
Chuan's words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, making Wu Miao incredulous, "You, what did you say?"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan concluded that Wu Miao must have understood, otherwise his face would not be so crimson.

Seeing that Lin Chuan didn't answer, Wu Miao clenched his clothes tightly, his eyes rippled, and he secretly said in his heart, this matter is too embarrassing!

Suddenly, a rumbling sound sounded in his stomach, Lin Chuan held his stomach in embarrassment, looked at Wu Miao and asked.

"Well, do you have anything to eat, Tsukihiko?"

"I'm hungry!" The

room immediately fell into a dead silence, only Lin Chuan's grunt could be heard clearly.

Wu Miao glanced at Lin Chuan angrily, as if he was weighing whether he should help him.

Xindao, I am really looking for

death, and I have hit me with all my ideas! Wu Miao is not ready to deal with Lin Chuan, let him starve to death!

But when he was about to refuse sharply, Wu Miao repented, and said with a joking smile, "Yes, do you want to eat fresh food?"

Lin Chuan looked at it, as if he was on pins and needles, and saw that there were white bones and mottled blood stains behind Wu Miao.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan guessed, the food that is not miserable is not a person?

Hearing this, Lin Chuan shook his head with a wry smile, and muttered, "I'm a human, let's eat something in the sun!" "

Why don't you cook it yourself and give me something to eat?"

Wu Miaoxiu's eyebrows were furrowed, his scarlet eyes pierced Lin Chuan like sharp blades, and the invisible aura erupted into bursts of roar.


this, Lin Chuan smacked his tongue and said, "Eh, I'll just say casually, why are you angry?"

"Yueyan, you are as beautiful as a fairy, you are ingenious, what you make must be delicious, there is no doubt about it." "

Besides, you have the strength to work when you are full!"

"Look at the night now, but I haven't even eaten breakfast and lunch, and I'm already hungry!" Lin

Chuan said, pretending to be weak.

The acting skills are directly off the charts, and he is a proper actor.

Wu Miao can live until now, obviously not a fool, and he saw through Lin Chuan's little tricks at a glance.

He scolded and scolded in his heart, how could a person who couldn't even be killed by me be hungry with his chest against his back?

Damn, he was pinched!

It seems that Lin Chuan's previous words have played a role, and Wu Miao's heart is still warm.

After a short struggle in his heart, Wu Miao reluctantly nodded and agreed, "Okay!"

After Wu Miao finished speaking, he took a lotus step and disappeared in the blood mist!

Lin Chuan clenched his fists and shouted, "Haha, everything in the world is only once and countless times

!" "I hope this is a good start

!" "It's just that it is as difficult as climbing to the sky if I promise to find the cyan flower without misery!"

In other words, Lin Chuan will have to look for at least a thousand years to find it! Lin Chuan

couldn't help but feel distressed, he couldn't wait so long, he could only speed up the progress!

After a while, the wind was slow, and he walked into the house without a miserable flash, holding a bowl of steaming noodles in his jade hand.

Lin Chuan was shocked in his heart, "Damn, I really did

it!" "This is not miserable, I love it to death!"

The aroma was tempting, Lin Chuan couldn't help but smell it and exclaimed.

"It's worthy of Yueyan, this noodle looks like a fine workmanship, thank you for your hard work!"

Lin Chuan took the bowl and chopsticks and sat down next to him, very comfortable.

If you had seen others with such happiness in the past, you would have destroyed them without misery.

But now, somehow, my heart is warm, of course, this warmth only belongs to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan feasted on the noodles, which were smooth and smooth, with a firm taste, which was more enjoyable than eating spicy noodles.

Originally, it was a bowl of quantity, but Lin Chuan was stunned to eat the feeling of a full Han banquet.

While eating, he praised it without hesitation.

"This craftsmanship is simply amazing, if I am separated from you in the future, I will not starve to death?"

"Hiss, it's so delicious!"

Lin Chuan wiped his mouth after eating, looked at Wu Miao on the side seriously, and praised it.

"Not bad, it's good to eat, it's smooth and smooth, and the aftertaste is still there after eating, and it's fragrant!"

Seeing that Lin Chuan was eating so happily, and boasting fiercely, the discomfort in his heart gradually disappeared, and he nodded arrogantly.

"That's nature, and I'm going to be the ultimate creature.


With a bang, Lin Chuan put down the dishes and chopsticks, nodded and agreed, "Of course, you have always been the existence of the ultimate creature, and you are already very strong!"

This sentence is from Lin Chuan's heart, after his invincible value is infinite, he can also perfectly sense the breath of others.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is no miserable horse now.

It's just that he hasn't gone through the experience of Jiguo Yuanyi, which has led to a bad temper!

Wu Miao suddenly pulled his face and asked with a soul torture, "In that case, why can't I kill you?"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan smiled slightly and took the initiative to show his neck.

The white neck is bruised like silk, and it can be seen clearly.

Wu Miao was stunned for a moment, and when he was wondering what he was going to do, Lin Chuan said happily, "Haha, you are reluctant to kill me

!" "Cut off my neck and die!" Wu

Miao was ashamed and angry, slapped Lin Chuan on the head, and with a huge force, it was blown away several meters.

"Damn, I can really do it!" Lin

Chuan didn't hurt, but he was blasted out because of inertia.

After all, invincibility cannot be immune to control, so Lin Chuan still has weaknesses, but not much.

It's still a long time, Lin Chuan can learn a few blood ghost techniques, or breathing techniques, and he can reverse the situation.

Looking back, Lin Chuan watched the miserable and emaciated figure gradually drift away, and did not stay.


that the good fruit had been buried, the corners of Lin Chuan's mouth rose, and he didn't have to worry about the future at all.

Lin Chuan said in his heart, if you really can't summon Wu Miao, he will definitely protect me! Seeing Wu Miao's

departure, Lin Chuan also patted the dust on his clothes, took out his notes from his arms, and looked at it intently.

Immortality is an eternal topic, whoever can live forever is a god, and of course it may also be a ghost!

Lin Chuan looked at the words on the first line of the Immortal Chapter, and eight big characters were briefly written on it.

If you want to cultivate immortality, you must first go to the palace

! Click! The

note fell to the ground in an instant, Lin Chuan's hands were trembling, and he smacked his tongue and said, "Damn

, don't mess with me!" "Master, is this really your note?"

"No wonder you don't pursue immortality!"

After all, Lin Chuan still picked it up and continued to read it with apprehension.

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