Lin Chuan was silent for a moment, took out a pill wrapped in cloth from his arms, and slowly opened it.

A refreshing medicinal fragrance suddenly filled the room.

Generally speaking, good medicine is good for the sick.

But Lin Chuan found that if the medicine was too bitter, people would not want to eat it,

especially those swaddling children or pregnant women, so Lin Chuan made some upgrades.

Shi looked at the pale yellow pill, sniffed and clapped his hands.

"Wow, it looks so powerful, what is this?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Chuan's mouth, and then he stepped forward and handed it to Shi, and said softly.

"I would like to call it a rejuvenation pill, which can keep you young forever.

Shi Wenyan shook his head with a smile and waved his hand in disbelief.

"Mr. Pharmacist, how is this possible

?" "How can a person remain young forever?" "

Birth, old age, sickness and death are free, I understand.

"I just want to live happily together."

"So forget it!"

Seeing that the poem didn't believe it, Lin Chuan explained in a calm tone, "Everyone has their own way, it's normal."

"Since you don't believe it, there's no way, this is my intention, you can accept it first!"

And if someone gives it to you, you don't accept it and refute other people's face.

After thinking about it for a while, Shi took the pill and swallowed it slowly in front of Lin Chuan.

In an instant, Lin Chuan found that the black qi on the poem's body had become much lighter, but the purple qi had become much richer.

Lin Chuan's eyelids jumped, and his heart was shocked.

Because his pill only has the effect of rejuvenating the face

, why does it affect the fetus in the womb?

That's it, Lin Chuan quickly put this matter behind him, and sat quietly waiting for night to fall.

The poem is very talkative, and the humorous tone makes people very willing to open up to her.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the sky was completely dark.

Lin Chuan looked at the dim candlelight, which was almost out of use, and couldn't help but sigh at this.

"Miss Shi, this light is too dim, it's not good for you and your baby, I'll go find out!" Lin

Chuan said, then got up and went to the small kitchen, got two oil lamps, and added a few candles.

The room suddenly lit up.

But the spark also spread far away in the thick night.

Because there is no misery and crazy ghosts, all living beings are in danger.

So at night, most people are lying under the covers.

Don't even turn on a lamp, lest the evil spirits come for the light and eat your brain.

At this moment, a green-faced, fanged, ugly-looking demon found this place in search of light.

His arms were long, his fingers were sharp claws, and his sunken eye sockets were madly red.

There was a foul smell all over the body, and the smell of blood was very strong.

With every step he took, the ground was corroded.

Inside the house, the poem looked at the sky through the broken window, and craned her neck worriedly.

"It's so dark!"

"Yuanyi hasn't come back yet, so something won't happen, right?"

Seeing this, Lin Chuan hurriedly stepped forward to support the poem, and comforted him softly.

"Ji Guo Yuanyi will definitely not have an accident, don't worry

!" "You lie down and rest first, maybe Ji Guo Yuan will come back in a while!"

"Your body is important."

Shi glanced out of the door worriedly, how much she wished that Ji Guoyuan would stay by her side at this time!

Suddenly, Shi covered her stomach and frowned in pain, moaning in sweat.

"My stomach suddenly hurts, hiss!" Seeing

this, Lin Chuan immediately took out a medicinal bean from his arms, stuffed it into her mouth, and comforted her softly.

"It's okay, Ji Guoyuan will be back soon

!" "Don't worry!" "

With me here today, you and the fetus in your womb will be fine." Suddenly

, an eerie aura came from outside the door.

The dazzling light of the fire in the house became a signal for the evil spirits to attack at this moment.


The wooden door shattered like paper at the touch of paper, and it didn't even last for a second.

The demon broke through the door, stood up majestically, and scanned the room like a hunter.

There was only a tall, thin man, and a beautiful bedridden woman.

The evil ghost immediately weighed the pros and cons, and the nutritional value of the poem was higher than that of Lin Chuan.

As Tong Mo said, he only eats women, and mainly pregnant women.

Because that way the strength increases the fastest, so the devil is also the same.

With the unprovoked intrusion of the evil spirit, the poem also sees this uninvited guest clearly.

She blinked and shouted in horror, "Ahh

"Hurry up and get out, I'll cover this person today!" "I'm

here, I'll see if you dare to do it!" The

domineering sound wave directly turned into substance, and the wind around it also stagnated, and it fell into a deathly silence for a while.

The poet looked at the bizarre scene in front of him in a daze, and did not cry or make a fuss.

Instead, he quickly covered his stomach and curled up in a ball, wanting to use his life to save the child.

But after hearing Lin Chuan's words, she suddenly remembered that he seemed to be a pharmacist.

Can a medicine master also kill ghosts?"

The evil ghost glanced at Lin Chuan contemptuously, and scolded, "Hmph, I don't know what is dead or alive."

"Wait until I eat it with her with the little one in her womb, and then I'll come to you to settle the score." Hearing

this, Shi Shi's delicate body trembled, and he resolutely said, "No, don't hurt my child!" "No......"

The long-armed ghost showed a cruel smile when he heard this, staring at Shi and said coldly.

"Hehe, that's up to you!" As

soon as the words fell, the long-armed ghost rushed forward at a very fast speed.

The arm also lengthened with this crazy move, and pinched directly at Shi's neck.

At the last moment, Lin Chuan's eyes were cold, and his expression was gloomy.

"Stop, it seems that you are the one who dragged Wu Miao down the fire pit!" Lin

Chuan secretly said in his heart, if the poem was not dead.

There is a high probability that Jiguo Yuan will not have such a big hatred for Wu Miao.

So if there is no misery in the finale, you don't have to die!

Lin Chuan slashed forward lightly.

The hand knife was extremely sharp, and in an instant, the two arms fell to the ground in response to the sound of blood mist, and the evil ghost wailed.

After a brief period of pain, the arm grew rapidly, just as the demon was about to cry out.

Lin Chuan had already flashed in front of him at some point, revealing a smile like a Hades Lord.

Murderous intent is pervasive, a kind of coercion from that adult.

Immediately, the demon panicked, and immediately fell to his knees and begged for mercy.

"That lord, how is it possible, how is it possible?"

"Spare me, spare me!" Lin

Chuan slowly stretched out his hand, approaching the demon's Heavenly Spirit Gai, and then comforted Shi softly.

"Miss Shi, please close your eyes, the child is still young. "

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