"Please also ask Miss Shiyuan to let go of the mustard in her heart, follow the will of her ancestors, and forge ahead. "

No misery, if I take care of it, it will be beautiful!" Shiyuan

, who was standing opposite Lin Chuan, smiled with good-looking eyebrows, and bowed deeply at the same time.

"Mr. Lin Chuan is righteous, the ancestors once instructed the descendants to open a temple for Mr. and make the world famous

!" "Now that I see the true face, it can be regarded as fulfilling a wish of my Lord Bai Xue!"

She only has one thing she is dissatisfied with, that is, how can this perverted Lin Chuan look at Jiguo Shiyuan so affectionately!

The sixth sense of a woman is very strong, and the female form is naturally very smooth to perceive.

Lin Chuan noticed it slightly, and quietly withdrew his gaze.

The starry eyes stared at Wu Miao, raising his hand to cover her jade hand.

Patted, snapped!



...... Beauty!

On the contrary, it is not like a woman's hand, but caressing a piece of fairy jade.

Lin Chuan's smile was very powerful, just like his strength, he was invincible, and he easily dispelled Wu Miao's suspicions.

After simply greeting Jiguo Shiyuan for a while, Lin Chuan waved his hand and refused her request to invite her into the house.

After a while, Lin Chuan left the poetry of Jiguo alone, holding the miserable Luo skirt.

"Wu Miao, do you remember the girl who waited for you for the rest of your life?"

Suddenly, Lin Chuan said for no reason, and Wu Miao glanced at him confusedly.

"What do you say

?" "Your little girlfriend is like a cloud

!" Lin Chuan waved his hand and said, "Why should you be self-indulgent?"

"I only have you in my heart!" "

We have been together for thousands of years, how can others cut off their beards with a smile?"

Hearing this, Wu Miao's gloomy expression instantly warmed up like the first sun, and his smile became even sweeter.

"Flim tongue, I'll believe you for the time being!"


Miao left the ground in an instant, and when he reacted, he was already in Lin Chuan's arms.

She wanted to struggle, but her body softened, and she breathed like an orchid and spit out the fragrance, as thin as a mosquito fly.

"Let it go...... Open!

" Lin Chuan smiled evilly, "Do you really want to let it go?"

Sleepless ...... tonight

A few months later, Wumiao's lower abdomen bulged slightly, as if a little life was quietly conceived in it.

In Infinity City, Naruto wears Lin Chuan's favorite cosplay outfit from the other side of time.

She wears a double-sided crown of phoenix wings that symbolizes the strongest flower girl.

With his head down and plucking the strings with his hands, the jade fingers were as fast as dancing to the afterimage.

The vocal range is sometimes iron horse jingo, sometimes still water flows for a long time, which makes people enter the artistic conception one by one.

After listening to a song, Lin Chuan squinted and looked up to reminisce.

Sitting next to Naruto, the beautiful food and music rhythm linger, beautiful.

Receiving Lin Chuan's smile of such satisfaction, Naruto's eyebrows and eyes smiled softly.

She looked at him for a long time!

A few years later, the battle between man and ghost had been erased by the ghost slayer and became a legend in everyone's mouth.

The wisteria flowers at the headquarters of the Ghost Slayer Team bloom all year round, and the unaware, Aozuka, ushers in a smiling and modest lord.

He was dressed in white cloth and wore a Japanese wheel knife engraved with the word "gas" around his waist.

Sincerely, as in the past, after communing with them.

The Lord turned into a stream of flame and disappeared in place.

He learned the breath of the sun, and the master was Jiguo Shiyuan, who was a few years younger than him.

A few days later, Lin Chuan found Zhu Shi, and Yu Shilang, who never left her.

Zhu Shi runs a pharmacy that is completely free of charge for the miserable, and there is a huge pot of porridge boiling in front of the door.

