"I've come to see you!" said

the lord, with a sad expression, staggering to each grave and stroking the tombstone with his hand.

When he burst into tears, the lord chatted with a friend who was a friend of life and death.

Speaking their names, word for word, and being able to speak the recent battle situation very fluently.

But it was more tragic, what Lin Chuan heard was that if one ghost is killed, more than five members of the ghost killing team will be sacrificed.

Except for Zhu, who has the strength to go head-to-head with experienced ghosts, the rest of the team members must be several people.

This is the biggest dilemma encountered by the ghost slayer team when there is no awakening breathing method.

Lin Chuan was in awe of this, every era needs heroes and the power of example.

The qualitative leap is in the breathing method.

Lin Chuan supported the lord and walked all the way, and he had a deep affection for every green mound.

Touching the tombstone is like reuniting with a dead ghost slayer member, and telling the story of the past together.

At this moment, Lin Chuan's mood sublimated again.

Seeing these green mounds, a sense of admiration arises spontaneously, and it is difficult not to be moved.

Then, Lin Chuan didn't know what kind of mood he was feeling, and he walked with the lord for a whole day.

From daylight to dusk, Lin Chuan was fine, but the lord was a little pale!

There were already signs that he couldn't hold on!

But he dragged his weak body and finished his affectionate farewell to the last tombstone.

Lin Chuan took out the recovery potion from his arms.

You can't curse, but at least you can make your lord feel better.

The coughing sound came and went, and the lord was a little embarrassed, and he looked like he was being cursed and tortured.

Lin Chuan sent the recovery potion to the mouth of the lord and explained patiently.

"Let's drink it first!"

"It's going to feel better." "


After drinking the medicine, the pale face of the lord quickly turned ruddy, but the scars on his face did not change at all.

The lord sighed, looked up at the rapidly falling remnant sun on the edge of the sky, and blamed himself.

"It's that I'm too weak to hold a knife.

"I can only watch them go to the battlefield, but I can't even collect their bodies. "

Lin Chuan, do you think I'm a waste?"

Faced with such an inquiry, Lin Chuan's heart suddenly tightened.

Then he gently patted the shoulder of the lord and said seriously.

"No, you are very strong, and being strong is not just manifested in martial arts.

"What's more important is that the lord has a strong state of mind that is far beyond ordinary people, and you will eventually become a generation of powerhouses.

"Sometimes, in the midst of strategizing, a decisive victory thousands of miles away can also turn things around. The

lord replied softly, and then smiled at Lin Chuan.

The warmth, as if bathed in the warmth of the sun, made Lin Chuan's head flutter a little.

At this moment, he understood that he couldn't leave!

Lin Chuan looked at the wisp of remnant sun in the sky, and then nodded in agreement.

"My lord, I promise!" darkness

fell, the demon opened his eyes, and there was another bloody storm outside.

In response, the lord's smile became more gentle, and the haze in his eyes seemed to dissipate a lot.

"Thank you, the Ghost Slayer Team welcomes Lin Chuan to join, and the door of the Ghost Slayer Team will always be open for you from now on. The

lord said with a firm gaze, "You can find a place to live according to your preference."

"If there is a need, just ask, the Ghost Slayer will not treat any child badly. "

In the eyes of the lord, the members of the ghost killing team are like his children, and they need to be loved.

Properly regard it as one's own, which makes people feel at home.

Lin Chuan nodded, not at all surprised by this, the salary of the ghost killing team was very high.

One month is equivalent to a year's salary for an average family.

Of course, there is still a hierarchy, as long as he becomes

a pillar, he will be economically free! And Lin Chuan directly enjoys the treatment of the pillar, of course, he definitely has this strength.

Lin Chuan smiled and nodded, and then helped the lord to rush down the mountain.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the green mound, and the tombstones exuded dazzling light.

As if watching Lin Chuan and the lord go away, the light did not disperse for a long time.

At the foot of the mountain, the two children still maintained their previous movements, and their pupils were purple and spiral, which was very beautiful.

They blinked smartly, and took the lord from Lin Chuan's hand and supported him.

"Thank you very much!" Lin

Chuan smiled with a red face in the face of kawaii's natural sound, and then pointed to the sky and said lightly.

"When night falls, let's let the lord go home first!"

"The wind blows too much, it's not good. "


After a while, Lin Chuan put his hands on the back of his head, flickering comfortably in the green mountains and green waters.

In the vast land, only Lin Chuan's figure is the most hidden and dazzling.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan was disturbed by a sound of footsteps, and the cat leaned out of the treetops.

only to find that Lord Zhu from last night was also among them, and there were several members of the ghost killing team with long knives beside him.

"Lord Zhu, the intelligence says that the ghosts there are very strong, and the crows have even died there!"

"Are we really not going to let other Lord Zhu come?" The

Demon Slayer Team should have nine pillars, but now there are very few pillars.

Lin Chuan secretly guessed that there were definitely no more than five columns now.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the two bars will go together.

Because there are ghosts in other places, and pillars are also needed.

Therefore, this trip can only be rushed by Lord Zhu.

I saw Lord Zhu shaking his head without hesitation and said, "No need!" "

Fighting a ghost is meant to have the consciousness of death, so there is nothing to worry about. "

Let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, they groped at the bottom of the mountain.

After pushing aside a large area of creepers, an arched cave was revealed.

There was a faint glow in the cave.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan smacked his tongue and said, "Damn, the secret passage they said turned out to be here!" "

No wonder it only takes a minute to cross the mountain." Seeing

them running out, Lin Chuan rubbed his jaw and found that the pillar of the Great Seal Hall was black, I am afraid that there will be a bloody disaster.


!" Lin Chuan spread his hands and said helplessly, "Forget it, follow along, what if it is not miserable!" "

In that case, it is really nowhere to find the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there."

Lin Chuan clenched his fist lightly, and there was a loud crackling sound immediately.

With a sigh, Lin Chuan disappeared in place in an instant.

But he never thought that a crow appeared on the treetops at some point, and the purple scarf around his neck fluttered ......

At this moment, a small village behind the mountains of several times.

The plaque at the head of the village has been torn apart, and blood is splattered all over the ground.

The chickens and ducks were all devastated, quacking and screaming, and human corpses were piled up beside them.

There are only a few hundred households here, but at the moment it has become a meal for ghosts.

The moon seemed to be afraid of this, and hastily hid behind the dark clouds.

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