Noticing Wu Miao's gaze, Lin Chuan naturally looked at her.

The two of them were silent for a moment, and neither of them spoke.

The surroundings were chaotic, and from time to time there were shouts and persuasions full of human feelings.

Lin Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stepped forward with a smile and a smile, naturally stroking away the remaining sugar residue at the corner of Wumiao's mouth.

The people around looked at Lin Chuan's every move with envy and hatred.

Wu Miao Zhu pursed his lips lightly, stared at Lin Chuan coldly, and said subconsciously.

"Stop, you dare to touch me......"


"Don't be angry, the wrinkles don't match your current peerless appearance. "

Let's go. Because

Lin Chuan was wearing a monkey head mask, the people around him could see it at a glance.

The one wearing the monkey head mask must have suppressed the pig's head mask

! In other words, the peerless beauty was pinched by an ordinary teenager just now!

There was a sigh around him, but he had no choice but to give up.

Because there is no misery, there is an aura of terror all over his body.

Her emaciated and erect back seemed to be able to swallow the sky and the sun, making her surroundings dull and lifeless.

Lin Chuan hurriedly walked towards the place where there was no one with Wu Miao, holding her arm, his heart pounding.

The noise of the night market gradually dissipated, and the sound of cicadas in the bamboo forest was quite charming.

A cool breeze blows through the green bamboos, bringing a burst of coolness and aroma.

Lin Chuan dragged Wu into the bamboo forest, his fingertips were slightly hot, and he quietly took off the pig's head mask on her face.

"It's not miserable, there's no one else here, I'll help you take it down first.

As soon as Lin Chuan's words fell, Wu Miao, who had not made a move for a long time, smiled coldly and said domineeringly.

"Hehe, why is your face red?"

"Lin Chuan, this is really rare

!" "If you don't pull me out, those people will all die just now!"

A cold breath came to his face, Lin Chuan tightened his clothes, turned around and took off his mask, and said in a flat tone.

"It's harmless, let them go!"

"Who called my miserable beauty as a fairy, no one can compare?" Lin

Chuan said and took a step forward, seeing that his hands were about to wrap around the light willow waist.

A killing intent instantly condensed into substance, as if a snake was spitting out and preparing to attack.

Lin Chuan's figure was stunned, and the corner of his eye saw the face of Wu Miserable Tieqing, and withdrew his hand with a smile.

"Hehe, Wu Miao, you don't think I'm flamboyant, right?"

Wu Miao frowned, and said in a cold and piercing tone, "Don't think that you can move me by doing something." "

It's really boring, since you want to feed me, go grab some thin blood

!" "Lin Chuan, this must not be a problem for you!" The

dull voice resounded throughout the bamboo forest, and the domineering coercion was like a giant's hand choking all the living creatures around.

Lin Chuan was stunned when he heard this, and slowly raised his head without being affected at all.

The sharp eyes were incomparably bright, like billions of stars swirling in the eyes.

And this also made the crumbs feel deeply disgusted, and frowned angrily.

"People are just for food, they are just a flock of lambs to the slaughter!" Lin

Chuan breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and resolutely stretched out his hand, and the thunder flashed.

Wu Miao threw out eight tentacles in an instant, the power was huge, but it could hit Lin Chuan's hands, but it could not reduce his offensive in the slightest.

Not surprisingly, Lin Chuan grabbed the miserable willow waist and took the initiative to stand in front of her.

A person and a ghost are close at hand, but the heart is far away from the world.

Lin Chuan seemed to understand something, this miserable thing is a ruthless thing.

If there is any affection, it is only tyranny, cruelty, anger, and jealousy.

Lin Chuan exerted his strength slightly, and there was a dense and terrifying clicking sound in his body, and several ribs were directly broken.

Looking at the entire Demon Slayer, the blade is also quite explosive.

Wu Miao's pupils shrank and he said viciously, "Lin Chuan, bastard, let go!" As

we all know, Wu Miao has no pain, but he is afraid of death.

Lin Chuan's power just now made Wu Miao see clearly what kind of monster he was facing.

Damn, he's not under me, why?

Obviously, I'm gradually getting stronger, right?

Lin Chuan let go of his hand with a smile, and took out a small medicine bottle from his arms, which was filled with Qi and Blood Pills.

"What are you going to do

?" Wu Miao was confused, but he was too suspicious and suspicious, "What is this?"

"Qi and Blood Pill

!" After taking a sip of the bottle, Lin Chuan replied softly, "Wu Miao, you are really crumbling!" "

It's just that your playful appearance is so cute." Wu

Yan froze directly in place, completely unable to understand what kind of logic this Lin Chuan was.

In the next second, the qi and blood in Lin Chuan's body skyrocketed, and his face was much more ruddy, like a big red apple.

Wu Miao was about to tease, but Lin Chuan grabbed him and hugged him fiercely.

Because of the large amount of Qi and Blood Pill, Lin Chuan's blood production speed at the moment was very fast.

So Lin Chuan thought to himself, this little bit of blood should be enough to have a full meal without misery! Lin

Chuan quietly nodded towards the red lips that he was thinking about, just a little water.

The red lips are pink, moist, with a hint of aura, which makes people can't help but want to kiss Fangze.

Seeing that Wu Miao's resistance was fierce, Lin Chuan said calmly in ventriloquism, "It'll be fine in a while!" Lin Chuan

bit the tip of his tongue as concocted, sending blood into Wu Miao's mouth like a spring.

The fierce resistance of Wu Miao was gradually transformed into true fragrance with the moisturization of the blood on the tip of the tongue.

Although Lin Chuan's blood is not thin blood, that blood is not comparable to ordinary people.

I slept ...... night


Lin Chuan slept on the bed half-naked, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Looking up at the window screen, Lin Chuan, who was stinging by the scorching sun, almost couldn't open his eyes.


"Why is there such a strong smell of alcohol, is it true that what happened yesterday?"

Lin Chuan shook his head, two images appeared in his mind.

One is to accompany Wu Wu on the street, and the subsequent actions are a little crazy, but nothing happens.

The other is that he drank a can of wine by his own ghost

, and then he fell unconscious! Lin Chuan hurriedly took out the small medicine bottle from his arms, and wanted to take out the Qi and Blood Pill to take a look, but found that the weight was seriously wrong.

Lin Chuan covered his head, his shocked eyes lit up and said, "Good guy, did I really talk to Wu Miao last night?"

"Blood on the tip of the tongue!"

"Forget it, it's no wonder that the master said this."

Lin Chuan got up and washed up, and after he was in good spirits, the context of last night's events gradually became clear again! Last night

, the fact was crazy, taking the ghost king, hugging his wife, kissing Fang Ze, every step was touching the tiger's buttocks.

Lin Chuan shook his head, quickly threw this miscellaneous matter out of his mind, and then smacked his tongue.

"Next, Jiguo Yansheng is also coming soon!".

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