"I understand, let her go!" "

Killing can't solve the hatred in my heart, I can only do things to save lives and help the wounded, which is contrary to no misery." "

I'm angry with her alive! I don't need a single soldier!" Hearing

such a cruel words, Lin Chuan nodded vigorously and said, "Naturally, she will get better without misery."

"She already has human characteristics

!" "Grow up, study, work, get married, reproduce......

"Eh, it seems to be far away!"


At night, in the laughter like the silver bell of the pearl world, Lin Chuan slowly left.

At this point, there is no misery and no worries!

Lin Chuanle's leisure is miserable.

She took matters into account with her own hands and disbanded the Twelve Ghost Moons.

Black Death Mou took the cyan flower, and also regained some of his memories, and saw his ugly face.

He traveled to Mt. Untori and decided to protect his brother's descendants.

In his previous life, he couldn't save his younger brother, and in this life, he will definitely let his descendants be carefree!

Tong Mo opened the crazy redemption mode, and the beauties in the Eternal Bliss Sect are like clouds, and there are two butterfly sisters.

Under Lin Chuan's side knock, Yiwoza recovered his memory and was taken by Lianxue to the world of the two.

Half a day dog hides in seclusion, timidly spending long and endless years.

The jade pot frantically made an incomparably symmetrical pot with great ingenuity, even more symmetrical than his face.

The prostitute Taro and the fallen queen are definitely the most legendary brother and sister.

There is a well-known legend in Youguo.

It doesn't matter if you play the next string, you can't make any waves anyway.


Lin Chuan's most impressive thing is that Nightmare has opened a nightmare hall!

This place claims to be able to realize all your dreams.

And its owner is always the one who opened a shop late at night.

A tall and thin handsome man with his hands tapping rhythmic beats.


days later, Lin Chuan found Wu Zetian's heart of the ocean from the cosplay women's clothing warehouse!

At this point, this will be the last cosplay women's clothing that Lin Chuan gave to Wu Miao.

The Spring Festival is here, and after the early hours of the morning, I can only see you next year!

At the last second, Lin Chuan pinned his hands behind his back and smiled at the opposite side.

"No misery, I can't accompany you this year!"

"When parting, please meet my last ...... Wish!

" "Wear this

!" "Heart of the Ocean!" The

corners of Wu Miao's eyes were misty, and her snowy eyes were bright and clear, so that Lin Chuan couldn't help but tell her the truth.

Finally, she blushed in front of Lin Chuan, and her movements naturally and skillfully withdrew her long skirt.

The blood-pumping picture made Lin Chuan slightly moved, and he waved his sleeves and rubbed his nose.

But it wasn't until Wu Miao wore the heart of the ocean that the majesty of the empress leaped in front of him.

Lin Chuan raised his hand and gently brushed away the tears and said, "Okay! What are you crying about?" "

Next year is here, say goodbye to the old year!"

After that, Lin Chuan was immediately targeted by a big terror, and the space around him stagnated.

But this coercion came and went quickly, and soon, without misery, it was as flattering as silk.

"Fool, tease you...... That's it!

" Lin Chuan rubbed the hem of the heart of the ocean and said with satisfaction, "It's really in line with your temperament

!" "My miserable!"

Wu nodded miserably, but he floated quietly in place with a pair of jade feet, looking at the heavenly path leisurely.

"Will you always be with me?"


Lin Chuan grabbed Wu Wu's waist and threw himself on the soft grass like flowing clouds, looking up at the meteor shower in the sky.

"You and I, just like the sun and the moon, will always be together, and we will never be separated!" A

hundred years later, ghosts have become history!

A nine-year-old child babbled, "Mom, are there really ghosts in this world?"

"Silly child, how can there be a ghost?"

"Remember to sleep with the dog's head when you sleep!"

After the child slept, Wu Miao grew tentacles and a whip.

In the moonlight, 5 brains and 7 hearts were glowing with a scarlet light.

Wu Miao muttered, "Ghost Slayer Team, Lin Chuan, Twelve Ghost Moons!"

"How can there be ghosts in this world?"

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