I'm In Soul Society: My Skills Will Practice On Their Own

Chapter 42 Rukia And Others In The Circle 【Favorites】

"What are you thinking? Do you know what the captain means? That guy asked me to kill him on purpose!"

Dongmenhao rolled his eyes. The gap between the captain level and the vice-captain level is huge. Now that his killing swordsmanship has been improved, plus Kidō skills and Zanpakutō, Dongmenhao can only deal with the weaker captain if he shoots with all his strength.

After all, except for Zaraki Kenpachi, the other captains know Bankai. Bankai can directly make Reiatsu skyrocket, which is very powerful.

In the face of such a huge level difference, it is not easy to be able to leapfrog.

"I asked you to cut it on purpose? Why?"

Rukia asked with some doubts, why would a captain deliberately let Dongmenhao cut it?

"That guy's personality is just like this, Zaraki Kenpachi, the captain of the 11th squad, is full of fighting beasts. When fighting with the enemy, he never cares whether he will be injured. He will only resist the opponent's attack and exchange injuries with the opponent. .”

"This style of play is like a lunatic, in order to ensure enough damage to the enemy, he can completely ignore himself!"

Dongmenhao also admires Zaraki Kenpachi, and he would never do such a thing, and he still regrets his life.


After Dongmenhao finished speaking, he heard a few swallows of saliva. At this moment, the three of Abarai Renji couldn't imagine why such a person existed.

In general battles, who doesn't think of ways to cause damage to the enemy after ensuring their own safety.

Zaraki Kenpachi's desperate style of play, as long as normal people hear it, they will find it incomprehensible and think that the other party is extremely crazy.

"I originally planned to enter the eleventh team after graduation, but now that I think about it, I might have to change to another team!"

Abarai Renji said with some horror that he is good at fighting and doesn't like the flashy Kidō. Strictly speaking, the 11th team is the most suitable team for him.

But now hearing the crazy image of Zaraki Kenpachi, he is really a little afraid of the 11th team. A team led by a lunatic is probably not a group of lunatics. It is very dangerous to follow a group of lunatics.

"The 11th team is not entirely full of such people, but they are all people who are keen on fighting. It is actually beneficial for you to join in!"

In the original book, Abarai Renji was first assigned to the fifth team, then he felt inappropriate and then went to the eleventh team, and finally went to the sixth team as the vice-captain.

Strictly speaking, if it weren't for the approval of Byakuya Kuchiki, then Abarai Renji would definitely stay in the eleventh team.

In terms of his fighting style, he is very suitable for the eleventh team.

"Understood, I will join if I can!"

Abarai Renji agrees with Dongmenhao's point of view very much. They have been with Dongmenhao for a long time, and they all know that Dongmenhao's suggestions are very useful, so they don't need to worry about anything.

"What about us? What team are we suitable for?"

Rukia and Kira Iziru both pointed to themselves and asked.

"You don't have hard requirements. Many teams are suitable for you. I can't help you make plans for these things. It's up to you to choose which way to go."

"I've already joined the fourth division. Strictly speaking, the fourth division is one of the safest divisions in the entire Soul Society!"

Dongmenhao shook his head. Abarai Renji is very suitable for the eleventh team. As for the other two, they are basically fine. The most unsuitable ones are the second and eleventh teams.

"Fourth team? Why did you join the fourth team! Isn't that the medical team?!"

A few people are a little confused, Dongmenhao's situation is more suitable for the 11th team than Abarai Renji based on what they know, well, the battle is really terrifying.

"I had some overlap with Captain Unohana Retsu before, and my Zanpakutō is also healing!"

Dongmenhao pointed to Zanpakutō who was placed beside him, and the mouths of the three of them opened even wider.

Dongmenhao's Zanpakutō has also been speculated by many people, after all, it is that exaggerated fighting style after awakening.

So once you can Shikai, it is estimated that the power will be even more terrifying.

But Dongmenhao now tells them that this Zanpakutō is of healing type, how can people not be surprised? The reversal is too big.

"How could it be from the healing department? There's no reason for that!"

Rukia felt that her common sense had been subverted for a while, and she was in a bad mood.

"I can't understand either. From what I understand, your Zanpakutō should be of the assault type!"

Abarai Renji also spoke. As for Kira Iziru, although he didn't speak, it could be seen from his expression that he thought so too.

This also made Dongmenhao a little ashamed.

There is no way, this Zanpakutō is not differentiated from his soul, but is produced by simulating the soul of Sister Hua, so there is a healing Zanpakutō, but the other one should not be.

The other one is very likely to be of the physical attack system.

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