded him of this memory, he finally found the problem.

"You know so much!"

Uchiha Obito raised his head and looked at Li Xuan coldly.

Li Xuan shook his head and sighed lightly, "Puff! This is not the look of my benefactor. You think I know too much?"

Uchiha Obito snorted coldly and said, "Although Uchiha Madara lied to me, Project Tsuki no Me is fine."

Li Xuan curled his lips and said, "Don't be stupid! Uchiha Madara, you, and Nagato, three paranoid paranoiacs with sick brains, one or two of them think they are the protagonists. In fact, you are all deceived and used helmet goods, understand ?"

Uchiha Obito looked angry, "What did you say?"

Li Xuan sneered: "I have to admit, you and Uchiha Madara are all the same. Don't you think the way you treat Nagato is very similar to the way Uchiha Madara treats you? Thinking of turning Nagato into his own pawn, In fact, you are Uchiha Madara's pawn from beginning to end, and you cannot escape."

Uchiha Obito's body trembled as he stared at Li Xuan with one eye.

In the chat group, there was already a falling out at this time.

As early as Li Xuan said how Uchiha Madara calculated Uchiha Obito, Senju Hashirama couldn't help scolding Uchiha Madara: "Madara, you are too much! Uchiha Obito is your clan, how can you bear to deal with him like this? "

One Piece Roger is also annoyed: "It's a bastard to fool other people's partners like this!"

Senju Tobirama scoffs: "That's why I hate the Uchiha clan, the source of their power is so evil!"

Uchiha Shisui retorted: "Nidaime, Uchiha's power is not evil. Sharingan evolves after losing his love, isn't it proof that Uchiha wants to change the tragedy? Just because he has no power and can't protect his love, he upgrades Sharingan to make up for it. own inadequacies."

Senju Tobirama: "You should be saying this yourself, but there are too few people like you. Most Uchihas become extremely paranoid after having Sharingan, and Uchiha Obito should be that kind of person.

Doflamingo: "Fufufufu~ It seems that his experience has made him despair, and he has recognized the theory that Uchiha Madara said that the world is hell and the illusion is heaven]."

Namikaze Minato: "No wonder people always make trouble when I support Kakashi and the others. It turns out that Uchiha Madara did it."

Senju Tobirama: "It's a pity! A boy who used to be good was turned into this shape by Uchiha Madara.

Whitebeard: "I liked him before he didn't have Blacken."

Howard Stark: "If that's the case, then Uchiha Obito's behavior is understandable. His sabotage in Konoha Village and Kirigakure was all about revenge.

Senju Tobirama: "Retaliation? It's possible! Konoha Village didn't protect his ninjas, Namikaze Minato didn't protect his disciples, so he started the Nine Tails rebellion;

Kirigakure ninja implanted Three Tails into Nohara Rin, he controlled Three Tails Jinchūriki as Mizukage, and made Kirigakure a mess with blood fog policy and high-pressure policy. "

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: "Konoha Village's revenge is still reasonable, what happened to us Kirigakure? We were used from beginning to end!"

Namikaze Minato: "...

I am also innocent, Uchiha Madara sent people to trouble me, and I am always one step behind.

Li Xuan: "Don't say these are useless, what's the point? Uchiha Obito is pitiful, but he doesn't need too much sympathy. In the end, he is a defeated dog. The goddess he secretly loves died, and then he took out all kinds of anger. other people."

Li Xuan: "Don't say anything about Infinite Tsukuyomi, if he thinks Infinite Tsukuyomi is real and feasible, wouldn't he just revive Rin Nohara in his dreams? Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina took care of him so much, but he still killed him mercilessly.

Everyone heard the words and expressed their approval.

Although Uchiha Obito is very pitiful, but those Konoha Shinobi and Mist Shinobi ninjas who were killed by him are not pitiful? On,

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