I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 101 Married Three Wives Who Look Like Gods, It Is Really Enviable (Please Book In Full!!)

Chapter 101 I married three wives who look like gods, which is really enviable

Xidu, Universal Capsule Company.

"Grandpa is good, grandma is good."

"Grandpa is good, grandma is good.

Lades and Lin Yu stepped forward to greet Burdock and Gine in turn.

"Hey, gangster."

Looking at the rather handsome Lades and Lin Yu, Gine liked it more and more.

She felt that when she woke up, she even had grandchildren. This kind of joy and excitement cannot be expressed in words.

Even Burdock, who is naturally taciturn, is almost grinning from ear to ear.

Burdock didn't expect that he would still be able to see his grandchildren alive, and what's even more outrageous is that his second son is promising.

It is really enviable to marry three wives who look like celestial beings directly on the earth.

Bulma joked: "Husband, Father-in-law Burdock, you don't look like father and son sitting together, more like "947" is brothers.

"Hmm, I think so too."

No. 18 nodded lightly and echoed.


Since Burdock was resurrected after 41 years of death, in terms of age, Zhou En is older than Burdock.

So much so that they don't look like father and son at all, more like brothers.

Although Kahn inherited Gine's hairstyle, his face shape and temperament are more of Burdock's shadow.

Bulma's words made everyone laugh out loud.

The atmosphere was joyous.

"Brother Kahn, I'm back!"

at this time.

Son Goku's voice came from the door.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and saw Son Goku, Chichi, Son Gohan, Videl, and Son Goten standing at the door together.

The eyes of Son Goku and the others were deeply attracted by Burdock.

Son Goku can't be said to be exactly the same as Burdock, at least it can be said to be exactly the same.

Oh my god, it's really exactly the same!"

Chichi opened his mouth wide in surprise.

When Kahn informed her just now, Chichi still didn't believe it at first.

Seeing it now, Chichi was completely shocked.

"It's incredible."

Son Gohan also had an unbelievable look on his face.

My grandfather actually looks exactly like my father, they are completely carved out of the same mold!

Son Goten and Videl were even more confused.

Originally Burdock and Son Goku have exactly the same face and hairstyle, which is already incredible, plus a young Son Goten...

this picture.

It's really unimaginable.

Compared with other people, when Son Goku saw Burdock's face exactly like him, a childhood memory picture from 41 years ago came to mind instantly.

Son Goku was stunned on the spot, a voice from 41 years ago suddenly sounded in his mind: "Kahn, Kakarot, you must live on the earth!"


When he first came to the earth and was picked up by Son Gohan, Kakarot was so restless that he hit his head heavily on a rock, and Son Goku lost his previous memory

Now, Son Goku has brought back that memory he lost as a child, after seeing Burdock and Gine's Setsuna.


When she saw Son Goku, before Son Goku could even speak, Gine recognized that it must be her young son Kakarot.

"You've grown up too, Kakarot."

Burdock said softly with a gentle look on his face again.

The next second, Son Goku came back to his senses, and walked quickly towards Burdock and Gine, "Dad, Mom!"

so far.

The three generations of the Burdock family gathered together, which can be described as full of children and grandchildren.

For the next half month.

Kahn's family, Son Goku's family, Burdock and Gine made the half-month trip.

The purpose of this trip is only one, and that is to enhance the relationship between the family.

Because Burdock and Gine passed away for 41 years, they did not attend the wedding of Kahn and Son Goku, so Bulma, Chichi and others did not have deep feelings for Burdock and Gine.

So Kahn proposed this trip.

After the trip, Son Goku and Son Gohan went to Beerus to continue their practice.

Burdock and Gine lived at Magnum Capsules.

For such a huge universal capsule company, there is no problem for two people to live there.

In this way, another year passed in the blink of an eye.

And one day four months ago.

Sorbey, the remnant of Frieza's army, came to the earth and collected seven Dragon Balls to summon Shenron, who resurrected Frieza who died on Namek.

After the resurrection, Frieza learned from the pain and summed up the reasons for losing to Kahn that year.

Then he conducted special training for four months.

After the four-month special training, Frieza's strength has greatly increased, and he successfully unlocked the golden Frieza form......

However, after unlocking the golden Frieza form, Frieza, who was full of confidence, did not rush to the earth to find Kahn for revenge.

Milky Way.

The universe ship of the Frieza Legion is sailing in the vacuum of the universe.

Frieza with her arms behind her back, her scarlet eyes staring out the window.

Suddenly, Frieza asked, "Solby, why hasn't there been any news of my father after four months of my resurrection?"

Solbey knelt down on one knee, and respectfully said: "To King Frieza, after your death, Lord King Cold wanted to go to Earth to resurrect you, but..."

"But what?"

Frieza glanced at her, and her tone suddenly became cold.

Sorbey trembled in fright, and tremblingly said: "Later, I heard that Master King Cold was captured by Galactic Patrolman Myers and taken to the Galactic Prison on his way to Earth.

It should still be locked up in the galaxy prison. "

"Galactic Prison?"

Frieza's eyes turned cold, and he ordered: "Then turn around and go to Galaxy Prison immediately, if you dare to arrest my father, then let's make a big fuss.

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

After a few seconds, Frieza's manic laughter stopped abruptly.

His face froze suddenly, and the humiliating scene of losing to Kahn on Namek came back to his mind.

That loss to Kahn was definitely the most humiliating thing in Frieza's life.

If you don't kill Kahn, it's hard to solve the hatred in his heart!

"Kahn, Saiyan's wild monkey, this time I will wring your head off and trample you mercilessly on the ground!"

A few 5.1 hours later.

The universe spaceship of the Frieza Legion came to the galaxy prison in a mighty way.

The most massive prison robbery operation since the establishment of the Milky Way Prison began.

When the Frieza Legion robbed the prison, Myers happened to go out to perform a patrol mission. The Galaxy Patrol members guarding the Galaxy Prison were not Frieza's opponents at all.

Dead dead, wounded wounded.

In just half an hour, the prison robbery was over.

King Cold, who was imprisoned in the galaxy prison for more than ten years, finally regained his freedom.

In addition to King Cold, other criminals from the Milky Way, such as the monster Moro from ancient times and Sabensley, were also rescued by Frieza this time!

And when Myers received the news and rushed back to the Galaxy Prison, what appeared in front of him was the empty Galaxy Prison and the countless casualties of the Galaxy Patrol and the guard area of ​​the prison.

At this point, Myers finally realized that things are getting worse!.

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