I’m Invincible From the Beginning

Chapter 864: Secret meeting

I really didn't expect that the dignified Qing emperor would be embarrassed by a dress.

Cheng Hao stood there and fiddled with Rumei's clothes for a long time, but he didn't even figure out how to wear it!

It's not that he can't put women's clothing on the upper body. The upper body can be upper body. It's just that the big family have more rules, especially women's clothing. What does the maid's clothing look like? Which side of the placket should be held down, where should the streamer be placed, and what kind of accessories to use, I don't know at all.

Cheng Hao feels a bit regretful that he knocked both maids fainted, or else, wake one up?

forget it……

As the Qing Emperor, Cheng Hao was actually quite resistant to becoming a female. He didn't want to be seen by others, so he knocked out the two girls as soon as he came in.

But right now... hey?

When Cheng Hao was embarrassed, he suddenly saw that there was a very capable-looking man's outfit beside Rumei's clothes, which seemed to have just been replaced by her.

It’s just that the shoes are a bit special, with soft cushions inside, which look like a pair of dancing shoes?

Yes, yes, this Rumei Bacheng had just wore men's clothes and went out to dance to the other party, and now he came back to change clothes.

This is not surprising. Men and women in the human world will take great precautions tens of thousands of years later. Generally, there are no male and female operas and songs performed together. Most of them are all female.

When a male role is needed in the opera, a female guest is used. For example, Mei is tall, and I think she just played a male role.

Cheng Hao simply took the men's suit in his hand and changed it, as if she hadn’t changed her clothes when she came back, it is estimated that the other party would not be able to see the flaws.


After changing his clothes, Cheng Hao went to randomly find some refreshments, put them on the tray, and walked towards the core courtyard of the inner courtyard.

Sure enough, when he approached here this time, no one doubted him, so he stepped into it smoothly. Cheng Hao looked for a corner where no one was there, and stood quietly in a hidden way, if someone didn’t come here to stare at him. , Then most people will ignore his existence.

"Zhao Feng is here to die?"

In the inner courtyard, there are obviously some things being discussed. There are two people sitting on the main seat. They are not the Qin Yan who Cheng Hao has met once, but two high-ranking martial emperors.

One of them looked at the age of forty, with a carefully trimmed beard hanging down on his chest.

The other person is a young woman, with dark red eyeshadow on the corners of her eyes, making her look quite charming and enchanting. This will be lazily listening with her hand on her chin.

The other four Wu Huangs, a handsome young man in his twenties, and the other three were middle-aged dozens of years old, including Qin Yan, who were all sitting on one side.

The rest of the other people are even more amazing, and they have all kinds of dresses.

Some dressed in medical doctors' clothes, some dressed up as hawkers altogether, and even soldiers dressed in the costumes of officers and soldiers of the county government.

It seems that the Guanghai Gate has penetrated quite deep into Yanying County, and even penetrated into the three major families.

Cheng Hao saw a person who was obviously dressed as a servant of the Fang family sitting in the table.

"Huh, then Zhao Fenglai is just a rubbish. It's not their Zhao family, but it is a useful family in the periphery of Guanghaimen.

, How can he have a relationship with us? If he died, he died, and it was he himself who went to provoke that Yang Yuqing, and he deserved it. "

The high-ranking female martial arts emperor's voice was faint, as if she didn't care about Zhao Fenglai's death at all.

The male martial emperor looked at Qin Yan and said, "Your people have been lurking in Yanying County for so long, but there is news? Who killed Zhao Feng?"

Qin Yan hurriedly arched his hands, with a look of horror on his face: "If we return to the light envoy, we only know that Zhao Fenglai was killed in the Bai family. As for who made the hand... I didn't see it. It is said that Zhao Fenglai died shortly after Miss Yang came to the door, and she is inseparable from Miss Yang if she wants to come."

"Yang Yuqing?" The Empress sneered, "I've seen that girl, she is a good boy, and her talent is not bad, but because of her soft temper, it's hard to kill a chicken if you tell her to kill. "

"Yes, yes, what Deputy Envoy Yan said is that I am also wondering who did this." Qin Yan hurriedly communicated.

The light envoy male martial emperor pondered for a moment and said, "Couldn't it be Yang Yuqing's guard Zeng Xian'er who started it?"

Deputy Envoy Yan said with a smile: "I said Han Cheng, your news is too bad, Zeng Xian'er had been severely injured when Zhao Feng came to arrest Yang Yuqing, and is still in a coma in the hotel."

Speaking and glanced down, a man dressed as a small second stood up and said respectfully: "Tell the light envoy, the deputy envoy, that it is true. Zeng Xian'er has been in a coma and has never been awakened."

Cheng Hao felt a bit cool in his back, he could recognize this little second!

I gave them in the store before

I sent tea! At that time, even Cheng Hao's eyes could not tell that this person possessed cultivation skills!

But now, looking again, this person turned out to be a novice martial king with a strong cultivation base!

It seems that this Guanghai Gate really has some ways, and the means of hiding power is even invisible to his Azure Emperor. It's amazing! It's amazing!

The Guangming envoy frowned slightly when he heard it: "It's not Yang Yuqing or Zeng Xian'er, so who can kill Zhao Fenglai? Didn't he still bring the one who chased the wind by his side?"

"Hui Guangshi, this matter, this matter..." The little second stammered a little, as if he was hesitant to speak.

The deputy officer Yan said impatiently: "Just let it go if you have a fart, do you stutter for it?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Er shivered and hurriedly said: "Subordinates, subordinates who suspect the attacker may be related to Fang Rubai!"

"Fang Rubai?" Deputy Envoy Yan was taken aback, then looked at the Envoy of Light, both of them had a blank expression, apparently they had never heard the name.

But Qin Yan scolded: "Nonsense! That Fang Rubai is a famous waste in Yanying County, how could it have anything to do with him!"

"Ha! It turned out to be him!" Hearing Qin Yan uttering the word waste, Deputy Yan made his face relaxed, as if he remembered who Fang Rubai was.

At the moment he smiled and waved his hand: "Impossible, impossible, how can a person with broken veins have such great ability? Besides, even if his meridians are intact, how old is the Fang family second boy in a few years? Why? Can you kill Zhao Fenglai and Baili Chasing the wind?"

Xiao Er's complexion turned blue, and he shivered: "Subordinates, subordinates..."

Deputy Officer Yan smiled and said, "The news is inaccurate, please stop.

Arm, this is the rule. Go down and get the penalty yourself. "

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