Ji Guoyuan took the Rilun knife from Lin Chuan's hand, his eyes were moist, and he gently rubbed the blade.

He and Jiguo Yan Shengnai are the best brothers, which is the envy of others.

In the ghost killing team, it is also the existence of the sun and the moon, but now things are different from people and have become hostile camps.

This strong sense of disparity is no less than drawing a bloody hole in the heart of Jiguoyuan.

He ...... Were you there when my brother went?" Ji

Guoyuan clenched the hilt of his knife and muttered in shock.

"Did he do it voluntarily?" As

a god who crushes the ghost king in all aspects, Ji Guoyuan is unbelievable.

The fact that the brother who used to take care of himself has become a ghost.

Lin Chuan had expected it, so he picked up the Black Death Mou's Sun Wheel Knife in advance and put it away.

Just to give Ji Guoyuan a look, and by the way, tell him a few heartfelt words.

Lin Chuan looked intently at Ji Guoyuanyi's eyes, and said with a heavy heart.

"Yes, he did it voluntarily.

"But he also remembered that he was your brother, and he just wanted to live.

Lin Chuan patted Jiguo Yuanyi's shoulder and said in a loud voice.

"He doesn't want to die in a daze at the age of twenty-five, he doesn't want to be the strongest samurai, he doesn't want to be unable to protect you.

"So in the end he escaped into the devil and became a ghost, which is inevitable and accidental. Hearing

this, Ji Guoyuan's body was shocked, and his eyes flashed and he asked.

"Didn't Pharmacist Lin Chuan give him the Immortal Pill

?" "Isn't it still possible to live?"

"Brother is confused!" Lin

Chuan said like a fish in his throat, "Yes, he is confused, at least he once loved you."

"On the night I gave it to him, he mixed it with food for you to eat. At

this moment, Ji Guoyuanyi seems to be growing his brain again.

He turned his head to look at Lin Chuandao in disbelief.

"My elder brother, I made him pay by mistake!" Ji

Guoyuanyi felt deep remorse, and beat his chest and said with ruddy eyes.

"It's my fault!"

Therefore, Jiguo Yansheng has come to this point, and he also has the responsibility of Jiguo Yuanyi.

Lin Chuan took out a handkerchief and slowly wiped away the tears that overflowed Jiguoyuan, and said with a serious face.

"It's none of your business, no one expected this, don't take any responsibility on yourself. "

Through the behavior of Jiguo Yuanyi, Lin Chuan really found that he was very similar to Tanjiro.

They all like to take the responsibility on themselves, even if they lose in the face of a powerful enemy, they all blame themselves.

Ji Guoyuan was silent for a long time, and then reluctantly put down his brother's Rilun knife and wrapped it gently in a cloth.

Then Ji Guoyuan looked at Lin Chuan with sharp eyes or two, and said sonorously and powerfully.

"Pharmacist Lin Chuan, thank you, from now on I will teach you the breathing method and the breath of the sun.

Lin Chuan nodded, and then stood in a good position on the side, ready to watch the next amazing scene.

The breath of the sun is the source of the breathing method, and it is 100% gorgeous and powerful.

Every move and style is very amazing, it can be said to be art, and it is very appreciative.

Just like in the ancient times of Lin Chuan's previous life, some people danced swords for fun.

Ji Guoyuan walked to the wasteland and pulled out his own Nichiren knife, and with a sonorous sound, a flame rose into the sky.

The brilliant firelight made Lin Chuan involuntarily clench his fists and study with bated breath.

As soon as the sound of the "Breath of the Sun One Shape: Round Dance"

as loud as a bell fell, Ji Guoyuan shot out in an instant, slashing forward with an arc of slashes wrapped in flames.

This move is extremely shocking, and it is even bigger and more amazing than what you see in the Demon Slayer Blade.

"The Breath of the Sun Type 2 - Biluo Tian", "The Breath

of the Sun 3 Type - Scorching Sun Red Mirror

" and "......"

Lin Chuan learned quickly, and through his powerful memory, he imprinted all the moves and formulas of Ji Guoyuan into his mind.

Kamado Tanyoshi has a strong talent and belief, so he can watch it once.

And Lin Chuan memorized it all by relying on his open-like memory and brain capacity.

A few hours later, Lin Chuan's breath was quietly transforming.

He is also like a sun, and he will slash a terrifying and amazing blow with a casual shot.

Because Lin Chuan is invincible, the breath of the sun he learned is different from that of Jiguo Yuanyi.

For example, when Lin Chuan launched his sword technique, what he shouted was.

"Breath of the Sun Invincible Level, Type One - Round Dance", "Breath of the Sun Invincible Level, Type II - Biluo Heaven", "Breath of the Sun Invincible

Level, Type 3 Sun Red Mirror"


The rest of the "Sun Breath Invincible Level"

is to release all the previous twelve forms together.

In just a few hours, Lin Chuan has learned all and comprehensively crushed Jiguo Yuanyi.

After seeing Lin Chuan's understanding, Ji Guoyuan smiled gently.

He had a hunch that Lin Chuan would be the key to killing Wu Miao.

Ji Guoyuan never felt that he was a savior, he was just a mortal, just a corner of peace.

But it wasn't until he met Lin Chuan that the matter changed a lot.

Ji Guoyuan warmly applauded and congratulated Lin Chuan, applauded thunderously, and praised him.

"Very powerful, Lin Chuan Yakushi is really the dragon of the era, and he will definitely play a pivotal role in future battles.

"Please also save the world from this scourge for the sake of the future.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan withdrew the Rilun knife and gently rubbed the blade and hilt, muttering as if he were a treasure.

"If that day comes, I'll make a choice.

"But I still think it would be nice if we could win both of them.

Ji Guoyuan nodded a little, and then looked at the starry sky, and said calmly.

"After all, men and ghosts are opposites, unless they stop doing evil and eat people recklessly.

"Knowing the true meaning of life, the man and the ghost can live like friends.

"But most of the ghosts I met were ugly and couldn't get along peacefully.

When Lin Chuan heard this, he smiled and said, "Yes, what Ji Guoyuan said is right, and there will be a butterfly girl in the future who said the same."

This time, Lin Chuan did not go to sleep, but sat on the threshold with Ji Guoyuan, watching the ebb and flow of the tide.

Lin Chuan told Ji Guoyuan about his survival for 600 years, and told him everything about Wu Miao.

"Master said that Wu Miao is a miserable person who suffers from the daily threat of death, which leads to psychological distortion. Hearing

this, Ji Guoyuan blinked his sharp eyes and retorted sharply.

"Everyone has had misfortunes, everyone has the right to blacken, but all living beings are innocent.

"Since Wu Miao has eaten so many people and done things that hurt heaven and reason, he naturally can't be kept.

"Lin Chuan pharmacist accompanies you like a tiger, it's better for you to stay away from the ghost dance Tsuji. Hearing

this, Lin Chuan shook his head firmly and sighed softly.

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