I'm In Soul Society: My Skills Will Practice On Their Own

Chapter 97 It’S Time For The Store Manager To Take Medicine 【Subscription 410】

"Is there something for Mr. Tessai?"

Looking at the hunky man in an apron lying in front of him, Urahara Kisuke subconsciously felt something was wrong.

"Manager, you should take your medicine!"

Tessai Tsukabishi calmly took out a somewhat large and scary medicine.

"Why do you need to take medicine? I'm not sick!"

"Take medicine even if you are not sick!"

"If you are not sick, what medicine do you take........

Before Urahara Kisuke could finish a sentence, Tessai Tsukabishi took a medicine and choked on it for a long time before swallowing it.

Looking at the farce in front of her, Yoruichi didn't know what to say, she was used to it, Tessai Tsukabishi often gave Urahara Kisuke some weird medicine.

She even remembered that some expired medicines were not sold in the store, and she was drunk thinking about it.

She didn't bother to care about these two live treasures, so she simply found a place to rest!

A few days later, Dongmenhao suddenly received an invitation from Sui-Feng on the 4th team to go to the 2nd team.

After coming to the captain's quarters of the 2nd Fan 19 team, Dongmenhao saw Sui-Feng and Yoruichi in the form of a black cat.

"So it was you, no wonder Sui-Feng called me over, but you came here really fast!"

Seeing Yoruichi appearing here, Dongmenhao wasn't too surprised. Yoruichi was originally one of the four nobles. He knew a lot of secret arts, and there were many ways to get in. It's normal not to be noticed.

"Is it fast? If it wasn't because Kisuke was so slow in preparing things, I wouldn't be so slow in coming!"

Yoruichi's black cat form has a male voice, and she wanted to come, but Urahara Kisuke took some time to prepare things, so she had to postpone it for a while.

She has given the communicator to Sui-Feng, which is a communication device that can bypass the monitoring of the 12th Division.

Now they can get enough information about Jing Lingting from Sui-Feng.

"Urahara Kisuke!"

Dongmenhao nodded, the other party was indeed a genius among geniuses, and he knew the 12th squad well, so it was not surprising that he came up with such a thing.

"That damned guy, if it wasn't for that guy, Yoruichi-sama wouldn't have left Soul Society!"

As soon as Sui-Feng mentioned Urahara Kisuke, his teeth itch with hatred. After all, this matter had nothing to do with Yoruichi at the beginning, but Yoruichi rushed to save someone after knowing about Urahara Kisuke.

This also caused her to be forced to leave the Soul Society. Even the Patriarch of one of the four nobles could not do things so blatantly.

So Sui-Feng and Yoruichi still hate Urahara Kisuke even after reconciliation.

In the original, Sui-Feng used Bankai's chips for the second time in a row to let Hachigen then lock Urahara Kisuke into the barrier.

It can be seen how upset Sui-Feng is with Urahara Kisuke. In fact, Yoruichi's operation is very good in Dongmenhao's opinion.

Because the Shihouin family is one of the four great nobles, although he, the head of the family, committed a crime, as long as the Shihouin family gets rid of the relationship immediately, the other nobles can do nothing about each other.

There won't be much turmoil for the Shihouin clan.

If it doesn't affect the people around him, Yoruichi will naturally be unscrupulous, and Dongmenhao would do the same. After all, seeing so many friends being killed, this is not something Yoruichi would do.

"Okay, okay, Sui-Feng, I know you're angry, calm down!"

Yoruichi glanced at Sui-Feng with some helplessness. As before, Sui-Feng was completely dominated by her, and this matter was entirely her own choice.

"I see, Master Yoruichi!"

Sure enough, as long as Yoruichi is around, Sui-Feng will turn into a little fan girl model, where there is still the slightest bit of strength of the captain of the second division.

"Tell me, what are you looking for me for? You should come here just to meet Sui-Feng, since you're looking for me, then there must be something going on."

Dongmenhao asked, Yoruichi came to see Sui-Feng this time, but if he was asked to come over, there must be something wrong.

"It's nothing too big, one is to warn you again, don't investigate Aizen's affairs, Sui-Feng and you too."

"Originally, Kisuke asked me to ask you to use your network to win us some allies, but I don't think you should do this kind of thing with your character.

"So let's pretend I didn't say anything about it. I almost know about your relationship with Sui-Feng. Remember to help me take good care of Sui-Feng!"

Yoruichi opened his mouth and said, after hearing what Yoruichi said, Dongmenhao was also a little surprised. The previous warning was obviously that Yoruichi was worried. Although he had warned him before, Yoruichi said a few more words just in case.

But then it gets interesting.

Getting him to use his relationship website is indeed something Urahara Kisuke could do, after all he will use all the power around him against Aizen.

The chess pieces that can be used are naturally used, but what about Yoruichi? She has already seen that Dongmenhao doesn't want to have much to do with Urahara Kisuke.

So let him know by saying this sentence, to be honest, this really made Dongmenhao quite satisfied.

What he hates the most is the kind of guy who casually uses people as pawns, and that's why he doesn't want to get in touch with Urahara Kisuke.

Yoruichi was very sensible and didn't ask him to do anything.

"Why don't you stay and take care of Sui-Feng? With your current situation, it's fine for 337 to stay in the Soul Society!"

"It's useless to be honest with you in this world. You might as well stay in the Soul Society. You can even find a group of people with good potential in Rukongai to cultivate."

"All of us have seen Aizen's Zanpakutō Shikai!"

"According to what you said, everyone has been hypnosis, and you are no exception, so it is undoubtedly a dream to do anything to Aizen."

"But it is completely possible to cultivate people who have not been Aizen Hypnosis. Both the present world and Rukongai are good choices, but compared to the present world [undoubtedly, Rukongai is better for finding such a good soul without Aizen Hypnosis."

Dongmenhao said, in the original book, didn’t Urahara Kisuke train Kurosaki Ichigo to attack Aizen? And Kurosaki Ichigo was also trained by Aizen, but in the end Aizen played off.

Such things as the protagonist's halo are unreasonable.

Now Dongmenhao proposed this idea in advance, and this idea really moved Yoruichi a little bit.

Anyway, she can go back and forth between this world and Soul Society at will, and now Sui-Feng and her relationship are reconciled.

It is indeed useless for him to stay in the present world, there is no fighting, and she is not a scientist, so naturally she cannot interfere with some of Urahara Kisuke's experiments. In this case, it is better to return to the Soul Society to cultivate a history area to deal with Aizen. .

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