I'm In Soul Society: My Skills Will Practice On Their Own

Chapter 92 The Rapidly Growing Rukia 【Subscription 910】

"Ciwu, Bai Lian!"

The two sides liberated Zanpakutō, and Rukia also shot first, stabbing Zanpakutō four times in a row on the ground.

The powerful freezing air was released suddenly, turning into a streak of ice that quickly spread towards the opponent.

The ice came very quickly. Originally, the officer on the opposite side was still guessing Rukia's moves, but suddenly a piece of ice spread towards him.

Although he was a little surprised, he was not too flustered, and danced the Zanpakutō that had turned into a ring blade in his hand.

A wind blade rushed out from the ring Zanpakutō and hit the ice.

The power of the wind blade is not weak, and Rukia's ice was blocked in an instant. Although the move was a little abrupt, but she was still a fresh graduate, so Rukia's move didn't have any effect.

And her opponent is Zanpakutō of the wind system, and Zanpakutō of the wind system is mainly about cutting.

Knowing that it is difficult for her long-range attack to hurt the opponent, Rukia simply took the initiative to approach the opponent, looking for opportunities.

Because Zanpakutō of the wind element can not only attack from a distance but also fight in close combat, he also intends to face the enemy head-on on the 19th party, just like Rukia. In fact, the choice of this officer is also very correct.

His wind element Zanpakutō can unleash ranged attacks, but melee is better.

Constantly releasing long-range attacks consumes a lot of energy for Reiatsu, and releasing such attacks in melee is not easy to be dodged, and he controls the wind to wrap around his ring blade, so that the cutting force becomes very powerful.

Rukia fell into a passive situation for a while in a double-anti close-range battle.

As I said before, Rukia's kendo talent can be said to be mediocre, even though Dongmenhao went to the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Academy to teach them for a period of time.

But the biggest improvement is Renji, followed by Kira Iziru, then Hinamori Momo who is good at Kidō, and finally Rukia.

Rukia's kendo talent is really helpless, and Dongmenhao can't save it, so this is her weakness now.

"Her kendo doesn't seem to be very strong, so why choose melee with her opponent?"

Sister Hua and Kotetsu Isane also saw it, and at this moment Kotetsu Isane couldn't help asking his own question.

"Yongyin, you can't just look at things on the surface. Her swordsmanship is indeed very weak. In such a situation, choosing close combat can eliminate the factors of White Hits and Kidō. Then there is only one reason left, her Zanpakutō ability! "

Unohana Retsu, a senior, naturally knows what Rukia is going to do. At this stage, Rukia cannot give up Zanpakutō. After all, after the normal Shinigami Shikai, Zanpakutō must be powerful, not White Hits.

The second is Kidō, people who use Kidō need to chant, even if they give up chant, long distance is the best choice.

So now Unohana Retsu can only think about Rukia's Zanpakutō ability.

Sure enough, the battle in the field changed rapidly. Although he was at a disadvantage, Rukia seized an opening and pulled it with his Zanpakutō stroke, a white circle appeared above the ground to enclose the two of them.

"First dance, Yuebai!"

Rukia has a lot of tricks, the first dance, the second dance, the third dance, and absolute zero are all skills from Rukia Shikai's period.

Chuwu, Yuebai, is more like a trap type move, and it must be close to her to be effective.

At this moment Rukia released this move, the sudden shock made the opponent stunned for a while, and Rukia jumped away in a dodge, and then an icicle rose from the ground, wrapping the official in it .

"It seems that the winner has been decided, but this time the victory is a bit of a fluke!"

Seeing this scene, Dongmenhao nodded, Rukia has indeed defeated the opponent, no matter what the reason is, defeat is defeat, but it is more difficult for Rukia to defeat the opponent a second time.

Because her ability is already known by everyone, Yuebai's move is the best to use when the opponent doesn't know, it is a trap-type move that uses herself as a bait.

The premise is that it works when people don’t know it, but now that people know it, people will naturally take precautions, so it will not be easy for Rukia to beat the opponent next time.

But I have to say that Rukia's strength improvement is indeed very good.

In the original book, Rukia also learned these tricks very early, and his talent is very good, but this guy Byakuya Kuchiki interfered wantonly in Rukia's life.

So Rukia has been unable to get enough growth.

Now that there is no such suppression, Rukia's growth has been much faster. According to Dongmenhao's understanding, Rukia has now slowly started to get in touch with Sanwu, the white sword!

But these tricks are nothing compared to the most powerful absolute zero in her Shikai.

The real horror is Absolute Zero and Bankai, but it's too early for Rukia at this stage.

The next thing Dongmenhao has to do is to bring Rukia and Hinamori Momo into actual combat.

In fact, their strength should not be limited to such a point, mainly because they have always been in the accumulation stage in the academy.

After all the students of Maoyang Academy of Spiritual Art entered the thirteenth team, there were only two endings.

One is to accept baptism in battle, which will cause a period of rapid improvement, which is caused by their tiredness in school for the past few years.

Having accumulated enough experience, he has reached a bottleneck, and now that he has been released, his strength will naturally increase.

The other 717 was directly killed because he couldn't adapt to the battle of the thirteenth team.

There are only these two possibilities, and the accumulation of Rukia and Hinamori Momo is undoubtedly very terrifying.

So in the future, take them in actual combat as much as possible, so that their combat effectiveness can be increased rapidly.

It is estimated that he will soon be able to enter the strength of the middle seat officer of the fourth team.

Although the fourth division is not a battle division, it is not difficult to find a battle. They only need to apply when other battle divisions are performing tasks, and follow along to get in touch with the battle.

In recent years, Dongmenhao has often used this excuse to rob monsters. Except for the eleventh team, the other teams didn't say much.

They wished for someone to help them bear a little pressure. As for the 11th team, those guys are a group of fighting madmen. If you go to steal their monsters, they will naturally be upset.

But they can't help it. If they can't grab the blame, it's entirely because of their own strength.

They also have to bring the fourth team, the meaning of the existence of the medical team is like this, the combat team is the most dangerous, and it is impossible to get rid of the random fourth team, so that the players will have enough opportunities to fight, Intiwang.

(Thanks to Qilinhao for the 1000 tip and reminder ticket, 1777... for the 100 tip, Suituofeng's monthly ticket).

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