I didn't believe it!

Wu Miao was full of doubts, but he still let go of Zhu Shi.

Then he handed the noodles to Lin Chuan, pretending to be angry and said, "Oh, I'll give you one last time!"

With a snap, Zhu Shi fell to the ground and covered his neck and groaned in pain.

Now she's a ghost, so she'll recover soon.

Seeing that Wu Miao was fighting for himself, Lin Chuan's heart warmed, and he took the bowl and feasted on it, muttering.

"After many years, your craftsmanship is still so amazing.

"Hey, I'm afraid I would have starved to death without you!" Wu

Miao stood in place and looked at Lin Chuan in a daze, and said with a mocking expression.

"Oh, then you're starving!"


When Lin Chuan heard this, he was stunned on the spot, and he drank a mouthful of noodle soup with a smile, and said happily.

"Dead, who can understand your craft

!" "Mountains and rivers, bosom friends are hard to find, if you don't die, I can't die!" Wu

Miao was stunned for a few seconds, then took back the empty bowl, and his tone softened.

"If you don't find the cyan flower, of course you can't die!" Zhu

Shi looked at this scene in shock, and his heart was full of confusion.

Because it was very strange to be miserable at this time, he was so patient and cooked noodles for Lin Chuan to eat.

It's ......

Maybe the breakthrough point would be Lin Chuan!

After making up his mind, Zhu Shi began to lay out the plan.

But according to the curse setting, any mental activity of the ghost cannot escape the eyes of the miserable.

As the Ghost King, he has the right to kill all ghosts.

You can also check the inner thoughts of the ghost at any time, and share the vision of the ghost.

Seeing that Zhu Shi was unpredictable, he said with a blue face.

"Hehe, you dare to kill me, it's really a crime that deserves death!" Zhu

Shi's face turned a lot paler, and he said in disbelief, "What, you, how do you know ......?"

"Hmph, I am your master, everything you have is mine, and your life is also mine

!" Hearing this, he said without misery,

"I want you to die, you have to die!" "Now I need you to help me find the cyan flower." "

I'll give you a chance to live and look for it with Lin Chuan."

After that, Wu Miao glanced at Lin Chuan and asked in a cold voice, "Have you eaten enough?"

Lin Chuan understood that Wu Miao was leaving!

In the past five hundred years, Lin Chuan has studied the notes left by the pharmacist, and Wu Miao has studied foreign languages, Chinese, English, ......

He was also gifted and soon became proficient in eight Chinese.

Lin Chuan, who was watching, was stunned for a moment, and shouted straight out.

So leaving without misery is not necessarily to eat people.

It is also possible to be a godson, or disguise yourself as someone else's husband and experience the fireworks in the world!

Lin Chuan hiccuped and praised it.

"Haha, it's really heavy, and my stomach is round again!" Hearing

this, he glanced at Lin Chuan angrily and said angrily.

"Your belly hasn't changed for five hundred years, is it strange that you will be fat?"

Lin Chuan saw Wu Miao go away, waved his hand goodbye, "Wu Miao, have a good journey

!" "Don't go crazy when you come back!"

When Wu Miao is gone, Zhu Shi didn't know when he walked behind Lin Chuan, and hid his knife in his smile.

"Hehe, it seems that you have a good relationship

!" "So worried about him as a scumbag?"

Lin Chuan waved his hand and retorted with a firm gaze, "It's not that I'm worried, but I'm very worried

!" "No one is a bad person from the beginning, and no one is a good person from the beginning!" "

Pity him for being alone in this life." "

I'm the only one with me, and I'm the only one with him!" Zhu

Shi laughed angrily when he heard this, "Hehe, do you know that

he killed someone?" "When he killed those innocent people and brutally tortured and killed infant children, would you still say that

?" "Is your heart cold?"

Lin Chuan was silent for a long time, and then slowly looked up into the distance, and said in a hoarse voice.

"My heart is red, powerful

, and hot, but so what?" "Will I be happy if I kill him

?" "Is it admired by all the people, or is there another person who is willing to accompany me forever?"

Seeing this, Zhu Shi no longer said more, but fell on the tatami mat, turned his back to Lin Chuan, and gritted his teeth.

"I will kill him, and if you have any good thoughts, please don't stop me.

Lin Chuan understood what he meant, and said with a smile.

"Haha, Miss Zhushi is really good at laughing, I'm such a good person!"

"How can I not have good thoughts?"

"As a pharmacist, I don't know how many people I have treated......"

Suddenly, a chill hit from behind.

Lin Chuan looked back and found that Zhu Shi had turned into a blue-faced and fanged demon, staring at him with red eyes.

"Damn, don't you want to be so unlucky

!" Lin Chuan said speechlessly, "No misery, can't you feed Zhu Shi first and then send it over?"

"Now that there is no one around, are you really not worried that I will be eaten by her!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Shi couldn't restrain the strong desire to eat people in his heart.

Waved a cold light towards Lin Chuan, and said in a low and strange voice.

"Eat, your meat, I want to eat meat!" Lin

Chuan glanced at the empty and lifeless house, the whole villa was just a big living person!

And this place is very remote, there is no one within a radius of several miles.

With a bang, Lin Chuan dodged, and the tatami mats were instantly torn apart by the pearl world.

Zhu Shi banged his head with both hands, and said with a painful expression, "Uh, my head hurts so much." The

roar was deafening, and Zhu Shi couldn't restrain himself again and threw himself at Lin Chuan.

Because he didn't want to hurt Zhu Shi, Lin Chuan could only run.

Lin Chuan hurriedly persuaded while running around the pillar, "Damn, don't don't, Zhu Shi, my meat is not Tang monk meat!" "

Really, I haven't taken a bath for three hours, and my body should be very smelly, which is not to your liking." "

Don't, Miss Zhu Shi, please restrain yourself!" The

only thing that responded to Lin Chuan was Zhu Shi's red eyes and green fangs.

As soon as Zhu Shi regained some sense, he begged bitterly

, "Xiao Chuan, knock me unconscious!" "I'm about to lose my restraint!"

"What's wrong with me?" Why do I want to eat people so much?"

If it weren't for revenge, Zhu Shi would have wanted Lin Chuan to kill her! Lin Chuan's

pupils shrank, and he shook his head violently and said, "It's better not to treat the symptoms than the root cause!"

Knocks you out, but the hunger pangs are still there.

"And the desire to eat people will continue to grow, and when you wake up, you will definitely bite people when you see them."

Hearing this, Zhu Shi shed two lines of tears and asked, "Is there no other way?"

Lin Chuan looked at Zhu Shi and said categorically, "Yes!" "

I tried to develop an antidote for you to reduce your desire and need to eat people."

"When the time comes, let's see if we can make you suck a small amount of human blood and you won't go crazy.

"Don't worry, you hold on, I'll bleed to you if there's no one around!".

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